lib/sugarcrm/module.rb in sugarcrm-0.6.2 vs lib/sugarcrm/module.rb in sugarcrm-0.7.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,110 @@
module SugarCRM
- class Base
- # Runs a find against the remote service
- def self.find(id)
- response = connection.get_entry(self.module_name, id,{:fields => self.module_fields.keys})
- response.object
+ # A class for handling SugarCRM Modules
+ class Module
+ attr :name, false
+ attr :klass, false
+ attr :fields, false
+ attr :link_fields, false
+ # Dynamically register objects based on Module name
+ # I.e. a SugarCRM Module named Users will generate
+ # a SugarCRM::User class.
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ @klass = name.classify
+ @fields = {}
+ @link_fields = {}
+ @fields_registered = false
+ self
+ def fields
+ return @fields if fields?
+ all_fields = SugarCRM.connection.get_fields(@name)
+ @fields = all_fields["module_fields"]
+ @link_fields= all_fields["link_fields"]
+ @fields_registered = true
+ @fields
+ end
+ def fields?
+ @fields_registered
+ end
+ def link_fields
+ self.fields unless link_fields?
+ handle_empty_array
+ @link_fields
+ end
+ def link_fields?
+ @fields_registered
+ end
+ def handle_empty_array
+ if @link_fields.class == Array && @link_fields.length == 0
+ @link_fields = {}
+ end
+ end
+ # Registers a single module by name
+ # Adds module to SugarCRM.modules (SugarCRM.modules <<"Users"))
+ # Adds module class to SugarCRM parent module (SugarCRM.constants << User)
+ # Note, SugarCRM::User.module == Module.find("Users")
+ def register
+ return self if registered?
+ mod_instance = self
+ # class Class < SugarCRM::Base
+ # module_name = "Accounts"
+ # end
+ klass = do
+ self._module = mod_instance
+ end
+ # class Account < SugarCRM::Base
+ SugarCRM.const_set self.klass, klass
+ self
+ end
+ def registered?
+ SugarCRM.const_defined? @klass
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @name
+ end
+ def to_class
+ SugarCRM.const_get(@klass).new
+ end
+ class << self
+ @initialized = false
+ # Registers all of the SugarCRM Modules
+ def register_all
+ SugarCRM.connection.get_modules.each do |m|
+ SugarCRM.modules << m.register
+ end
+ @initialized = true
+ true
+ end
+ # Finds a module by name, or klass name
+ def find(name)
+ register_all unless initialized?
+ SugarCRM.modules.each do |m|
+ return m if == name
+ return m if m.klass == name
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ # Class variable to track if we've initialized or not
+ def initialized?
+ @initialized ||= false
+ end
+ end
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