lib/sugarcube/uiactionsheet.rb in sugarcube-0.20.13 vs lib/sugarcube/uiactionsheet.rb in sugarcube-0.20.15
- old
+ new
@@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
class UIActionSheet
- # UIActionSheet.alert("title",
- # # The first button is considered the 'cancel' button, for the purposes of
- # # whether the cancel or success handler gets called, the second button is
- # # the 'destructive' button, and the rest are plain old buttons.
- # buttons: %w"Cancel OK No-way",
- # cancel: proc{ puts "nevermind" },
- # destructive: proc{ puts "OHHH YEAAH!" },
- # success: proc{ |pressed| puts "pressed: #{pressed}" },
- # )
+ # For the purposes of whether the cancel or success handler gets called, the
+ # first button is considered the 'cancel' button, the second button is the
+ # 'destructive' button, and the rest are plain old buttons.
+ #
+ # If you use just one block, it will be used for *all* of the buttons.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # # use a different handler for each button type
+ # UIActionSheet.alert("title",
+ # buttons: %w"Cancel Delete No-way",
+ # cancel: proc{ puts "nevermind" },
+ # destructive: proc{ puts "OHHH YEAAH!" },
+ # success: proc{ |pressed| puts "pressed: #{pressed}" },
+ # )
+ # # use one handler for all buttons
+ # UIActionSheet.alert("title", buttons: [...]) { |button| }
def self.alert(title, options={}, &block)
# create the delegate
delegate =
- delegate.on_success = options[:success] || block
+ delegate.on_default = block
+ delegate.on_success = options[:success]
delegate.on_destructive = options[:destructive]
delegate.on_cancel = options[:cancel]
args = [title] # initWithTitle:
@@ -22,90 +30,122 @@
buttons = []
buttons.concat(options[:buttons]) if options[:buttons]
if buttons.empty?
- # cancelButtonTitle: is first, so check for cancel handler
- if options[:cancel]
- buttons << 'Cancel'
- else
- buttons << nil
- end
+ # cancelButtonTitle:
+ buttons << nil
- # destructiveButtonTitle, check for destructive handler
- if options[:destructive]
- buttons << 'Delete'
- else
- buttons << nil
- end
- elsif buttons.length == 1 and (options[:cancel] or options[:destructive])
- raise 'If you only have one button, use a :success handler, not :cancel or :destructive'
- end
- # uses localized buttons in the actual alert
- if buttons.length == 0
- buttons = [nil, nil]
- elsif buttons.length == 1
+ # destructiveButtonTitle
buttons << nil
- end
- last_index = buttons.length - 1
- offset = 0
- button_index_map = {}
- if buttons[1] # destructive
- button_index_map[0] = buttons[1]
- offset += 1
- else
- last_index -= 1
+ # otherButtonTitles:
+ buttons << 'OK'
+ elsif buttons.length == 1 && (options[:cancel] || options[:destructive])
+ raise 'If you only have one button, use a :success handler, not :cancel or :destructive'
- if buttons[0] # cancel
- button_index_map[last_index] = buttons[0]
- end
- buttons[2..-1].each_with_index { |button, index|
- button_index_map[index + offset] = button
- }
- # the button titles, mapped to how UIActionSheet orders them. These are passed to the success handler.
- delegate.button_index_map = button_index_map
+ # cancelButtonTitle:destructiveButtonTitle:otherButtonTitles:
args.concat({ |s| s ? s.localized : nil })
args << nil # otherButtonTitles:..., nil
+ # the button titles, mapped to how UIActionSheet orders them. These are
+ # passed to the success handler.
+ buttons_mapped = {}
+ if args[2] && args[3] # cancel && destructive buttons
+ buttons_mapped[0] = buttons[1] # destructiveIndex == 0, button == 1
+ buttons_mapped[buttons.length - 1] = buttons[0] # cancelIndex == last, button == 0
+ # from first+1 to last-1
+ buttons[2..-1].each_with_index do |button,index|
+ buttons_mapped[index + 1] = button
+ end
+ elsif args[3] # destructive button
+ buttons_mapped[0] = buttons[1] # destructiveIndex == 0, button == 1
+ # from first+1 to last-1
+ buttons[2..-1].each_with_index do |button,index|
+ buttons_mapped[index + 1] = button
+ end
+ elsif args[2] # cancel button
+ buttons_mapped[buttons.length - 2] = buttons[0] # cancelIndex == last, button == 0
+ buttons[2..-1].each_with_index do |button,index|
+ buttons_mapped[index] = button
+ end
+ else
+ buttons[2..-1].each_with_index do |button,index|
+ buttons_mapped[index] = button
+ end
+ end
+ delegate.buttons = buttons_mapped
alert = self.alloc
alert.send('initWithTitle:delegate:cancelButtonTitle:destructiveButtonTitle:otherButtonTitles:', *args)
- window = UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow ||[0]
- alert.showInView(window)
+ if options.key?(:style)
+ style = options[:style]
+ style = style.uiactionstyle unless style.is_a?(Fixnum)
+ alert.actionSheetStyle = style
+ end
+ if options.fetch(:show, true)
+ if options.key?(:from)
+ from = options[:from]
+ else
+ from =[0]
+ end
+ case from
+ when CGRect
+ view =[0]
+ alert.showInRect(from, inView: view, animated: true)
+ when UIBarButtonItem
+ alert.showFromBarButtonItem(from)
+ when UIToolbar
+ alert.showFromToolbar(from)
+ when UITabBar
+ alert.showFromTabBar(from)
+ when UIView
+ alert.showInView(from)
+ else
+ raise "Unknown :from option #{from.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ def <<(title)
+ addButtonWithTitle(title)
+ end
def dummy
self.initWithTitle(nil, delegate:nil, cancelButtonTitle:nil, destructiveButtonTitle:nil, otherButtonTitles:nil)
module SugarCube
class ActionSheetDelegate
- attr_accessor :button_index_map
+ attr_accessor :buttons
+ attr_accessor :on_default
attr_accessor :on_cancel
attr_accessor :on_destructive
attr_accessor :on_success
def actionSheet(alert, didDismissWithButtonIndex:index)
+ handler = nil
if index == alert.destructiveButtonIndex && on_destructive
+ handler = on_destructive || on_default
elsif index == alert.cancelButtonIndex && on_cancel
- elsif on_success
- if on_success.arity == 0
+ handler = on_cancel || on_default
+ else
+ handler = on_success || on_default
+ end
+ if handler
+ if handler.arity == 0
- button = button_index_map[index]
+ button = buttons[index]