exe/sumomo in sumomo-0.8.21 vs exe/sumomo in sumomo-0.8.22
- old
+ new
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
gsub('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ', "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n").
gsub(' -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', "\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----").
gsub(/(.{64}) /, "\\1\n")
File.write('key.pem', key)
`chmod 0600 key.pem`
- exec "ssh -i -hostkey=* 'key.pem' ec2-user@#{ARGV[1]} #{ARGV[2]}"
+ exec "ssh -i 'key.pem' ec2-user@#{ARGV[1]} #{ARGV[2]}"
when 'testapi'
local_opts = Trollop.options do
opt :filename, 'File that describes the stack', type: :string, default: 'Sumomofile'
opt :apiname, 'Name of the API you want to test', type: :string