lib/sup/thread.rb in sup-0.0.8 vs lib/sup/thread.rb in sup-0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,27 +1,31 @@
-## Herein is all the code responsible for threading messages. I use an
-## online version of the JWZ threading algorithm:
+## Herein lies all the code responsible for threading messages. It's
+## basically an online version of the JWZ threading algorithm:
-## I certainly didn't implement it for efficiency, but thanks to our
-## search engine backend, it's typically not applied to very many
-## messages at once.
+## I didn't implement it for efficiency, but thanks to our search
+## engine backend, it's typically not applied to very many messages at
+## once.
+## At the top level, we have a ThreadSet, which represents a set of
+## threads, e.g. a message folder or an inbox. Each ThreadSet contains
+## zero or more Threads. A Thread represents all the message related
+## to a particular subject. Each Thread has one or more Containers. A
+## Container is a recursive structure that holds the message tree as
+## determined by the references: and in-reply-to: headers. EAch
+## Container holds zero or one messages. In the case of zero messages,
+## it means we've seen a reference to the message but haven't (yet)
+## seen the message itself.
+## A Thread can have multiple top-level Containers if we decide to
+## group them together independent of tree structure, typically if
+## (e.g. due to someone using a primitive MUA) the messages have the
+## same subject but we don't have evidence from in-reply-to: or
+## references: headers. In this case Thread#each can optionally yield
+## a faked root object tying them all together into one tree
+## structure.
-## At the top level, we have a ThreadSet. A ThreadSet represents a set
-## of threads, e.g. a message folder or an inbox. Each ThreadSet
-## contains zero or more Threads. A Thread represents all the message
-## related to a particular subject. Each Thread has one or more
-## Containers. A Container is a recursive structure that holds the
-## tree structure as determined by the references: and in-reply-to:
-## headers. A Thread with multiple Containers occurs if they have the
-## same subject, but (most likely due to someone using a primitive
-## MUA) we don't have evidence from in-reply-to: or references:
-## headers, only subject: (and thus our tree is probably broken). A
-## Container holds zero or one message. In the case of no message, it
-## means we've seen a reference to the message but haven't seen the
-## message itself (yet).
module Redwood
class Thread
include Enumerable
@@ -36,24 +40,24 @@
def << c
@containers << c
def empty?; @containers.empty?; end
+ def empty!; @containers.clear; end
+ def drop c; @containers.delete(c) or raise "bad drop"; end
- def drop c
- raise "bad drop" unless @containers.member? c
- @containers.delete c
+ ## unused
+ def dump f=$stdout
+ f.puts "=== start thread #{self} with #{@containers.length} trees ==="
+ @containers.each { |c| c.dump_recursive f }
+ f.puts "=== end thread ==="
- def dump
- puts "=== start thread #{self} with #{@containers.length} trees ==="
- @containers.each { |c| c.dump_recursive }
- puts "=== end thread ==="
- end
- ## yields each message, its depth, and its parent. note that the
- ## message can be a Message object, or :fake_root, or nil.
+ ## yields each message, its depth, and its parent. the message yield
+ ## parameter can be a Message object, or :fake_root, or nil (no
+ ## message found but the presence of one induced from other
+ ## messages).
def each fake_root=false
adj = 0
root = @containers.find_all { |c| !Message.subj_is_reply?(c) }.argmin { |c| || 0 }
if root
@@ -199,60 +203,70 @@
(@parent.nil? ? nil : "parent=#{}"),
(@children.empty? ? nil : "children=#{ { |c| }.inspect}"),
].compact.join(" ") + ">"
- def dump_recursive indent=0, root=true, parent=nil
+ def dump_recursive f=$stdout, indent=0, root=true, parent=nil
raise "inconsistency" unless parent.nil? || parent.children.include?(self)
unless root
- print " " * indent
- print "+->"
+ f.print " " * indent
+ f.print "+->"
line = #"[#{useful? ? 'U' : ' '}] " +
if @message
"[#{thread}] #{@message.subj} " ##{@message.refs.inspect} / #{@message.replytos.inspect}"
"<no message>"
- puts "#{id} #{line}"#[0 .. (105 - indent)]
+ f.puts "#{id} #{line}"#[0 .. (105 - indent)]
indent += 3
- @children.each { |c| c.dump_recursive indent, false, self }
+ @children.each { |c| c.dump_recursive f, indent, false, self }
-## a set of threads (so a forest). builds the thread structures by
-## reading messages from an index.
+## A set of threads (so a forest). Builds thread structures by reading
+## messages from an index.
+## If 'thread_by_subj' is true, puts messages with the same subject in
+## one thread, even if they don't reference each other. This is
+## helpful for crappy MUAs that don't set In-reply-to: or References:
+## headers, but means that messages may be threaded unnecessarily.
class ThreadSet
attr_reader :num_messages
+ bool_reader :thread_by_subj
- def initialize index
+ def initialize index, thread_by_subj=true
@index = index
@num_messages = 0
- @messages = {} ## map from message ids to container objects
- @subj_thread = {} ## map from subject strings to thread objects
+ ## map from message ids to container objects
+ @messages = { |id| id }
+ ## map from subject strings or (or root message ids) to thread objects
+ @threads = { }
+ @thread_by_subj = thread_by_subj
def contains_id? id; @messages.member?(id) && !@messages[id].empty?; end
def thread_for m
(c = @messages[]) && c.root.thread
def delete_cruft
- @subj_thread.each { |k, v| @subj_thread.delete(k) if v.empty? || v.subj != k }
+ @threads.each { |k, v| @threads.delete(k) if v.empty? }
private :delete_cruft
- def threads; delete_cruft; @subj_thread.values; end
- def size; delete_cruft; @subj_thread.size; end
+ def threads; delete_cruft; @threads.values; end
+ def size; delete_cruft; @threads.size; end
- def dump
- @subj_thread.each do |s, t|
- puts "**********************"
- puts "** for subject #{s} **"
- puts "**********************"
- t.dump
+ ## unused
+ def dump f
+ @threads.each do |s, t|
+ f.puts "**********************"
+ f.puts "** for subject #{s} **"
+ f.puts "**********************"
+ t.dump f
def link p, c, overwrite=false
if p == c || p.descendant_of?(c) || c.descendant_of?(p) # would create a loop
@@ -289,11 +303,11 @@
next if contains_id? mid
m =
add_message m
load_thread_for_message m, :load_killed => opts[:load_killed]
- yield @subj_thread.size if block_given?
+ yield size if block_given?
## loads in all messages needed to thread m
def load_thread_for_message m, opts={}
@@ -303,113 +317,73 @@
## merges in a pre-loaded thread
def add_thread t
- raise "duplicate" if @subj_thread.values.member? t
+ raise "duplicate" if @threads.values.member? t
t.each { |m, *o| add_message m }
def is_relevant? m
- m.refs.any? { |ref_id| @messages[ref_id] }
+ m.refs.any? { |ref_id| @messages.member? ref_id }
- ## an "online" version of the jwz threading algorithm.
+ ## the heart of the threading code
def add_message message
- id =
- el = (@messages[id] ||= id)
- return if @messages[id].message # we've seen it before
+ el = @messages[]
+ return if el.message # we've seen it before
el.message = message
oldroot = el.root
## link via references:
prev = nil
message.refs.each do |ref_id|
- raise "non-String ref id #{ref_id.inspect} (full: #{message.refs.inspect})" unless ref_id.is_a?(String)
- ref = (@messages[ref_id] ||= ref_id)
+ ref = @messages[ref_id]
link prev, ref if prev
prev = ref
link prev, el, true if prev
## link via in-reply-to:
message.replytos.each do |ref_id|
- ref = (@messages[ref_id] ||= ref_id)
+ ref = @messages[ref_id]
link ref, el, true
break # only do the first one
- ## update subject grouping
root = el.root
- # puts "> have #{el}, root #{root}, oldroot #{oldroot}"
- # el.dump_recursive
- if root == oldroot
- if oldroot.thread
- ## check to see if the subject is still the same (in the case
- ## that we first added a child message with a different
- ## subject)
+ ## new root. need to drop old one and put this one in its place
+ if root != oldroot && oldroot.thread
+ oldroot.thread.drop oldroot
+ oldroot.thread = nil
+ end
- ## this code is duplicated below. sorry! TODO: refactor
- s = Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)
- unless @subj_thread[s] == root.thread
- ## Redwood::log "[1] moving thread to new subject #{root.subj}"
- if @subj_thread[s]
- @subj_thread[s] << root
- root.thread = @subj_thread[s]
- else
- @subj_thread[s] = root.thread
- end
- end
+ key =
+ if thread_by_subj?
+ Message.normalize_subj root.subj
- ## to disable subject grouping, use the next line instead
- ## (and the same for below)
- #Redwood::log "[1] for #{root}, subject #{Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)} has #{@subj_thread[Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)] ? 'a' : 'no'} thread"
- thread = (@subj_thread[Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)] ||=
- #thread = (@subj_thread[] ||=
- thread << root
- root.thread = thread
- # Redwood::log "[1] added #{root} to #{thread}"
- else
- if oldroot.thread
- ## new root. need to drop old one and put this one in its place
- oldroot.thread.drop oldroot
- oldroot.thread = nil
- end
- if root.thread
- ## check to see if the subject is still the same (in the case
- ## that we first added a child message with a different
- ## subject)
- s = Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)
- unless @subj_thread[s] == root.thread
- # Redwood::log "[2] moving thread to new subject #{root.subj}"
- if @subj_thread[s]
- @subj_thread[s] << root
- root.thread = @subj_thread[s]
- else
- @subj_thread[s] = root.thread
- end
+ ## check to see if the subject is still the same (in the case
+ ## that we first added a child message with a different
+ ## subject)
+ if root.thread
+ unless @threads[key] == root.thread
+ if @threads[key]
+ root.thread.empty!
+ @threads[key] << root
+ root.thread = @threads[key]
+ else
+ @threads[key] = root.thread
- else
- ## to disable subject grouping, use the next line instead
- ## (and the same above)
- ## this code is duplicated above. sorry! TODO: refactor
- # Redwood::log "[2] for #{root}, subject '#{Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)}' has #{@subj_thread[Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)] ? 'a' : 'no'} thread"
- thread = (@subj_thread[Message.normalize_subj(root.subj)] ||=
- #thread = (@subj_thread[] ||=
- thread << root
- root.thread = thread
- # Redwood::log "[2] added #{root} to #{thread}"
+ else
+ thread = @threads[key]
+ thread << root
+ root.thread = thread
## last bit
@num_messages += 1