todo in surrogate-0.6.0 vs todo in surrogate-0.6.1

- old
+ new

@@ -1,42 +1,34 @@ Urgent (things I want to do immediately, formatted as the git commits I will use) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * be smart enough to handle method missing -* still check method args, even when value is overridden * tests around the error messages of types * Substitutability can check argument names * substitute_for should not depend on rspec-expectations * Error messages on blocks are actually useful -* Defined methods params must match arguments (BREAKING CHANGE) -* Update the readme (new syntax, and move the script into the changelog) * error message "Doesn't know initialize, only knows " <-- fix that shit -* blocks assertions can specify raising TODO (next up after urgent, these will happen whenever I get around to it) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Eventually it should be smart enough to not ignore natively implemented code with a [[:req]] argument * Remove dependency on all of RSpec and only depend on rspec-core, then have AC tests for the other shit * Add a better explanation for motivations * Figure out whether I'm supposed to be using clone or dup for the object -.^ (looks like there may also be an `initialize_copy` method I can take advantage of instead of crazy stupid shit I'm doing now) -* don't blow up when delegating to the Object#initialize with args (do I still want this, or do I want to force arity matching (and maybe even variable name matching)?) * config: rspec_mocks loaded, whether unprepared blocks should raise or just return nil * extract surrogate/rspec into its own gem -* support subset-substitutabilty not being able to touch real methods (e.g. #respond_to?) * make substitutability matcher go either way * make substitutability matcher not care whether either are surrogates -* Add support for operators Future Features (Things that probably should eventually happen, but not anytime soon unless I get really inspired to work on this shit) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Can endow a class multiple times, results aggregate instead of override * figure out how to talk about callbacks like #on_success -* have some sort of reinitialization that can hook into setup/teardown steps of test suite -* Support arity checking as part of substitutability +* have some sort of reinitialization that can hook into setup/teardown steps of test suite (maybe, or maybe I'm happy with what I have) * Ability to disassociate the method name from the test (e.g. you shouldn't need to change a test just because you change a name) * ability to declare normal methods as being part of the API * ability to declare a define that uses the overridden method as the body, but can still act like an api method * assertions for order of invocations & methods * class generator? (supports a top-down style of development for when you write your mocks before you write your implementations)