bin/sup-sync in sup-0.8.1 vs bin/sup-sync in sup-0.9
- old
+ new
@@ -7,22 +7,24 @@
class Float
def to_s; sprintf '%.2f', self; end
- def to_time_s
- infinite? ? "unknown" : super
- end
+ def to_time_s; infinite? ? "unknown" : super end
class Numeric
def to_time_s
i = to_i
sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d", i / 3600, (i / 60) % 60, i % 60
+class Set
+ def to_s; to_a * ',' end
def time
startt =
yield - startt
@@ -52,25 +54,25 @@
by running "sup-add --help".
Options controlling WHICH messages sup-sync operates on:
opt :new, "Operate on new messages only. Don't scan over the entire source. (Default.)", :short => :none
- opt :changed, "Scan over the entire source for messages that have been deleted, altered, or moved from another source. (In the case of mbox sources, this includes all messages AFTER an altered message.)"
+ opt :changed, "Scan over the entire source for messages that have been deleted, altered, or moved from another source."
opt :restored, "Operate only on those messages included in a dump file as specified by --restore which have changed state."
opt :all, "Operate on all messages in the source, regardless of newness or changedness."
- opt :start_at, "For --changed and --all, start at a particular offset.", :type => :int
+ opt :start_at, "For --changed, --restored and --all, start at a particular offset.", :type => :int
text <<EOS
Options controlling HOW message state is altered:
opt :asis, "If the message is already in the index, preserve its state. Otherwise, use default source state. (Default.)", :short => :none
opt :restore, "Restore message state from a dump file created with sup-dump. If a message is not in this dumpfile, act as --asis.", :type => String, :short => :none
opt :discard, "Discard any message state in the index and use the default source state. Dangerous!", :short => :none
opt :archive, "When using the default source state, mark messages as archived.", :short => "-x"
opt :read, "When using the default source state, mark messages as read."
- opt :extra_labels, "When using the default source state, also apply these user-defined labels. Should be a comma-separated list.", :type => String, :short => :none
+ opt :extra_labels, "When using the default source state, also apply these user-defined labels (a comma-separated list)", :default => "", :short => :none
text <<EOS
Other options:
@@ -84,162 +86,181 @@
conflicts :asis, :restore, :discard
Trollop::die :restored, "requires --restore" if opts[:restored] unless opts[:restore]
if opts[:start_at]
Trollop::die :start_at, "must be non-negative" if opts[:start_at] < 0
- Trollop::die :start_at, "requires either --changed or --all" unless opts[:changed] || opts[:all]
+ Trollop::die :start_at, "requires either --changed, --restored or --all" unless opts[:changed] || opts[:restored] || opts[:all]
target = [:new, :changed, :all, :restored].find { |x| opts[x] } || :new
op = [:asis, :restore, :discard].find { |x| opts[x] } || :asis
-index =
+index = Redwood::Index.init
-restored_state =
- if opts[:restore]
- dump = {}
- $stderr.puts "Loading state dump from #{opts[:restore]}..."
- IO.foreach opts[:restore] do |l|
- l =~ /^(\S+) \((.*?)\)$/ or raise "Can't read dump line: #{l.inspect}"
- mid, labels = $1, $2
- dump[mid] = labels.symbolistize
- end
- $stderr.puts "Read #{dump.size} entries from dump file."
- dump
- else
- {}
+restored_state = if opts[:restore]
+ dump = {}
+ puts "Loading state dump from #{opts[:restore]}..."
+ IO.foreach opts[:restore] do |l|
+ l =~ /^(\S+) \((.*?)\)$/ or raise "Can't read dump line: #{l.inspect}"
+ mid, labels = $1, $2
+ dump[mid] = labels.to_set_of_symbols
+ puts "Read #{dump.size} entries from dump file."
+ dump
+ {}
seen = {}
+index.lock_interactively or exit
- sources = do |uri|
- index.source_for uri or Trollop::die "Unknown source: #{uri}. Did you add it with sup-add first?"
+ sources = if opts[:all_sources]
+ Redwood::SourceManager.sources
+ elsif ARGV.empty?
+ Redwood::SourceManager.usual_sources
+ else
+ do |uri|
+ Redwood::SourceManager.source_for uri or Trollop::die "Unknown source: #{uri}. Did you add it with sup-add first?"
+ end
- sources = index.usual_sources if sources.empty?
- sources = index.sources if opts[:all_sources]
+ ## for all target specifications except for only-new messages, reset the
+ ## source to the beginning (or to the user-specified starting point.)
unless target == :new
if opts[:start_at]
Trollop::die :start_at, "can only be used on one source" unless sources.size == 1
sources.first.seek_to! opts[:start_at]
sources.first.correct_offset! if sources.first.respond_to?(:correct_offset!)
sources.each { |s| s.reset! }
sources.each do |source|
- $stderr.puts "Scanning #{source}..."
+ puts "Scanning #{source}..."
num_added = num_updated = num_scanned = num_restored = 0
last_info_time = start_time =
- Redwood::PollManager.add_messages_from source, :force_overwrite => true do |m, offset, entry|
+ Redwood::PollManager.each_message_from source do |m|
num_scanned += 1
seen[] = true
+ old_m = index.build_message
- if - last_info_time > PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL
- last_info_time =
- elapsed = last_info_time - start_time
- start = opts[:start_at] || source.start_offset
- pctdone = 100.0 * (source.cur_offset - start).to_f / (source.end_offset - start).to_f
- remaining = (100.0 - pctdone) * (elapsed.to_f / pctdone)
- $stderr.printf "## read %dm (about %.0f%%) @ %.1fm/s. %s elapsed, about %s remaining\n", num_scanned, pctdone, num_scanned / elapsed, elapsed.to_time_s, remaining.to_time_s
+ case target
+ when :changed
+ ## skip this message if we're operating only on changed messages, the
+ ## message is in the index, and it's unchanged from what the source is
+ ## reporting.
+ next if old_m && == && old_m.source_info == m.source_info
+ when :restored
+ ## skip if we're operating on restored messages, and this one
+ ## ain't (or we wouldn't be making a change)
+ next unless old_m && restored_state[] && restored_state[] != old_m.labels
+ when :new
+ ## nothing to do; we'll consider all messages starting at the start offset, which
+ ## hasn't been changed.
+ when :all
+ ## nothing to do; we'll consider all messages starting at the start offset, which
+ ## was reset to the beginning above.
- ## skip if we're operating only on changed messages, the message
- ## is in the index, and it's unchanged from what the source is
- ## reporting.
- next if target == :changed && entry && entry[:source_id].to_i == && entry[:source_info].to_i == offset
+ ## tweak source labels according to commandline arguments if necessary
+ m.labels.delete :inbox if opts[:archive]
+ m.labels.delete :unread if opts[:read]
+ m.labels += opts[:extra_labels].to_set_of_symbols(",")
- ## get the state currently in the index
- index_state = entry[:label].symbolistize if entry
- ## skip if we're operating on restored messages, and this one
- ## ain't.
- next if target == :restored && (!restored_state[] || (index_state && restored_state[].sort_by { |s| s.to_s } == index_state.sort_by { |s| s.to_s }))
- ## m.labels is the default source labels. tweak these according
- ## to default source state modification flags.
- m.labels -= [:inbox] if opts[:archive]
- m.labels -= [:unread] if opts[:read]
- m.labels += opts[:extra_labels].strip.split(/\s*,\s*/).map { |x| x.intern } if opts[:extra_labels]
- ## assign message labels based on the operation we're performing
- case op
- when :asis
- m.labels = ((m.labels - [:unread, :inbox]) + index_state).uniq if index_state
- when :restore
- ## if the entry exists on disk
- if restored_state[]
- m.labels = restored_state[]
+ ## decide what to do based on message labels and the operation we're performing
+ dothis, new_labels = case
+ when (op == :restore) && restored_state[]
+ if old_m && (old_m.labels != restored_state[])
num_restored += 1
- elsif index_state
- m.labels = index_state
+ [:update_message_state, restored_state[]]
+ elsif old_m.nil?
+ num_restored += 1
+ m.labels = restored_state[]
+ :add_message
+ else
+ # labels are the same; don't do anything
- when :discard
- ## nothin! use default source labels
+ when op == :discard
+ if old_m && (old_m.labels != m.labels)
+ [:update_message_state, m.labels]
+ else
+ # labels are the same; don't do anything
+ end
+ else
+ ## duplicate behavior of poll mode: if index_state is non-nil, this is a newer
+ ## version of an older message, so merge in any new labels except :unread and
+ ## :inbox.
+ ##
+ ## TODO: refactor such that this isn't duplicated
+ if old_m
+ m.labels = old_m.labels + (m.labels - [:unread, :inbox])
+ :update_message
+ else
+ :add_message
+ end
+ ## now, actually do the operation
+ case dothis
+ when :add_message
+ puts "Adding new message #{source}##{m.source_info} with labels #{m.labels}" if opts[:verbose]
+ index.add_message m unless opts[:dry_run]
+ num_added += 1
+ when :update_message
+ puts "Updating message #{source}##{m.source_info}; labels #{old_m.labels} => #{m.labels}; offset #{old_m.source_info} => #{m.source_info}" if opts[:verbose]
+ index.update_message m unless opts[:dry_run]
+ num_updated += 1
+ when :update_message_state
+ puts "Changing flags for #{source}##{m.source_info} from #{m.labels} to #{new_labels}" if opts[:verbose]
+ m.labels = new_labels
+ index.update_message_state m unless opts[:dry_run]
+ num_updated += 1
+ end
if - last_info_time > PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL
last_info_time =
elapsed = last_info_time - start_time
pctdone = source.respond_to?(:pct_done) ? source.pct_done : 100.0 * (source.cur_offset.to_f - source.start_offset).to_f / (source.end_offset - source.start_offset).to_f
remaining = (100.0 - pctdone) * (elapsed.to_f / pctdone)
- $stderr.printf "## read %dm (about %.0f%%) @ %.1fm/s. %s elapsed, about %s remaining\n", num_scanned, pctdone, num_scanned / elapsed, elapsed.to_time_s, remaining.to_time_s
+ printf "## read %dm (about %.0f%%) @ %.1fm/s. %s elapsed, about %s remaining\n", num_scanned, pctdone, num_scanned / elapsed, elapsed.to_time_s, remaining.to_time_s
- if index_state.nil?
- puts "Adding message #{source}##{offset} from #{m.from} with state {#{m.labels * ', '}}" if opts[:verbose]
- num_added += 1
- else
- puts "Updating message #{source}##{offset}, source #{entry[:source_id]} => #{}, offset #{entry[:source_info]} => #{offset}, state {#{index_state * ', '}} => {#{m.labels * ', '}}" if opts[:verbose]
- num_updated += 1
- end
- opts[:dry_run] ? nil : m
- $stderr.puts "Scanned #{num_scanned}, added #{num_added}, updated #{num_updated} messages from #{source}."
- $stderr.puts "Restored state on #{num_restored} (#{100.0 * num_restored / num_scanned}%) messages." if num_restored > 0
+ puts "Scanned #{num_scanned}, added #{num_added}, updated #{num_updated} messages from #{source}."
+ puts "Restored state on #{num_restored} (#{100.0 * num_restored / num_scanned}%) messages." if num_restored > 0
## delete any messages in the index that claim they're from one of
## these sources, but that we didn't see.
- ##
- ## kinda crappy code here, because we delve directly into the Ferret
- ## API.
- ##
- ## TODO: move this to Index, i suppose.
- if (target == :all || target == :changed) && !opts[:start_at]
- $stderr.puts "Deleting missing messages from the index..."
+ if (target == :all || target == :changed)
+ puts "Deleting missing messages from the index..."
num_del, num_scanned = 0, 0
sources.each do |source|
raise "no source id for #{source}" unless
- q = "+source_id:#{}"
- q += " +source_info: >= #{opts[:start_at]}" if opts[:start_at]
- index.index.search_each(q, :limit => :all) do |docid, score|
+ index.each_message :source_id =>, :load_spam => true, :load_deleted => true, :load_killed => true do |m|
num_scanned += 1
- mid = index.index[docid][:message_id]
- unless seen[mid]
- puts "Deleting #{mid}" if opts[:verbose]
- index.index.delete docid unless opts[:dry_run]
+ unless seen[]
+ next unless m.source_info >= opts[:start_at] if opts[:start_at]
+ puts "Deleting #{}" if opts[:verbose]
+ index.delete unless opts[:dry_run]
num_del += 1
- $stderr.puts "Deleted #{num_del} / #{num_scanned} messages"
+ puts "Deleted #{num_del} / #{num_scanned} messages"
if opts[:optimize]
- $stderr.puts "Optimizing index..."
- optt = time { index.index.optimize unless opts[:dry_run] }
- $stderr.puts "Optimized index of size #{index.size} in #{optt}s."
+ puts "Optimizing index..."
+ optt = time { index.optimize unless opts[:dry_run] }
+ puts "Optimized index of size #{index.size} in #{optt}s."
rescue Redwood::FatalSourceError => e
$stderr.puts "Sorry, I couldn't communicate with a source: #{e.message}"
rescue Exception => e"sup-exception-log.txt", "w") { |f| f.puts e.backtrace }