spec/integration/faceting_spec.rb in sunspot-2.2.8 vs spec/integration/faceting_spec.rb in sunspot-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -154,10 +154,140 @@
# Should be 5 instead of 11
expect(search.facet(:title).rows.first.count).to eq(5)
+ context 'json facet options' do
+ before :all do
+ Sunspot.remove_all
+ facet_values = %w(zero one two three four)
+ facet_values.each_with_index do |value, i|
+ i.times { Sunspot.index(Post.new(:title => value, :blog_id => 1)) }
+ end
+ Sunspot.index(Post.new(:blog_id => 1))
+ Sunspot.index(Post.new(:title => 'zero', :blog_id => 2))
+ Sunspot.commit
+ end
+ it 'should return indexed elements' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:title)
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.size).to eq(5)
+ end
+ it 'should limit the number of facet rows' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet :title, :limit => 3
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.size).to eq(3)
+ end
+ it 'should not return zeros by default' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ with :blog_id, 1
+ json_facet :title
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.map { |row| row.value }).not_to include('zero')
+ end
+ it 'should return a specified minimum count' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ with :blog_id, 1
+ json_facet :title, :minimum_count => 2
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.map { |row| row.value }).to eq(%w(four three two))
+ end
+ it 'should order facets lexically' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ with :blog_id, 1
+ json_facet :title, :sort => :index
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.map { |row| row.value }).to eq(%w(four one three two))
+ end
+ it 'should order facets by count' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ with :blog_id, 1
+ json_facet :title, :sort => :count
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.map { |row| row.value }).to eq(%w(four three two one))
+ end
+ it 'should limit facet values by prefix' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ with :blog_id, 1
+ json_facet :title, :prefix => 't'
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.map { |row| row.value }.sort).to eq(%w(three two))
+ end
+ end
+ context 'nested json facet' do
+ before :all do
+ Sunspot.remove_all
+ facet_values = %w(zero one two three four)
+ nested_facet_values = %w(alfa bravo charlie delta)
+ facet_values.each do |value|
+ nested_facet_values.each do |v2|
+ Sunspot.index(Post.new(:title => value, :author_name => v2, :blog_id => 1))
+ end
+ end
+ 0.upto(9) { |i| Sunspot.index(Post.new(:title => 'zero', :author_name => "another#{i}", :blog_id => 1)) }
+ Sunspot.commit
+ end
+ it 'should get nested' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:title, nested: { field: :author_name } )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.first.nested.size).to eq(4)
+ end
+ it 'without limit take the first 10' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:title, nested: { field: :author_name } )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.last.nested.size).to eq(10)
+ end
+ it 'without limit' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:title, nested: { field: :author_name, limit: -1 } )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.last.nested.size).to eq(14)
+ end
+ it 'works with distinct' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:title, nested: { field: :author_name, distinct: { strategy: :unique } } )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.first.nested.map(&:count).uniq.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'should limit the nested facet' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:title, nested: { field: :author_name, limit: 2 } )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.first.nested.size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it 'should work nested of nested' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:title, nested: { field: :author_name, nested: { field: :title } } )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.first.nested.first.nested.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(search.facet(:title).rows.first.nested.first.nested.first.nested).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ end
context 'prefix escaping' do
before do
["title1", "title2", "title with spaces 1", "title with spaces 2", "title/with/slashes/1", "title/with/slashes/2"].each do |value|
Sunspot.index(Post.new(:title => value, :blog_id => 1))
@@ -257,10 +387,61 @@
expect(search.facet(:all_category_ids).rows.map { |row| [row.value, row.count] }.to_set).to eq(Set[[:category_1, 1], [:category_2, 1]])
+ context 'distinct field facets' do
+ before :all do
+ Sunspot.remove_all
+ Sunspot.index!(
+ (0..5).map { |i| Post.new(:blog_id => i, :title => 'title') }
+ )
+ 0.upto(3) { |i| Sunspot.index(Post.new(:blog_id => i, :title => 'title')) }
+ Sunspot.index!(Post.new(:blog_id => 4, :title => 'other title'))
+ Sunspot.index!(Post.new(:blog_id => 5, :title => 'other title'))
+ Sunspot.index!(Post.new(:blog_id => 40, :title => 'title'))
+ Sunspot.index!(Post.new(:blog_id => 40, :title => 'title'))
+ Sunspot.index!(Post.new(:blog_id => 40, :title => 'other title'))
+ Sunspot.index!(Post.new(:blog_id => 40, :title => 'other title'))
+ end
+ it 'should return unique indexed elements for a field' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:blog_id, distinct: { strategy: :unique })
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows.size).to eq(7)
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows.map(&:count).uniq.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'should return unique indexed elements for a field and facet on a field' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:blog_id, distinct: { group_by: :title, strategy: :unique })
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows.size).to eq(2)
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows[0].count).to eq(3)
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows[1].count).to eq(7)
+ end
+ it 'should return unique indexed elements for a field and facet on a field with hll' do
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(:blog_id, distinct: { group_by: :title, strategy: :hll })
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows.size).to eq(2)
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows[0].count).to eq(3)
+ expect(search.facet(:blog_id).rows[1].count).to eq(7)
+ end
+ end
context 'date facets' do
before :all do
time = Time.utc(2009, 7, 8)
@@ -276,9 +457,41 @@
expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows.first.value).to eq(time..(time + 60*60*24))
expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows.first.count).to eq(2)
expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows.last.value).to eq((time + 60*60*24)..(time + 60*60*24*2))
expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows.last.count).to eq(1)
+ it 'json facet should return time ranges' do
+ days_diff = 15
+ time_from = Time.utc(2009, 7, 8)
+ time_to = Time.utc(2009, 7, 8 + days_diff)
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(
+ :published_at,
+ :time_range => time_from..time_to
+ )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows.size).to eq(days_diff)
+ expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows[0].count).to eq(2)
+ expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows[1].count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'json facet should return time ranges with custom gap' do
+ days_diff = 10
+ time_from = Time.utc(2009, 7, 8)
+ time_to = Time.utc(2009, 7, 8 + days_diff)
+ search = Sunspot.search(Post) do
+ json_facet(
+ :published_at,
+ :time_range => time_from..time_to,
+ gap: 60*60*24*2
+ )
+ end
+ expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows.size).to eq(days_diff / 2)
+ expect(search.facet(:published_at).rows[0].count).to eq(3)
+ end
context 'class facets' do
before :all do