exe/sumomo in sumomo-0.3.0 vs exe/sumomo in sumomo-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
when "delete"
Sumomo::delete_stack(name: ARGV[0], region: global_opts[:region])
when "create", "update"
local_opts = Trollop::options do
- opt :filename, "File that describes the stack", type: :string, required: true
+ opt :filename, "File that describes the stack", type: :string, default: "Sumomofile"
Sumomo::create_stack(name: ARGV[0], region: global_opts[:region]) do
- eval File.read(local_opts[:filename]), local_opts[:filename]
+ proc = Proc.new {}
+ eval File.read(local_opts[:filename]), proc.binding, local_opts[:filename]
when "outputs"
puts "Outputs for stack #{ARGV[0]}"
puts Sumomo::get_stack_outputs(name: ARGV[0], region: global_opts[:region]).to_yaml