Rakefile in sup-1.0 vs Rakefile in sup-1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
require 'rake/testtask'
require "bundler/gem_tasks"
+# Manifest.txt file in same folder as this Rakefile
+manifest_filename = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/Manifest.txt"
+git_ls_files_command = "git ls-files | LC_ALL=C sort"
Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |test|
test.libs << 'test'
test.test_files = FileList.new('test/**/test_*.rb')
test.verbose = true
task :default => :test
task :build => [:man]
-task :travis => [:test, :build]
+task :ci => [:test, :rubocop_packaging, :check_manifest, :build]
def test_pandoc
return system("pandoc -v > /dev/null 2>&1")
@@ -46,7 +50,42 @@
task :clean do
['man', 'pkg'].each do |d|
puts "cleaning #{d}.."
FileUtils.rm_r d if Dir.exist? d
+ end
+task :manifest do
+ manifest = `#{git_ls_files_command}`
+ if $?.success? then
+ puts "Writing `git ls-files` output to #{manifest_filename}"
+ File.write(manifest_filename, manifest, mode: 'w')
+ else
+ abort "Failed to generate Manifest.txt (with `git ls-files`)"
+ end
+task :check_manifest do
+ manifest = `#{git_ls_files_command}`
+ manifest_file_contents = File.read(manifest_filename)
+ if manifest == manifest_file_contents
+ puts "Manifest.txt OK"
+ else
+ puts "Manifest from `git ls-files`:\n#{manifest}"
+ STDERR.puts "Manifest.txt outdated. Please commit an updated Manifest.txt"
+ STDERR.puts "To generate Manifest.txt, run: rake manifest"
+ abort "Manifest.txt does not match `git ls-files`"
+ end
+task :rubocop_packaging do
+ if /^2\.[012]\./ =~ RUBY_VERSION
+ puts "skipping rubocop-packaging checks on unsupported Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}"
+ next
+ end
+ if system("rubocop --only Packaging")
+ puts "rubocop-packaging checks OK"
+ else
+ abort "rubocop-packaging checks failed"