bin/sup-config in sup- vs bin/sup-config in sup-0.15.0
- old
+ new
@@ -86,10 +86,12 @@
usual = axe_yes "Does this source ever receive new messages?", "y"
archive = usual ? axe_yes("Should new messages be automatically archived? (I.e. not appear in your inbox, though still be accessible via search.)") : false
+ sync_back = (type == :maildir) ? axe_yes("Should the original Maildir messages be modified to reflect changes like read status, starred messages, etc.?", "y") : false
labels_str = axe("Enter any labels to be automatically added to all messages from this source, separated by spaces (or 'none')", default_labels.join(","))
labels = if labels_str =~ /^\s*none\s*$/i
@@ -97,9 +99,10 @@
cmd = build_cmd "sup-add"
cmd += " --unusual" unless usual
cmd += " --archive" if archive
+ cmd += " --no-sync-back" unless sync_back
cmd += " --labels=#{labels.join(',')}" if labels && !labels.empty?
cmd += " #{uri}"
puts "Ok, trying to run \"#{cmd}\"..."