lib/svmkit/kernel_approximation/rbf.rb in svmkit-0.1.1 vs lib/svmkit/kernel_approximation/rbf.rb in svmkit-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -4,127 +4,123 @@
module SVMKit
# Module for kernel approximation algorithms.
module KernelApproximation
# Class for RBF kernel feature mapping.
+ # @example
# transformer = 1.0, n_coponents: 128, random_seed: 1)
# new_training_samples = transformer.fit_transform(training_samples)
# new_testing_samples = transformer.transform(testing_samples)
- # * *Refernce*:
- # - A. Rahimi and B. Recht, "Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines," Proc. NIPS'07, pp.1177--1184, 2007.
+ # *Refernce*:
+ # 1. A. Rahimi and B. Recht, "Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines," Proc. NIPS'07, pp.1177--1184, 2007.
class RBF
include Base::BaseEstimator
include Base::Transformer
- DEFAULT_PARAMS = { # :nodoc:
+ # @!visibility private
gamma: 1.0,
n_components: 128,
random_seed: nil
- # The random matrix for transformation.
- attr_reader :random_mat # :nodoc:
+ # Return the random matrix for transformation.
+ # @return [NMatrix] (shape: [n_features, n_components])
+ attr_reader :random_mat
- # The random vector for transformation.
- attr_reader :random_vec # :nodoc:
+ # Return the random vector for transformation.
+ # @return [NMatrix] (shape: [1, n_components])
+ attr_reader :random_vec
- # The random generator for transformation.
- attr_reader :rng # :nodoc:
+ # Return the random generator for transformation.
+ # @return [Random]
+ attr_reader :rng
- # Creates a new transformer for mapping to RBF kernel feature space.
+ # Create a new transformer for mapping to RBF kernel feature space.
- # call-seq:
- # new(gamma: 1.0, n_components: 128, random_seed: 1) -> RBF
+ # @overload new(gamma: 1.0, n_components: 128, random_seed: 1) -> RBF
- # * *Arguments* :
- # - +:gamma+ (Float) (defaults to: 1.0) -- The parameter of RBF kernel: exp(-gamma * x^2)
- # - +:n_components+ (Integer) (defaults to: 128) -- The number of dimensions of the RBF kernel feature space.
- # - +:random_seed+ (Integer) (defaults to: nil) -- The seed value using to initialize the random generator.
+ # @param gamma [Float] (defaults to: 1.0) The parameter of RBF kernel: exp(-gamma * x^2).
+ # @param n_components [Integer] (defaults to: 128) The number of dimensions of the RBF kernel feature space.
+ # @param random_seed [Integer] (defaults to: nil) The seed value using to initialize the random generator.
def initialize(params = {})
self.params = DEFAULT_PARAMS.merge(Hash[ { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }])
self.params[:random_seed] ||= srand
@rng =[:random_seed])
@random_mat = nil
@random_vec = nil
# Fit the model with given training data.
- # call-seq:
- # fit(x) -> RBF
+ # @overload fit(x) -> RBF
- # * *Arguments* :
- # - +x+ (NMatrix, shape: [n_samples, n_features]) -- The training data to be used for fitting the model. This method uses only the number of features of the data.
- # * *Returns* :
- # - The learned transformer itself.
+ # @param x [NMatrix] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The training data to be used for fitting the model.
+ # This method uses only the number of features of the data.
+ # @return [RBF] The learned transformer itself.
def fit(x, _y = nil)
n_features = x.shape[1]
params[:n_components] = 2 * n_features if params[:n_components] <= 0
@random_mat = rand_normal([n_features, params[:n_components]]) * (2.0 * params[:gamma])**0.5
n_half_components = params[:n_components] / 2
@random_vec = NMatrix.zeros([1, params[:n_components] - n_half_components]).hconcat(
NMatrix.ones([1, n_half_components]) * (0.5 * Math::PI)
- #@random_vec = rand_uniform([1, self.params[:n_components]]) * (2.0 * Math::PI)
# Fit the model with training data, and then transform them with the learned model.
- # call-seq:
- # fit_transform(x) -> NMatrix
+ # @overload fit_transform(x) -> NMatrix
- # * *Arguments* :
- # - +x+ (NMatrix, shape: [n_samples, n_features]) -- The training data to be used for fitting the model.
- # * *Returns* :
- # - The transformed data (NMatrix, shape: [n_samples, n_components]).
+ # @param x [NMatrix] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The training data to be used for fitting the model.
+ # @return [NMatrix] (shape: [n_samples, n_components]) The transformed data
def fit_transform(x, _y = nil)
# Transform the given data with the learned model.
- # call-seq:
- # transform(x) -> NMatrix
+ # @overload transform(x) -> NMatrix
- # * *Arguments* :
- # - +x+ (NMatrix, shape: [n_samples, n_features]) -- The data to be transformed with the learned model.
- # * *Returns* :
- # - The transformed data (NMatrix, shape: [n_samples, n_components]).
+ # @param x [NMatrix] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The data to be transformed with the learned model.
+ # @return [NMatrix] (shape: [n_samples, n_components]) The transformed data.
def transform(x)
n_samples, = x.shape
projection = + @random_vec.repeat(n_samples, 0)
projection.sin * ((2.0 / params[:n_components])**0.5)
- # Serializes object through Marshal#dump.
- def marshal_dump # :nodoc:
+ # Dump marshal data.
+ # @return [Hash] The marshal data about RBF.
+ def marshal_dump
{ params: params,
random_mat: Utils.dump_nmatrix(@random_mat),
random_vec: Utils.dump_nmatrix(@random_vec),
rng: @rng }
- # Deserialize object through Marshal#load.
- def marshal_load(obj) # :nodoc:
+ # Load marshal data.
+ # @return [nil]
+ def marshal_load(obj)
self.params = obj[:params]
@random_mat = Utils.restore_nmatrix(obj[:random_mat])
@random_vec = Utils.restore_nmatrix(obj[:random_vec])
@rng = obj[:rng]
# Generate the uniform random matrix with the given shape.
- def rand_uniform(shape) # :nodoc:
+ def rand_uniform(shape)
rnd_vals = { @rng.rand }, rnd_vals, dtype: :float64, stype: :dense)
# Generate the normal random matrix with the given shape, mean, and standard deviation.
- def rand_normal(shape, mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0) # :nodoc:
+ def rand_normal(shape, mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0)
a = rand_uniform(shape)
b = rand_uniform(shape)
((a.log * -2.0).sqrt * (b * 2.0 * Math::PI).sin) * sigma + mu