spec/resource_spec.rb in survey-gizmo-ruby-1.0.5 vs spec/resource_spec.rb in survey-gizmo-ruby-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,120 +1,146 @@
-require "spec_helper"
-describe "Survey Gizmo Resource" do
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'Survey Gizmo Resource' do
describe SurveyGizmo::Resource do
before(:each) do
- SurveyGizmo.setup(:user => 'test@test.com', :password => 'password')
+ SurveyGizmo.setup(user: 'test@test.com', password: 'password')
- let(:described_class) { SurveyGizmoSpec::ResourceTest }
- let(:create_attributes){ {:title => 'Spec', :test_id => 5} }
- let(:get_attributes) { create_attributes.merge(:id => 1) }
- let(:update_attributes){ {:title => 'Updated'} }
- let(:first_params){ {:id => 1, :test_id => 5} }
+ let(:described_class) { SurveyGizmoSpec::ResourceTest }
+ let(:create_attributes) { {title: 'Spec', test_id: 5} }
+ let(:update_attributes) { {title: 'Updated'} }
+ let(:first_params) { {id: 1, test_id: 5} }
+ let(:get_attributes) { create_attributes.merge(id: 1) }
- :get => '/test/1',
- :create => '/test/5/resource',
- :update => '/test/5/resource/1',
- :delete => '/test/5/resource/1'
+ get: '/test/1',
+ create: '/test/5/resource',
+ update: '/test/5/resource/1',
+ delete: '/test/5/resource/1'
- it "#new?" do
- described_class.new.should be_new
- end
it '#reload' do
stub_request(:get, /#{@base}/).to_return(json_response(true, get_attributes))
obj = described_class.new(get_attributes.merge(update_attributes))
- obj.attributes.reject{|k,v| v.blank? }.should == get_attributes.merge(update_attributes)
+ obj.attributes.reject {|k,v| v.blank? }.should == get_attributes.merge(update_attributes)
- obj.attributes.reject{|k,v| v.blank? }.should == get_attributes
+ obj.attributes.reject {|k,v| v.blank? }.should == get_attributes
- it '#valid?'
- it "should raise an error if params are missing" do
+ it 'should raise an error if params are missing' do
lambda {
- SurveyGizmoSpec::ResourceTest.destroy(:test_id => 5)
- }.should raise_error(SurveyGizmo::URLError, 'Missing parameters in request: `:id`')
+ SurveyGizmoSpec::ResourceTest.destroy(test_id: 5)
+ }.should raise_error(SurveyGizmo::URLError, 'Missing RESTful parameters in request: `:id`')
it_should_behave_like 'an API object'
it_should_behave_like 'an object with errors'
+ context '#convert_filters_into_query_string' do
+ let(:page) { 2 }
+ let(:filters) { {page: page, filters: [{field: 'istestdata', operator: '<>', value: 1}] }}
+ it 'should generate the correct page request' do
+ expect(SurveyGizmoSpec::ResourceTest.convert_filters_into_query_string(page: page)).to eq("?page=#{page}")
+ end
+ it 'should generate the correct filter fragment' do
+ expect(SurveyGizmoSpec::ResourceTest.convert_filters_into_query_string(filters)).to eq("?filter%5Bfield%5D%5B0%5D=istestdata&filter%5Boperator%5D%5B0%5D=%3C%3E&filter%5Bvalue%5D%5B0%5D=1&page=#{page}")
+ end
+ end
describe SurveyGizmo::API::Survey do
- let(:create_attributes){ {:title => 'Spec', :type => 'survey', :status => 'In Design'} }
- let(:get_attributes) { create_attributes.merge(:id => 1234) }
- let(:update_attributes){ {:title => 'Updated'} }
- let(:first_params){ {:id => 1234} }
+ let(:create_attributes) { { title: 'Spec', type: 'survey', status: 'In Design' } }
+ let(:get_attributes) { create_attributes.merge(first_params) }
+ let(:update_attributes) { { title: 'Updated'} }
+ let(:first_params) { { id: 1234} }
h = { :create => '/survey' }
h.default = '/survey/1234'
it_should_behave_like 'an API object'
it_should_behave_like 'an object with errors'
+ it 'should parse the number of completed records correctly' do
+ survey = described_class.new('statistics' => [['Partial', 2], ['Disqualified', 28], ['Complete', 15]])
+ expect(survey.number_of_completed_responses).to eq(15)
+ end
describe SurveyGizmo::API::Question do
- let(:create_attributes){ {:survey_id => 1234, :page_id => 1, :title => 'Spec Question', :type => 'radio', :properties => {"required" => true, "option_sort" => false} } }
- let(:get_attributes) {
- create_attributes.merge(:id => 1)
- }
- let(:update_attributes){ {:survey_id => 1234, :page_id => 1, :title => 'Updated'} }
- let(:first_params){ {:id => 1, :survey_id => 1234, :page_id => 1} }
- let(:uri_paths){
+ let(:base_params) { {survey_id: 1234, page_id: 1} }
+ let(:create_attributes) { base_params.merge(title: 'Spec Question', type: 'radio', properties: {'required' => true, 'option_sort' => false}) }
+ let(:update_attributes) { base_params.merge(title: 'Updated') }
+ let(:first_params) { base_params.merge(id: 1) }
+ let(:get_attributes) { create_attributes.merge(id: 1) }
+ let(:uri_paths) {
{ :get => '/survey/1234/surveyquestion/1',
:create => '/survey/1234/surveypage/1/surveyquestion',
:update => '/survey/1234/surveypage/1/surveyquestion/1',
:delete => '/survey/1234/surveypage/1/surveyquestion/1'
it_should_behave_like 'an API object'
it_should_behave_like 'an object with errors'
- it "should handle the title hash returned from the API" do
- @question = described_class.new('title' => {'English' => 'Some title'})
- @question.title.should == 'Some title'
+ it 'should handle the title hash returned from the API' do
+ expect(described_class.new('title' => {'English' => 'Some title'}).title).to eq('Some title')
- it "should handle the _subtype key" do
- @question = described_class.new(:_subtype => 'radio')
- @question.type.should == 'radio'
+ it 'should handle the _subtype key' do
+ described_class.new(:_subtype => 'radio').type.should == 'radio'
+ it 'should have no subquestions' do
+ expect(described_class.new().sub_questions).to eq([])
+ end
+ it 'should find the survey' do
+ stub_request(:get, /#{@base}\/survey\/1234/).to_return(json_response(true, get_attributes))
+ described_class.new(base_params).survey
+ a_request(:get, /#{@base}\/survey\/1234/).should have_been_made
+ end
+ context 'with subquestions' do
+ let(:parent_id) { 33 }
+ let(:question_with_subquestions) { described_class.new(id: parent_id, survey_id: 1234, sub_question_skus: [1, 2])}
+ it 'should have 2 subquestions and they should have the right parent question' do
+ stub_request(:get, /#{@base}/).to_return(json_response(true, get_attributes))
+ expect(question_with_subquestions.sub_questions.size).to eq(2)
+ question_with_subquestions.sub_questions.first.parent_question
+ a_request(:get, /#{@base}\/survey\/1234\/surveyquestion\/#{parent_id}/).should have_been_made
+ end
+ end
describe SurveyGizmo::API::Option do
- let(:create_attributes){ {:survey_id => 1234, :page_id => 1, :question_id => 1, :title => 'Spec Question', :value => 'Spec Answer'} }
- let(:get_attributes) {
- create_attributes.merge(:id => 1)
- }
- let(:update_attributes){ {:survey_id => 1234, :page_id => 1, :question_id => 1, :title => 'Updated'} }
- let(:first_params){ {:id => 1, :survey_id => 1234, :page_id => 1, :question_id => 1} }
- let(:uri_paths){
+ let(:survey_and_page) { {survey_id: 1234, page_id: 1} }
+ let(:create_attributes) { survey_and_page.merge(question_id: 1, title: 'Spec Question', value: 'Spec Answer') }
+ let(:update_attributes) { survey_and_page.merge(question_id: 1, title: 'Updated') }
+ let(:first_params) { survey_and_page.merge(id: 1, question_id: 1) }
+ let(:get_attributes) { create_attributes.merge(id: 1) }
+ let(:uri_paths) {
h = { :create => '/survey/1234/surveypage/1/surveyquestion/1/surveyoption' }
h.default = '/survey/1234/surveypage/1/surveyquestion/1/surveyoption/1'
it_should_behave_like 'an API object'
it_should_behave_like 'an object with errors'
describe SurveyGizmo::API::Page do
- let(:create_attributes){ {:survey_id => 1234, :title => {'English' => 'Spec Page'}} }
- let(:get_attributes) {
- create_attributes.merge(:id => 1)
- }
- let(:update_attributes){ {:survey_id => 1234, :title => 'Updated'} }
- let(:first_params){ {:id => 1, :survey_id => 1234 } }
+ let(:create_attributes) { {:survey_id => 1234, :title => {'English' => 'Spec Page'}} }
+ let(:get_attributes) { create_attributes.merge(:id => 1) }
+ let(:update_attributes) { {:survey_id => 1234, :title => 'Updated'} }
+ let(:first_params) { {:id => 1, :survey_id => 1234 } }
h = { :create => '/survey/1234/surveypage' }
h.default = '/survey/1234/surveypage/1'