lib/strong_migrations/checker.rb in strong_migrations-0.8.0 vs lib/strong_migrations/checker.rb in strong_migrations-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
module StrongMigrations
class Checker
+ include Checks
include SafeMethods
- attr_accessor :direction, :transaction_disabled
+ attr_accessor :direction, :transaction_disabled, :timeouts_set
def initialize(migration)
@migration = migration
@new_tables = []
@safe = false
@timeouts_set = false
- @lock_timeout_checked = false
+ @committed = false
def safety_assured
previous_value = @safe
@@ -21,577 +22,176 @@
@safe = previous_value
def perform(method, *args)
+ check_version_supported
if !safe? || safe_by_default_method?(method)
+ # TODO better pattern
+ # see checks.rb for methods
case method
- when :remove_column, :remove_columns, :remove_timestamps, :remove_reference, :remove_belongs_to
- columns =
- case method
- when :remove_timestamps
- ["created_at", "updated_at"]
- when :remove_column
- [args[1].to_s]
- when :remove_columns
- args[1..-1].map(&:to_s)
- else
- options = args[2] || {}
- reference = args[1]
- cols = []
- cols << "#{reference}_type" if options[:polymorphic]
- cols << "#{reference}_id"
- cols
- end
- code = "self.ignored_columns = #{columns.inspect}"
- raise_error :remove_column,
- model: args[0].to_s.classify,
- code: code,
- command: command_str(method, args),
- column_suffix: columns.size > 1 ? "s" : ""
- when :change_table
- raise_error :change_table, header: "Possibly dangerous operation"
- when :rename_table
- raise_error :rename_table
- when :rename_column
- raise_error :rename_column
- when :add_index
- table, columns, options = args
- options ||= {}
- if columns.is_a?(Array) && columns.size > 3 && !options[:unique]
- raise_error :add_index_columns, header: "Best practice"
- end
- if postgresql? && options[:algorithm] != :concurrently && !new_table?(table)
- return safe_add_index(table, columns, options) if StrongMigrations.safe_by_default
- raise_error :add_index, command: command_str("add_index", [table, columns, options.merge(algorithm: :concurrently)])
- end
- when :remove_index
- table, options = args
- unless options.is_a?(Hash)
- options = {column: options}
- end
- options ||= {}
- if postgresql? && options[:algorithm] != :concurrently && !new_table?(table)
- return safe_remove_index(table, options) if StrongMigrations.safe_by_default
- raise_error :remove_index, command: command_str("remove_index", [table, options.merge(algorithm: :concurrently)])
- end
+ when :add_check_constraint
+ check_add_check_constraint(args)
when :add_column
- table, column, type, options = args
- options ||= {}
- default = options[:default]
- if !default.nil? && !add_column_default_safe?
- if options[:null] == false
- options = options.except(:null)
- append = "
-Then add the NOT NULL constraint in separate migrations."
- end
- raise_error :add_column_default,
- add_command: command_str("add_column", [table, column, type, options.except(:default)]),
- change_command: command_str("change_column_default", [table, column, default]),
- remove_command: command_str("remove_column", [table, column]),
- code: backfill_code(table, column, default),
- append: append,
- rewrite_blocks: rewrite_blocks
- end
- if type.to_s == "json" && postgresql?
- raise_error :add_column_json,
- command: command_str("add_column", [table, column, :jsonb, options])
- end
+ check_add_column(args)
+ when :add_foreign_key
+ check_add_foreign_key(args)
+ when :add_index
+ check_add_index(args)
+ when :add_reference, :add_belongs_to
+ check_add_reference(method, args)
when :change_column
- table, column, type, options = args
- options ||= {}
- safe = false
- existing_column = connection.columns(table).find { |c| == column.to_s }
- if existing_column
- existing_type = existing_column.sql_type.split("(").first
- if postgresql?
- case type.to_s
- when "string"
- # safe to increase limit or remove it
- # not safe to decrease limit or add a limit
- case existing_type
- when "character varying"
- safe = !options[:limit] || (existing_column.limit && options[:limit] >= existing_column.limit)
- when "text"
- safe = !options[:limit]
- end
- when "text"
- # safe to change varchar to text (and text to text)
- safe = ["character varying", "text"].include?(existing_type)
- when "numeric", "decimal"
- # numeric and decimal are equivalent and can be used interchangably
- safe = ["numeric", "decimal"].include?(existing_type) &&
- (
- (
- # unconstrained
- !options[:precision] && !options[:scale]
- ) || (
- # increased precision, same scale
- options[:precision] && existing_column.precision &&
- options[:precision] >= existing_column.precision &&
- options[:scale] == existing_column.scale
- )
- )
- when "datetime", "timestamp", "timestamptz"
- safe = ["timestamp without time zone", "timestamp with time zone"].include?(existing_type) &&
- postgresql_version >="12") &&
- connection.select_all("SHOW timezone").first["TimeZone"] == "UTC"
- end
- elsif mysql? || mariadb?
- case type.to_s
- when "string"
- #
- #
- # increased limit, but doesn't change number of length bytes
- # 1-255 = 1 byte, 256-65532 = 2 bytes, 65533+ = too big for varchar
- limit = options[:limit] || 255
- safe = ["varchar"].include?(existing_type) &&
- limit >= existing_column.limit &&
- (limit <= 255 || existing_column.limit > 255)
- end
- end
- end
- # unsafe to set NOT NULL for safe types
- if safe && existing_column.null && options[:null] == false
- raise_error :change_column_with_not_null
- end
- raise_error :change_column, rewrite_blocks: rewrite_blocks unless safe
+ check_change_column(args)
+ when :change_column_null
+ check_change_column_null(args)
+ when :change_table
+ check_change_table
when :create_table
- table, options = args
- options ||= {}
- raise_error :create_table if options[:force]
- # keep track of new tables of add_index check
- @new_tables << table.to_s
- when :add_reference, :add_belongs_to
- table, reference, options = args
- options ||= {}
- if postgresql?
- index_value = options.fetch(:index, true)
- concurrently_set = index_value.is_a?(Hash) && index_value[:algorithm] == :concurrently
- bad_index = index_value && !concurrently_set
- if bad_index || options[:foreign_key]
- if index_value.is_a?(Hash)
- options[:index] = options[:index].merge(algorithm: :concurrently)
- else
- options = options.merge(index: {algorithm: :concurrently})
- end
- return safe_add_reference(table, reference, options) if StrongMigrations.safe_by_default
- if options.delete(:foreign_key)
- headline = "Adding a foreign key blocks writes on both tables."
- append = "
-Then add the foreign key in separate migrations."
- else
- headline = "Adding an index non-concurrently locks the table."
- end
- raise_error :add_reference,
- headline: headline,
- command: command_str(method, [table, reference, options]),
- append: append
- end
- end
+ check_create_table(args)
when :execute
- raise_error :execute, header: "Possibly dangerous operation"
- when :change_column_null
- table, column, null, default = args
- if !null
- if postgresql?
- safe = false
- if postgresql_version >="12")
- safe = constraints(table).any? { |c| c["def"] == "CHECK ((#{column} IS NOT NULL))" || c["def"] == "CHECK ((#{connection.quote_column_name(column)} IS NOT NULL))" }
- end
- unless safe
- # match
- constraint_name = "#{table}_#{column}_null"
- add_code = constraint_str("ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s CHECK (%s IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID", [table, constraint_name, column])
- validate_code = constraint_str("ALTER TABLE %s VALIDATE CONSTRAINT %s", [table, constraint_name])
- remove_code = constraint_str("ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s", [table, constraint_name])
- constraint_methods = ar_version >= 6.1
- validate_constraint_code =
- if constraint_methods
-, [table, {name: constraint_name}]))
- else
- end
- if postgresql_version >="12")
- change_args = [table, column, null]
- validate_constraint_code << "\n #{command_str(:change_column_null, change_args)}"
- if constraint_methods
- validate_constraint_code << "\n #{command_str(:remove_check_constraint, [table, {name: constraint_name}])}"
- else
- validate_constraint_code << "\n #{safety_assured_str(remove_code)}"
- end
- end
- return safe_change_column_null(add_code, validate_code, change_args, remove_code) if StrongMigrations.safe_by_default
- add_constraint_code =
- if constraint_methods
- # only quote when needed
- expr_column = column.to_s =~ /\A[a-z0-9_]+\z/ ? column : connection.quote_column_name(column)
- command_str(:add_check_constraint, [table, "#{expr_column} IS NOT NULL", {name: constraint_name, validate: false}])
- else
- safety_assured_str(add_code)
- end
- raise_error :change_column_null_postgresql,
- add_constraint_code: add_constraint_code,
- validate_constraint_code: validate_constraint_code
- end
- elsif mysql? || mariadb?
- raise_error :change_column_null_mysql
- elsif !default.nil?
- raise_error :change_column_null,
- code: backfill_code(table, column, default)
- end
- end
- when :add_foreign_key
- from_table, to_table, options = args
- options ||= {}
- validate = options.fetch(:validate, true)
- if postgresql? && validate
- return safe_add_foreign_key(from_table, to_table, options) if StrongMigrations.safe_by_default
- raise_error :add_foreign_key,
- add_foreign_key_code: command_str("add_foreign_key", [from_table, to_table, options.merge(validate: false)]),
- validate_foreign_key_code: command_str("validate_foreign_key", [from_table, to_table])
- end
- when :validate_foreign_key
- if postgresql? && writes_blocked?
- raise_error :validate_foreign_key
- end
- when :add_check_constraint
- table, expression, options = args
- options ||= {}
- if !new_table?(table)
- if postgresql? && options[:validate] != false
- add_options = options.merge(validate: false)
- name = options[:name] || @migration.check_constraint_options(table, expression, options)[:name]
- validate_options = {name: name}
- return safe_add_check_constraint(table, expression, add_options, validate_options) if StrongMigrations.safe_by_default
- raise_error :add_check_constraint,
- add_check_constraint_code: command_str("add_check_constraint", [table, expression, add_options]),
- validate_check_constraint_code: command_str("validate_check_constraint", [table, validate_options])
- elsif mysql? || mariadb?
- raise_error :add_check_constraint_mysql
- end
- end
+ check_execute
+ when :remove_column, :remove_columns, :remove_timestamps, :remove_reference, :remove_belongs_to
+ check_remove_column(method, args)
+ when :remove_index
+ check_remove_index(args)
+ when :rename_column
+ check_rename_column
+ when :rename_table
+ check_rename_table
when :validate_check_constraint
- if postgresql? && writes_blocked?
- raise_error :validate_check_constraint
- end
+ check_validate_check_constraint
+ when :validate_foreign_key
+ check_validate_foreign_key
+ when :commit_db_transaction
+ # if committed, likely no longer in DDL transaction
+ # and no longer eligible to be retried at migration level
+ # okay to have false positives
+ @committed = true
+ # custom checks
StrongMigrations.checks.each do |check|
@migration.instance_exec(method, args, &check)
- result = yield
+ result =
+ if retry_lock_timeouts?(method)
+ # TODO figure out how to handle methods that generate multiple statements
+ # like add_reference(table, ref, index: {algorithm: :concurrently})
+ # lock timeout after first statement will cause retry to fail
+ retry_lock_timeouts { yield }
+ else
+ yield
+ end
# outdated statistics + a new index can hurt performance of existing queries
if StrongMigrations.auto_analyze && direction == :up && method == :add_index
- analyze_table(args[0])
+ adapter.analyze_table(args[0])
- private
- def set_timeouts
- if !@timeouts_set
- if StrongMigrations.statement_timeout
- statement =
- if postgresql?
- "SET statement_timeout TO #{connection.quote(postgresql_timeout(StrongMigrations.statement_timeout))}"
- elsif mysql?
- # use ceil to prevent no timeout for values under 1 ms
- "SET max_execution_time = #{connection.quote((StrongMigrations.statement_timeout.to_f * 1000).ceil)}"
- elsif mariadb?
- "SET max_statement_time = #{connection.quote(StrongMigrations.statement_timeout)}"
- else
- raise StrongMigrations::Error, "Statement timeout not supported for this database"
- end
- connection.select_all(statement)
+ def retry_lock_timeouts(check_committed: false)
+ retries = 0
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout => e
+ if retries < StrongMigrations.lock_timeout_retries && !(check_committed && @committed)
+ retries += 1
+ delay = StrongMigrations.lock_timeout_retry_delay
+ @migration.say("Lock timeout. Retrying in #{delay} seconds...")
+ sleep(delay)
+ retry
- if StrongMigrations.lock_timeout
- statement =
- if postgresql?
- "SET lock_timeout TO #{connection.quote(postgresql_timeout(StrongMigrations.lock_timeout))}"
- elsif mysql? || mariadb?
- "SET lock_wait_timeout = #{connection.quote(StrongMigrations.lock_timeout)}"
- else
- raise StrongMigrations::Error, "Lock timeout not supported for this database"
- end
- connection.select_all(statement)
- end
- @timeouts_set = true
+ raise e
- def connection
- @migration.connection
- end
+ private
- def version
- @migration.version
- end
+ def check_version_supported
+ return if defined?(@version_checked)
- def safe?
- @safe || ENV["SAFETY_ASSURED"] || (direction == :down && !StrongMigrations.check_down) || version_safe?
- end
- def version_safe?
- version && version <= StrongMigrations.start_after
- end
- def postgresql?
- connection.adapter_name =~ /postg/i # PostgreSQL, PostGIS
- end
- def postgresql_version
- @postgresql_version ||= begin
- target_version(StrongMigrations.target_postgresql_version) do
- # only works with major versions
- connection.select_all("SHOW server_version_num").first["server_version_num"].to_i / 10000
+ min_version = adapter.min_version
+ if min_version
+ version = adapter.server_version
+ if version <
+ raise UnsupportedVersion, "#{} version (#{version}) not supported in this version of Strong Migrations (#{StrongMigrations::VERSION})"
- end
- def mysql?
- connection.adapter_name =~ /mysql/i && !connection.try(:mariadb?)
+ @version_checked = true
- def mysql_version
- @mysql_version ||= begin
- target_version(StrongMigrations.target_mysql_version) do
- connection.select_all("SELECT VERSION()").first["VERSION()"].split("-").first
- end
- end
- end
+ def set_timeouts
+ return if @timeouts_set
- def mariadb?
- connection.adapter_name =~ /mysql/i && connection.try(:mariadb?)
- end
- def mariadb_version
- @mariadb_version ||= begin
- target_version(StrongMigrations.target_mariadb_version) do
- connection.select_all("SELECT VERSION()").first["VERSION()"].split("-").first
- end
+ if StrongMigrations.statement_timeout
+ adapter.set_statement_timeout(StrongMigrations.statement_timeout)
- end
+ if StrongMigrations.lock_timeout
+ adapter.set_lock_timeout(StrongMigrations.lock_timeout)
+ end
- def target_version(target_version)
- target_version ||= StrongMigrations.target_version
- version =
- if target_version && StrongMigrations.developer_env?
- target_version.to_s
- else
- yield
- end
+ @timeouts_set = true
- def ar_version
- ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.to_f
- end
def check_lock_timeout
- limit = StrongMigrations.lock_timeout_limit
+ return if defined?(@lock_timeout_checked)
- if limit && !@lock_timeout_checked
- if postgresql?
- lock_timeout = connection.select_all("SHOW lock_timeout").first["lock_timeout"]
- lock_timeout_sec = timeout_to_sec(lock_timeout)
- if lock_timeout_sec == 0
- warn "[strong_migrations] DANGER: No lock timeout set"
- elsif lock_timeout_sec > limit
- warn "[strong_migrations] DANGER: Lock timeout is longer than #{limit} seconds: #{lock_timeout}"
- end
- elsif mysql? || mariadb?
- lock_timeout = connection.select_all("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lock_wait_timeout'").first["Value"]
- # lock timeout is an integer
- if lock_timeout.to_i > limit
- warn "[strong_migrations] DANGER: Lock timeout is longer than #{limit} seconds: #{lock_timeout}"
- end
- end
- @lock_timeout_checked = true
+ if StrongMigrations.lock_timeout_limit
+ adapter.check_lock_timeout(StrongMigrations.lock_timeout_limit)
- end
- # units:
- def timeout_to_sec(timeout)
- units = {
- "us" => 0.001,
- "ms" => 1,
- "s" => 1000,
- "min" => 1000 * 60,
- "h" => 1000 * 60 * 60,
- "d" => 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
- }
- timeout_ms = timeout.to_i
- units.each do |k, v|
- if timeout.end_with?(k)
- timeout_ms *= v
- break
- end
- end
- timeout_ms / 1000.0
+ @lock_timeout_checked = true
- def postgresql_timeout(timeout)
- if timeout.is_a?(String)
- timeout
- else
- # use ceil to prevent no timeout for values under 1 ms
- (timeout.to_f * 1000).ceil
- end
+ def safe?
+ @safe || ENV["SAFETY_ASSURED"] || (direction == :down && !StrongMigrations.check_down) || version_safe?
- def analyze_table(table)
- if postgresql?
- connection.execute "ANALYZE #{connection.quote_table_name(table.to_s)}"
- elsif mariadb? || mysql?
- connection.execute "ANALYZE TABLE #{connection.quote_table_name(table.to_s)}"
- end
+ def version_safe?
+ version && version <= StrongMigrations.start_after
- def constraints(table_name)
- query = <<~SQL
- conname AS name,
- pg_get_constraintdef(oid) AS def
- pg_constraint
- contype = 'c' AND
- convalidated AND
- conrelid = #{connection.quote(connection.quote_table_name(table_name))}::regclass
- connection.select_all(query.squish).to_a
+ def version
+ @migration.version
- def raise_error(message_key, header: nil, append: nil, **vars)
- return unless StrongMigrations.check_enabled?(message_key, version: version)
- message = StrongMigrations.error_messages[message_key] || "Missing message"
- message = message + append if append
- vars[:migration_name] =
- vars[:migration_suffix] = "[#{ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR}.#{ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR}]"
- vars[:base_model] = "ApplicationRecord"
- # escape % not followed by {
- message = message.gsub(/%(?!{)/, "%%") % vars if message.include?("%")
- @migration.stop!(message, header: header || "Dangerous operation detected")
- end
- def constraint_str(statement, identifiers)
- # not all identifiers are tables, but this method of quoting should be fine
- statement % { |v| connection.quote_table_name(v) }
- end
- def safety_assured_str(code)
- "safety_assured do\n execute '#{code}' \n end"
- end
- def command_str(command, args)
- str_args = args[0..-2].map { |a| a.inspect }
- # prettier last arg
- last_arg = args[-1]
- if last_arg.is_a?(Hash)
- if last_arg.any?
- str_args << do |k, v|
- if v.is_a?(Hash)
- # pretty index: {algorithm: :concurrently}
- "#{k}: {#{ { |k2, v2| "#{k2}: #{v2.inspect}" }.join(", ")}}"
+ def adapter
+ @adapter ||= begin
+ cls =
+ case connection.adapter_name
+ when /postg/i # PostgreSQL, PostGIS
+ Adapters::PostgreSQLAdapter
+ when /mysql/i
+ if connection.try(:mariadb?)
+ Adapters::MariaDBAdapter
- "#{k}: #{v.inspect}"
+ Adapters::MySQLAdapter
- end.join(", ")
- end
- else
- str_args << last_arg.inspect
- end
+ else
+ Adapters::AbstractAdapter
+ end
- "#{command} #{str_args.join(", ")}"
+ end
- def writes_blocked?
- query = <<~SQL
- relation::regclass::text
- pg_locks
- mode IN ('ShareRowExclusiveLock', 'AccessExclusiveLock') AND
- pid = pg_backend_pid()
- connection.select_all(query.squish).any?
+ def connection
+ @migration.connection
- def rewrite_blocks
- mysql? || mariadb? ? "writes" : "reads and writes"
- end
- def backfill_code(table, column, default)
- model = table.to_s.classify
- "#{model}.unscoped.in_batches do |relation| \n relation.update_all #{column}: #{default.inspect}\n sleep(0.01)\n end"
- end
- def new_table?(table)
- @new_tables.include?(table.to_s)
- end
- def add_column_default_safe?
- if postgresql?
- postgresql_version >="11")
- elsif mysql?
- mysql_version >="8.0.12")
- elsif mariadb?
- mariadb_version >="10.3.2")
- else
- false
- end
+ def retry_lock_timeouts?(method)
+ (
+ StrongMigrations.lock_timeout_retries > 0 &&
+ !in_transaction? &&
+ method != :transaction
+ )