in strong_actions-0.0.9 vs in strong_actions-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -24,56 +24,56 @@
Suppose method "current_user" is available for controllers and views,
and user has an attribute called admin and only admin can modify resource "users",
then prepare config/acl.yml
- current_user:
- users:
- new: admin?
- create: admin?
- edit: admin?
- update: admin?
- destroy: admin?
+ users:
+ new: admin?
+ create: admin?
+ edit: admin?
+ update: admin?
+ destroy: admin?
In above case, when a non-admin user try to access new_user_path, StrongActions::ForbiddenAction is thrown.
if all actions are restricted in the same way, you can make a definition on controller level.
- current_user:
- users: admin?
+ users: admin?
controller definition can be namespaced.
- current_user:
- admin/users: admin?
+ admin/users: admin?
if you have multiple controllers under a namespace, namespace can be used.
ending with '/' indicates that is for namespace 'admin' and not controller 'admin'.
+ admin/: admin?
- current_user:
- admin/: admin?
### Handling error in controller
In application_controller.rb, the error should be rescued like
- rescue_from StrongActions::ForbiddenAction do
- render :file => 'public/403.html', :layout => false, :status => :forbidden
- end
+rescue_from StrongActions::ForbiddenAction do
+ render :file => 'public/403.html', :layout => false, :status => :forbidden
In above case, all the forbidden accesses are handled by public/403.html.
### Disabling forbidden link in view
In views, use helper method "available?" so that links for forbidden actions are not shown.
- <%= link_to 'Add User' new_user_path if available?('users', 'new') %>
+<%= link_to 'Add User' new_user_path if available?('users', 'new') %>
## Contributing
-1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/strong_actions/fork )
+1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request