lib/sup/source.rb in sup-0.0.8 vs lib/sup/source.rb in sup-0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
class SourceError < StandardError; end
class OutOfSyncSourceError < SourceError; end
class FatalSourceError < SourceError; end
class Source
- ## Implementing a new source is typically quite easy, because Sup
- ## only needs to be able to:
+ ## Implementing a new source should be easy, because Sup only needs
+ ## to be able to:
## 1. See how many messages it contains
- ## 2. Get an arbirtrary message
+ ## 2. Get an arbitrary message
## 3. (optional) see whether the source has marked it read or not
## In particular, Sup doesn't need to move messages, mark them as
- ## read, delete them, or anything else. (Well, at some point it will
- ## need to delete them, but that will be an optional capability.)
+ ## read, delete them, or anything else. (Well, it's nice to be able
+ ## to delete them, but that is optional.)
## On the other hand, Sup assumes that you can assign each message a
## unique integer id, such that newer messages have higher ids than
## earlier ones, and that those ids stay constant across sessions
## (in the absence of some other client going in and fucking
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@
## - load_header offset
## - load_message offset
## - raw_header offset
## - raw_full_message offset
## - check
- ## - next (or each, if you prefer)
+ ## - next (or each, if you prefer): should return a message and an
+ ## array of labels.
## ... where "offset" really means unique id. (You can tell I
## started with mbox.)
## All exceptions relating to accessing the source must be caught
@@ -44,11 +45,11 @@
## sup-sync will fix (namely someone's been playing with the source
## from another client); FatalSourceErrors can be used for anything
## else (e.g. the imap server is down or the maildir is missing.)
## Finally, be sure the source is thread-safe, since it WILL be
- ## pummeled from multiple threads at once.
+ ## pummelled from multiple threads at once.
## Examples for you to look at: mbox/loader.rb, imap.rb, and
## maildir.rb.
## let's begin!
@@ -58,18 +59,22 @@
bool_reader :usual, :archived, :dirty
attr_reader :uri, :cur_offset
attr_accessor :id
def initialize uri, initial_offset=nil, usual=true, archived=false, id=nil
+ raise ArgumentError, "id must be an integer: #{id.inspect}" unless id.is_a? Fixnum if id
@uri = uri
@cur_offset = initial_offset
@usual = usual
@archived = archived
@id = id
@dirty = false
+ def file_path; nil end
def to_s; @uri.to_s; end
def seek_to! o; self.cur_offset = o; end
def reset!; seek_to! start_offset; end
def == o; o.uri == uri; end
def done?; (self.cur_offset ||= start_offset) >= end_offset; end
@@ -94,9 +99,7 @@
def cur_offset= o
@cur_offset = o
@dirty = true
-Redwood::register_yaml(Source, %w(uri cur_offset usual archived id))