bin/sup in sup-0.19.0 vs bin/sup in sup-0.20.0
- old
+ new
@@ -104,29 +104,31 @@
## the following magic enables wide characters when used with a ruby
## that's been compiled against libncursesw. (note the w.) why
## this works, i have no idea. much like pretty much every aspect of
## dealing with curses. cargo cult programming at its best.
-require 'dl/import'
require 'rbconfig'
-module LibC
- extend DL.const_defined?(:Importer) ? DL::Importer : DL::Importable
- setlocale_lib = case RbConfig::CONFIG['arch']
- when /darwin/; "libc.dylib"
- when /cygwin/; "cygwin1.dll"
- when /freebsd/; ""
- else; ""
- end
+unless RbConfig::CONFIG['arch'] =~ /openbsd/
+ require 'dl/import'
+ module LibC
+ extend DL.const_defined?(:Importer) ? DL::Importer : DL::Importable
+ setlocale_lib = case RbConfig::CONFIG['arch']
+ when /darwin/; "libc.dylib"
+ when /cygwin/; "cygwin1.dll"
+ when /freebsd/; ""
+ else; ""
+ end
- debug "dynamically loading setlocale() from #{setlocale_lib}"
- begin
- dlload setlocale_lib
- extern "void setlocale(int, const char *)"
- debug "setting locale..."
- LibC.setlocale(6, "") # LC_ALL == 6
- rescue RuntimeError => e
- warn "cannot dlload setlocale(); ncurses wide character support probably broken."
- warn "dlload error was #{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ debug "dynamically loading setlocale() from #{setlocale_lib}"
+ begin
+ dlload setlocale_lib
+ extern "void setlocale(int, const char *)"
+ debug "setting locale..."
+ LibC.setlocale(6, "") # LC_ALL == 6
+ rescue RuntimeError => e
+ warn "cannot dlload setlocale(); ncurses wide character support probably broken."
+ warn "dlload error was #{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ end
def start_cursing