lib/sugarcrm/attribute_methods.rb in sugarcrm-0.7.9 vs lib/sugarcrm/attribute_methods.rb in sugarcrm-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,18 +1,100 @@
module SugarCRM; module AttributeMethods
module ClassMethods
# Returns a hash of the module fields from the module
def attributes_from_module_fields
- fields = {}
+ fields = {}.with_indifferent_access
self._module.fields.keys.sort.each do |k|
fields[k.to_s] = nil
+ # Determines if attributes have been changed
+ def changed?
+ @modified_attributes.length > 0
+ end
+ # Is this a new record?
+ def new?
+ @id.blank?
+ end
+ # Converts the attributes hash into format recognizable by Sugar
+ # { :last_name => "Smith"}
+ # becomes
+ # { :last_name => {:name => "last_name", :value => "Smith"}}
+ def serialize_attributes
+ attr_hash = {}
+ @attributes.each_pair do |name,value|
+ attr_hash[name] = serialize_attribute(name,value)
+ end
+ attr_hash[:id] = serialize_id unless new?
+ attr_hash
+ end
+ # Converts the modified_attributes hash into format recognizable by Sugar
+ # { :last_name => {:old => "Smit", :new => "Smith"}}
+ # becomes
+ # { :last_name => {:name => "last_name", :value => "Smith"}}
+ def serialize_modified_attributes
+ attr_hash = {}
+ @modified_attributes.each_pair do |name,hash|
+ attr_hash[name] = serialize_attribute(name,hash[:new])
+ end
+ attr_hash[:id] = serialize_id unless new?
+ attr_hash
+ end
+ # Checks to see if we have all the neccessary attributes
+ def valid?
+ valid = true
+ self.class._module.required_fields.each do |attribute|
+ case attr_type_for(attribute)
+ when "bool"
+ case @attributes[attribute]
+ when TrueClass:
+ next
+ when FalseClass:
+ next
+ else
+ @errors.add "#{attribute} must be true or false"
+ valid = false
+ end
+ else
+ if @attributes[attribute].blank?
+ @errors.add "#{attribute} cannot be blank"
+ valid = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ valid
+ end
+ # List the required attributes for save
+ def required_attributes
+ self.class._module.required_fields
+ end
+ # Serializes the id
+ def serialize_id
+ {:name => "id", :value => @id.to_s}
+ end
+ # Un-typecasts the attribute - false becomes 0
+ def serialize_attribute(name,value)
+ attr_value = value
+ case attr_type_for(name)
+ when "bool"
+ attr_value = 0
+ attr_value = 1 if value
+ end
+ {:name => name, :value => attr_value}
+ end
# Generates get/set methods for keys in the attributes hash
def define_attribute_methods
return if attribute_methods_generated?
@attributes.each_pair do |k,v|
self.class.module_eval %Q?
@@ -50,17 +132,38 @@
+ # Returns the attribute type for a given attribute
+ def attr_type_for(attribute)
+ field = self.class._module.fields[attribute]
+ return false unless field
+ field["type"]
+ end
+ # Attempts to typecast each attribute based on the module field type
+ def typecast_attributes
+ @attributes.each_pair do |name,value|
+ attr_type = attr_type_for(name)
+ next unless attr_type
+ case attr_type
+ when "bool"
+ @attributes[name] = (value == "1")
+ end
+ end
+ @attributes
+ end
# Wrapper around attributes hash
def read_attribute(key)
# Wrapper around attributes hash
def write_attribute(key, value)
+ @modified_attributes[key] = { :old => @attributes[key].to_s, :new => value }
@attributes[key] = value
end; end
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