lib/sugar_png.rb in sugar_png-0.0.1 vs lib/sugar_png.rb in sugar_png-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,167 @@
require 'zpng'
-SugarPNG = ZPNG
+require 'sugar_png/dyn_accessor'
+require 'sugar_png/color'
+require 'sugar_png/border'
+require 'sugar_png/image'
+require 'sugar_png/font'
+require 'sugar_png/glyph'
-require 'sugar_png/datastream'
+class SugarPNG
+ DEFAULT_BG = :transparent
+ DEFAULT_FG = :black
+ Canvas = Datastream = Image
+ class Exception < ::Exception; end
+ class ArgumentError < Exception; end
+ extend DynAccessor
+ dyn_accessor :width, :height, :zoom, :depth
+ dyn_accessor :bg => %w'background bg_color background_color'
+ dyn_accessor :fg => %w'foreground fg_color foreground_color color'
+ def initialize h={}, &block
+ @bg = DEFAULT_BG
+ @fg = DEFAULT_FG
+ @zoom = 1
+ clear
+ if block_given?
+ if block.arity == 1
+ yield self
+ else
+ instance_eval &block
+ end
+ end
+ # boring non-magic hash
+ h.each do |k,v|
+ self.send "#{k}=", v
+ end
+ end
+ # reset all drawings
+ def clear
+ @pixels ={ |k,v| k[v] = {} }
+ @borders = []
+ end
+ # set pixels
+ # accepted coordinate values:
+ # a) boring Integers
+ # b) neat Arrays
+ # c) long Ranges
+ # d) super Enumerators
+ #
+ # accepted color values: see SugarPNG::Color
+ def []= ax, ay, color
+ Array(ay).each do |y|
+ Array(ax).each do |x|
+ @pixels[y][x] = color
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # same as above, but color argument can be optional
+ def pixel ax, ay, color = @fg
+ Array(ay).each do |y|
+ Array(ax).each do |x|
+ @pixels[y][x] = color
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias :pixels :pixel
+ %w'put_pixel set_pixel point dot'.each do |x|
+ # plural & singular aliases to increase entropy & prevent global singularity
+ class_eval "alias :#{x} :pixel; alias :#{x}s :pixels"
+ end
+ # draw image border with specified color
+ def border size, color = nil
+ color ||= @fg || @bg
+ @borders << size.is_a?(Hash) ? size : {:size => size, :color => color} )
+ end
+ # same as border, but default color is background
+ def padding size, color = @bg
+ border size, color
+ end
+ # draw a single glyph, used from within text()
+ def draw_glyph glyph, x0, y, color
+ #TODO: optimize?
+ glyph.to_a.each do |row|
+ x = x0
+ row.each do |bit|
+ self[x,y] = color if bit == 1
+ x += 1
+ end
+ y += 1
+ end
+ end
+ # draws text, optional arguments are :color, :x, :y
+ def text text, h = {}
+ font = @font ||=
+ color = h[:color] || @fg
+ y = h[:y] || 0
+ text.split(/[\r\n]+/).each do |line|
+ x = h[:x] || 0
+ line.each_char do |c|
+ glyph = font[c]
+ draw_glyph glyph, x, y, color
+ x += glyph.width
+ end
+ y += font.height
+ end
+ end
+ # export PNG to file
+ def save fname
+, "wb"){ |f| f<<to_s }
+ end
+ # get PNG as bytestream, for saving it to file manually, or for sending via HTTP
+ def to_s
+ height = @height || ((t=@pixels.keys.max) && t+1 ) || 0
+ width = @width || (( && t+1 ) || 0
+ xofs = yofs = 0
+ xmax = width-1
+ ymax = height-1
+ if @borders.any?
+ width +=
+ height +=
+ xofs +=
+ yofs +=
+ end
+ raise("invalid image height #{height}")) if height <= 0
+ raise("invalid image width #{width}")) if width <= 0
+ img = :width => width, :height => height, :depth => @depth
+ img.clear(_color(@bg)) if @bg
+ img.draw_borders(@borders.each{ |b| b.color = _color(b.color)} )
+ @pixels.each do |y, xh|
+ next if y>ymax
+ xh.each do |x, c|
+ next if x>xmax
+ img[x+xofs,y+yofs] = _color(c)
+ end
+ end
+ img.zoom(@zoom).export
+ end
+ alias :export :to_s
+ private
+ # create color from any of the supported color representations
+ def _color c
+ c = c.is_a?(ZPNG::Color) ? c :, :depth => @depth)
+ end