examples/async.rb in swift-0.4.3 vs examples/async.rb in swift-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -17,39 +17,44 @@
sample = DATA.read.split(/\n/).map {|v| v.split(/\t+/) }
puts '-- insert --'
ins = db.prepare('insert into users(name, email) values(?, ?)')
- 10.times {|n| ins.execute(*sample[n%3]) }
+ 9.times {|n| ins.execute(*sample[n%3]) }
+sleep_clause = {
+ Swift::DB::Postgres => "case length(pg_sleep(%s)::text) when 0 then '%s' else '%s' end as sleep",
+ Swift::DB::Mysql => "if (sleep(%s), '%s', '%s') as sleep"
puts '-- select 9 times with a pool of size 5 --'
Swift.trace false
Swift.pool(5) do |db|
(1..9).each do |n|
pause = '%0.3f' % ((20-n)/20.0)
- pause = "case length(pg_sleep(#{pause})::text) when 0 then '#{pause}' else '' end as sleep"
- db.execute("select #{pause}, * from users where id = ?", n) {|r| p r.first }
+ pause = sleep_clause[adapter] % 3.times.map { pause }
+ db.execute("select *, #{pause} from users where id = ?", n) {|r| p r.first }
Swift.trace true
puts '-- multiple pools: size 2, size 1 --'
EM.run {
pool1 = Swift.pool(2)
pool2 = Swift.pool(1)
- pool1.execute("select * from users limit 5 offset 0") do |rs|
+ pool1.execute("select * from users limit 3 offset 0") do |rs|
puts '-- Inside pool1 #callback --'
rs.each {|r| p r }
- pool1.execute("select * from users limit 5 offset 5") do |rs|
+ pool1.execute("select * from users limit 3 offset 3") do |rs|
puts '-- Inside pool1 #callback again --'
rs.each {|r| p r }
- pool2.execute("select * from users limit 5 offset 10") do |rs|
+ pool2.execute("select * from users limit 3 offset 6") do |rs|
puts '-- Inside pool2 #callback --'
rs.each {|r| p r }