vendor/assets/javascripts/ in sumatra-rails-0.0.5 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/ in sumatra-rails-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -56,11 +56,14 @@ 'serviceObject', this
@initialize() and @bindEvents()
# Merge `options` hash with the `defaults` as set in the definition
# of this object.
- mergeDefaultsWith: (options) ->
- _.extend @defaults, @options
+ mergeDefaultsWith: (passed_in_options) ->
+ if @defaults instanceof Function
+ _.extend, passed_in_options
+ else
+ _.extend @defaults, passed_in_options
# Run custom constructor code, but blocks instantiation if this method
# returns `false`. This method was pretty much designed to be overridden.
initialize: ->