lib/sugarcrm/attributes/attribute_methods.rb in sugarcrm-0.9.10 vs lib/sugarcrm/attributes/attribute_methods.rb in sugarcrm-0.9.11
- old
+ new
@@ -30,11 +30,16 @@
# fallback to '=' operator as default]
operator = attribute_condition.to_s[/^([!<>=]*(LIKE|IS|NOT|\s)*)(.*)$/,1].strip!
# Default to = if we can't resolve the condition.
operator ||= '='
# Extract value from query
- value = $3
+ value = $3
+ if [TrueClass, FalseClass].include? attribute_condition.class
+ # fix value for checkboxes: users can pass true/false as condition, should be converted to '1' or '0' respectively
+ value = (attribute_condition.class == TrueClass ? '1' : '0')
+ end
# TODO: Write a test for sending invalid attribute names.
# strip single quotes
value = value.strip[/'?([^']*)'?/,1]
conditions << "#{table_name_for(attribute)}.#{attribute} #{operator} \'#{value}\'"
@@ -127,10 +132,10 @@
# sets the id if it's a new record
def save_modified_attributes!
# Complain if we aren't valid
raise InvalidRecord, errors.to_a.join(", ") if !valid?
# Send the save request
- response = SugarCRM.connection.set_entry(, serialize_modified_attributes)
+ response = self.class.session.connection.set_entry(, serialize_modified_attributes)
# Complain if we don't get a parseable response back
raise RecordsaveFailed, "Failed to save record: #{self}. Response was not a Hash" unless response.is_a? Hash
# Complain if we don't get a valid id back
raise RecordSaveFailed, "Failed to save record: #{self}. Response did not contain a valid 'id'." if response["id"].nil?
# Save the id to the record, if it's a new record
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