History.txt in sup-1.1 vs History.txt in sup-1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,23 +1,36 @@
+== 1.2 / 2024-04-21
+* #619: Sup is now compatible with and tested on Ruby 3.2 and Ruby 3.3.
+ (Dan Callaghan)
+* #603: Fixed deprecated usage of Enumerator.new, which caused a crash on
+ Ruby 3+. (Gui Goncalves)
+* OutOfSyncSourceErrors now show an error message in the thread view in place
+ of the out-of-sync message body, instead of crashing. (Dan Callaghan)
+* #613: When installing Sup as a gem, the dependency on xapian-ruby is now
+ skipped if the SUP_SKIP_XAPIAN_GEM_INSTALL environment variable is set.
+ Previously it was skipped unconditionally on OpenBSD only. (Dan Callaghan)
== 1.1 / 2022-05-23
* #588, #577: Sup is now compatible with and tested on Ruby 3.0 and Ruby 3.1.
+ (Dan Callaghan)
* When the Sup gem installs xapian-ruby, it will install to the user gem
directory if the system gem directory is not writable. (Iain Parris)
* #571: To and From addresses of enclosed messages are now displayed normally,
instead of as Redwood::Person objects. (Iain Parris)
* #570: Fixed wording when displaying enclosed messages without Date header.
(Iain Parris)
* #205, #602: UTF-8 header values are now accepted and handled correctly, as
- per RFC6532.
+ per RFC6532. (Dan Callaghan)
* #585: Text/plain attachments with invalid charset are now displayed as
- US-ASCII (with high bytes replaced) instead of crashing.
+ US-ASCII (with high bytes replaced) instead of crashing. (Dan Callaghan)
* #424: Spaces are now accepted in RFC2047-encoded header words, even though
the RFC forbids them. (Dan Callaghan)
* Invalid RFC2047-encoded header words are now displayed in their raw form,
rather than trying to forcibly transcode them to UTF-8, as per the RFC's
recommendation. (Dan Callaghan)
-* Sup now decodes UTF-7 correctly instead of crashing.
+* Sup now decodes UTF-7 correctly instead of crashing. (Dan Callaghan)
== 1.0 / 2020-07-12
No changes. The version number is incremented to 1.0 to reflect the fact that
Sup is mature and no further backwards-incompatible changes are planned.