spec/sucker/response_spec.rb in sucker-2.0.0 vs spec/sucker/response_spec.rb in sucker-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,124 +1,67 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
module Sucker
describe Response do
- use_vcr_cassette 'spec/sucker/response', :record => :new_episodes
- let(:asins) { ['0816614024', '0143105825'] }
let(:response) do
- request = Request.new(:locale => :us,
- :key => 'key',
- :secret => 'secret',
- :associate_tag => 'tag')
- request << {
- 'Operation' => 'ItemLookup',
- 'IdType' => 'ASIN',
- 'ItemId' => asins }
- request.get
+ http_resp = Struct.new(:body, :code).new
+ http_resp.body = File.read(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/http_response', __FILE__))
+ http_resp.code = 200
+ Response.new(http_resp)
- describe '.new' do
- it 'initializes the response body' do
- response.body.should be_an_instance_of String
- end
+ describe '#each' do
+ context 'when a block is given' do
+ it 'yields matches to a block' do
+ yielded = false
+ response.each('Item') do |item|
+ yielded = true
+ end
- it 'initializes the response code' do
- response.code.should == 200
+ yielded.should be_true
+ end
- context 'when response contains errors' do
- before do
- response.body = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><ItemLookupResponse xmlns=\"http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/2010-09-01\"><Errors><Error>foo</Error><Error>bar</Error></Errors>"
+ describe '#errors' do
+ it 'returns an array of errors' do
+ response.body = '<Response xmlns="http://example.com"><Errors><Error>foo</Error></Errors>'
+ response.errors.should =~ ['foo']
+ end
- describe '#errors' do
- it 'returns an array of errors' do
- response.errors.count.should eql 2
+ describe '#has_errors?' do
+ context 'when a response does not contain any errors' do
+ it 'returns false' do
+ response.stub!(:errors).and_return([])
+ response.should_not have_errors
- describe '#has_errors?' do
- it 'returns true if the response has errors' do
+ context 'when a response contains errors' do
+ it 'returns true' do
+ response.stub!(:errors).and_return([1])
response.should have_errors
- describe "#each" do
- context "when a block is given" do
- it "yields each match to a block" do
- has_yielded = false
- response.each("ItemAttributes") do |item|
- has_yielded = true
- item.should be_an_instance_of Hash
- end
- has_yielded.should be_true
- end
- end
- context "when no block is given" do
- it "raises error" do
- expect do
- response.each("ItemAttributes")
- end.to raise_error(NoMethodError)
- end
- end
- end
describe '#find' do
- context 'when there are matches' do
- it 'returns an array of matching nodes' do
- response.find('ASIN').should eql asins
- end
+ it 'returns an array of matching nodes' do
+ response.find('ASIN').should_not be_empty
- context 'when there are no matches' do
- it 'returns an empty array' do
- node = response.find('Foo')
- node.should eql []
- end
- end
describe "#map" do
- context "when a block is given" do
- it "yields each match to a block and maps returned values" do
- titles = response.map("ItemAttributes") { |item| item["Title"] }
- titles.count.should eql 2
- end
+ it "yields each match to a block and maps returned values" do
+ titles = response.map('Item') { |item| item['ItemAttributes']['Title'] }
+ titles.count.should eql 2
- context "when no block is given" do
- it "raises error" do
- expect do
- response.map("ItemAttributes")
- end.to raise_error(NoMethodError)
- end
- end
- describe '#[]' do
- it 'is an alias of #find' do
- response['Title'].should eql response.find('Title')
- end
- end
describe '#to_hash' do
- it 'returns a hash' do
+ it 'casts response to a hash' do
response.to_hash.should be_a Hash
- end
- it 'renders non-ASCII characters' do
- response.body = '<ItemAttributes><Title>スティーブ・ジョブズ 驚異のプレゼン―人々を惹きつける18の法則</Title></ItemAttributes>'
- response.to_hash['Title'].should eql 'スティーブ・ジョブズ 驚異のプレゼン―人々を惹きつける18の法則'
describe '#valid?' do
context 'when HTTP status is OK' do