lib/sugarcube/uiimage.rb in sugarcube-0.11.3 vs lib/sugarcube/uiimage.rb in sugarcube-0.12
- old
+ new
@@ -1,47 +1,193 @@
class UIImage
def uiimage ; self ; end
+ # @return [UIColor]
def uicolor(alpha=nil)
color = UIColor.colorWithPatternImage(self)
if not alpha.nil?
color = color.colorWithAlphaComponent(alpha.to_f)
+ # @return [UIImageView]
def uiimageview
- @uiimageview = UIImageView.alloc.initWithImage(self)
+ UIImageView.alloc.initWithImage(self)
+ # @return [NSData] an NSData object in PNG format
+ def nsdata
+ UIImagePNGRepresentation(self)
+ end
+ ##| many of these methods are translated from:
+ ##| <>
+ ##| <>
- def scale_to new_size
- UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(new_size, false, 0.0)
- self.drawInRect([[0, 0], new_size])
- image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
+ def in_rect(rect)
+ # not necessary, since we don't modify/examine the rect
+ # rect = SugarCube::CoreGraphics::Rect(rect)
+ imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(self.CGImage, rect)
+ sub_image = UIImage.imageWithCGImage(imageRef)
+ return sub_image
+ end
+ def scale_to(new_size)
+ new_size = SugarCube::CoreGraphics::Size(new_size)
+ sourceImage = self
+ newImage = nil
+ image_size = sourceImage.size
+ width = image_size.width
+ height = image_size.height
+ target_width = new_size.width
+ target_height = new_size.height
+ scale_factor = 0.0
+ scaled_width = target_width
+ scaled_height = target_height
+ thumbnail_point =, 0.0)
+ unless CGSizeEqualToSize(image_size, new_size)
+ width_factor = target_width / width
+ heightFactor = target_height / height
+ if width_factor < heightFactor
+ scale_factor = width_factor
+ else
+ scale_factor = heightFactor
+ end
+ scaled_width = width * scale_factor
+ scaled_height = height * scale_factor
+ # center the image
+ if width_factor < heightFactor
+ thumbnail_point.y = (target_height - scaled_height) * 0.5
+ elsif width_factor > heightFactor
+ thumbnail_point.x = (target_width - scaled_width) * 0.5
+ end
+ end
+ # this is actually the interesting part:
+ UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(new_size)
+ thumbnail_rect = CGRectZero
+ thumbnail_rect.origin = thumbnail_point
+ thumbnail_rect.size.width = scaled_width
+ thumbnail_rect.size.height = scaled_height
+ sourceImage.drawInRect(thumbnail_rect)
+ new_image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
- return image
+ raise "could not scale image" unless new_image
+ return new_image
def rounded(corner_radius=5)
path = UIBezierPath.bezierPathWithRoundedRect([[0, 0], size], cornerRadius:corner_radius)
self.drawInRect([[0, 0], size])
- image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
+ new_image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
+ UIGraphicsEndImageContext()
+ return new_image
+ end
+ # Accepts two options: brightness (default: -0.5) and saturation (default: -0.2)
+ # Returns a darkened version of the image.
+ def darken(options={})
+ filter_name = 'CIColorControls'
+ filter_options = {
+ inputBrightness: options[:brightness] || -0.5,
+ inputSaturation: options[:saturation] || -0.2,
+ }
+ cg_input_image = CIImage.alloc.initWithImage(self)
+ darken_filter = CIFilter.filterWithName(filter_name)
+ raise"Filter not found: #{filter_name}") unless darken_filter
+ darken_filter.setDefaults
+ darken_filter.setValue(cg_input_image, forKey:'inputImage')
+ filter_options.each_pair do |key, value|
+ darken_filter.setValue(value, forKey:key)
+ end
+ output = darken_filter.valueForKey('outputImage')
+ context = CIContext.contextWithOptions(nil)
+ cg_output_image = context.createCGImage(output, fromRect:output.extent)
+ output_image = UIImage.imageWithCGImage(cg_output_image)
+ return output_image
+ end
+ ##|
+ ##| rotate images
+ ##|
+ def rotate(angle_or_direction)
+ case angle_or_direction
+ when :left
+ radian = -90.degrees
+ when :right
+ radian = 90.degrees
+ when :flip
+ radian = 180.degrees
+ when Numeric
+ radian = angle_or_direction
+ else
+ raise "Unknown angle/direction #{angle_or_direction.inspect}"
+ end
+ w = (self.size.width * Math.cos(radian)).abs + (self.size.height * Math.sin(radian)).abs
+ h = (self.size.height * Math.cos(radian)).abs + (self.size.width * Math.sin(radian)).abs
+ new_size =, h)
+ new_size = self.size
+ # Create the bitmap context
+ UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(new_size)
+ bitmap = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
+ # Move the origin to the middle of the image so we will rotate and scale around the center.
+ CGContextTranslateCTM(bitmap, new_size.width / 2, new_size.height / 2)
+ # Rotate the image context
+ CGContextRotateCTM(bitmap, radian)
+ # otherwise it'll be upside down:
+ CGContextScaleCTM(bitmap, 1.0, -1.0)
+ # Now, draw the rotated/scaled image into the context
+ CGContextDrawImage(bitmap, CGRectMake(-new_size.width / 2, -new_size.height / 2, new_size.width, new_size.height), self.CGImage)
+ new_image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
- return image
+ return new_image
- def tileable
- resizableImageWithCapInsets(UIEdgeInsetsZero, resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeTile)
+ ##|
+ ##| resizableImageWithCapInsets
+ ##|
+ def tileable(insets=UIEdgeInsetsZero)
+ # not necessary, since we don't modify/examine the insets
+ # insets = SugarCube::CoreGraphics::EdgeInsets(insets)
+ resizableImageWithCapInsets(insets, resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeTile)
- def stretchable
- resizableImageWithCapInsets(UIEdgeInsetsZero, resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeStretch)
+ def stretchable(insets=UIEdgeInsetsZero)
+ # not necessary, since we don't modify/examine the insets
+ # insets = SugarCube::CoreGraphics::EdgeInsets(insets)
+ resizableImageWithCapInsets(insets, resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeStretch)