lib/stub_requests/api.rb in stub_requests-0.1.1 vs lib/stub_requests/api.rb in stub_requests-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -11,63 +11,97 @@
# Module API abstraction to reduce the amount of WebMock.stub_request
# @note This module can either be used by its class methods
# or included in say RSpec
+ # @author Mikael Henriksson <>
+ #
+ # :reek:DataClump
module API
# extends "self"
# @!parse extend self
extend self
+ # :reek:LongParameterList { max_params: 4 }
+ # @api private
+ def self._stub_endpoint(service_id, endpoint_id, uri_replacements = {}, options = {})
+ _service, endpoint, uri = StubRequests::URI.for_service_endpoint(service_id, endpoint_id, uri_replacements)
+ endpoint_stub =, uri, options)
+ ::WebMock::StubRegistry.instance.register_request_stub(endpoint_stub)
+ end
# :nodoc:
def self.included(base)
base.send(:extend, self)
# Register a service in the service registry
+ #
# @param [Symbol] service_id a descriptive id for the service
# @param [Symbol] service_uri the uri used to call the service
+ # @example Register a service with endpoints
+ # register_service(:documents, "") do
+ # register_endpoints do
+ # register(:show, :get, "documents/:id")
+ # register(:index, :get, "documents")
+ # register(:create, :post, "documents")
+ # register(:update, :patch, "documents/:id")
+ # register(:destroy, :delete, "documents/:id")
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
# @return [Service] a new service or a previously registered service
# :reek:UtilityFunction
def register_service(service_id, service_uri, &block)
- service = ServiceRegistry.instance.register_service(service_id, service_uri)
- Docile.dsl_eval(service.endpoint_registry, &block) if block.present?
+ service = ServiceRegistry.instance.register(service_id, service_uri)
+ Docile.dsl_eval(service.endpoints, &block) if block.present?
# Stub a request to a registered service endpoint
+ #
# @param [Symbol] service_id the id of a registered service
# @param [Symbol] endpoint_id the id of a registered endpoint
- # @param [Hash<Symbol>] uri_replacements a list of uri replacements
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol>] uri_replacements a list of URI replacements
# @param [Hash<Symbol>] options
# @option options [optional, Hash<Symbol>] :request webmock request options
# @option options [optional, Hash<Symbol>] :response webmock response options
# @option options [optional, Array, Exception, StandardError, String] :error webmock error to raise
- # @option options [optional, TrueClass] :timeout set to truthy to raise timeeout with webmock
+ # @option options [optional, TrueClass] :timeout set to true to raise some kind of timeout error
+ # @note the kind of timeout error raised by webmock is depending on the HTTP client used
+ #
# @example Stub a request to a registered service endpoint
# register_stub(
# :google_api,
# :get_map_location,
+ # {}, # No URI replacements needed for this endpoint
# { request: { headers: { "Accept" => "application/json" }}},
# { response: { body: { id: "abyasdjasd", status: "successful" }}}
# )
+ # @example Stub a request to a registered service endpoint using block version
+ # register_stub(:documents, :index) do
+ # with(headers: { "Accept" => "application/json" }}})
+ # to_return(body: "No content", status: 204)
+ # end
+ #
# @see #stub_http_request
# @return [WebMock::RequestStub] a mocked request
# :reek:UtilityFunction
# :reek:LongParameterList { max_params: 5 }
def stub_endpoint(service_id, endpoint_id, uri_replacements = {}, options = {}, &callback)
- service = ServiceRegistry.instance.get_service!(service_id)
- endpoint = service.get_endpoint!(endpoint_id)
- uri =, endpoint.uri_template, uri_replacements)
+ service, endpoint, uri = StubRequests::URI.for_service_endpoint(service_id, endpoint_id, uri_replacements)
+ endpoint_stub =, uri, options, &callback)
-, uri, options, &callback)
+ Metrics.record(service, endpoint, endpoint_stub)
+ ::WebMock::StubRegistry.instance.register_request_stub(endpoint_stub)