lib/sup/message_chunks.rb in sup- vs lib/sup/message_chunks.rb in sup-0.14.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
require 'tempfile'
require 'rbconfig'
-require 'shellwords'
## Here we define all the "chunks" that a message is parsed
## into. Chunks are used by ThreadViewMode to render a message. Chunks
## are used for both MIME stuff like attachments, for Sup's parsing of
## the message body into text, quote, and signature regions, and for
@@ -58,12 +57,10 @@
module Redwood
module Chunk
class Attachment
- ## please see note in write_to_disk on important usage
- ## of quotes to avoid remote command injection.
HookManager.register "mime-decode", <<EOS
Decodes a MIME attachment into text form. The text will be displayed
directly in Sup. For attachments that you wish to use a separate program
to view (e.g. images), you should use the mime-view hook instead.
@@ -76,13 +73,10 @@
the empty array.
Return value:
The decoded text of the attachment, or nil if not decoded.
- ## please see note in write_to_disk on important usage
- ## of quotes to avoid remote command injection.
HookManager.register "mime-view", <<EOS
Views a non-text MIME attachment. This hook allows you to run
third-party programs for attachments that require such a thing (e.g.
images). To instead display a text version of the attachment directly in
Sup, use the mime-decode hook instead.
@@ -104,22 +98,12 @@
## raw_content is the post-MIME-decode content. this is used for
## saving the attachment to disk.
attr_reader :content_type, :filename, :lines, :raw_content
bool_reader :quotable
- ## store tempfile objects as class variables so that they
- ## are not removed when the viewing process returns. they
- ## should be garbage collected when the class variable is removed.
- @@view_tempfiles = []
def initialize content_type, filename, encoded_content, sibling_types
@content_type = content_type.downcase
- if Shellwords.escape(@content_type) != @content_type
- warn "content_type #{@content_type} is not safe, changed to application/octet-stream"
- @content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
- end
@filename = filename
@quotable = false # changed to true if we can parse it through the
# mime-decode hook, or if it's plain text
@raw_content =
if encoded_content.body
@@ -130,21 +114,19 @@
text = case @content_type
when /^text\/plain\b/
- ## please see note in write_to_disk on important usage
- ## of quotes to avoid remote command injection.
- "mime-decode", :content_type => @content_type,
+ "mime-decode", :content_type => content_type,
:filename => lambda { write_to_disk },
:charset => encoded_content.charset,
:sibling_types => sibling_types
@lines = nil
if text
- text = text.transcode(encoded_content.charset || $encoding)
+ text = text.transcode(encoded_content.charset || $encoding, text.encoding)
@lines = text.gsub("\r\n", "\n").gsub(/\t/, " ").gsub(/\r/, "").split("\n")
@quotable = true
@@ -163,49 +145,33 @@
def inlineable?; false end
def expandable?; !viewable? end
def initial_state; :open end
def viewable?; @lines.nil? end
def view_default! path
- ## please see note in write_to_disk on important usage
- ## of quotes to avoid remote command injection.
case RbConfig::CONFIG['arch']
when /darwin/
- cmd = "open #{path}"
+ cmd = "open '#{path}'"
- cmd = "/usr/bin/run-mailcap --action=view #{@content_type}:#{path}"
+ cmd = "/usr/bin/run-mailcap --action=view '#{@content_type}:#{path}'"
debug "running: #{cmd.inspect}"
$? == 0
def view!
- ## please see note in write_to_disk on important usage
- ## of quotes to avoid remote command injection.
- write_to_disk do |file|
- @@view_tempfiles.push file # make sure the tempfile is not garbage collected before sup stops
- ret = "mime-view", :content_type => @content_type,
- :filename => file.path
- ret || view_default!(file.path)
- end
+ path = write_to_disk
+ ret = "mime-view", :content_type => @content_type,
+ :filename => path
+ ret || view_default!(path)
- ## note that the path returned from write_to_disk is
- ## Shellwords.escaped and is intended to be used without single
- ## or double quotes. the use of either opens sup up for remote
- ## code injection through the file name.
def write_to_disk
- begin
- file =["sup", Shellwords.escape(@filename.gsub("/", "_")) || "sup-attachment"])
- file.print @raw_content
- yield file if block_given?
- return file.path
- ensure
- file.close
- end
+ file =["sup", @filename.gsub("/", "_") || "sup-attachment"])
+ file.print @raw_content
+ file.close
+ file.path
## used when viewing the attachment as text
def to_s
@lines || @raw_content
@@ -261,10 +227,10 @@
class EnclosedMessage
attr_reader :lines
def initialize from, to, cc, date, subj
- @from = from ? "unknown sender" : from.full_address
+ @from = from ? "unknown sender" : from.full_adress
@to = to ? "" : { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")
@cc = cc ? "" : { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")
if date
@date = date.rfc822