test/stripe/charge_test.rb in stripe-1.58.0 vs test/stripe/charge_test.rb in stripe-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,146 +1,59 @@
require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__)
module Stripe
class ChargeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- should "charges should be listable" do
- @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge_array))
- c = Stripe::Charge.list
- assert c.data.kind_of? Array
- c.each do |charge|
- assert charge.kind_of?(Stripe::Charge)
- end
- end
+ FIXTURE = API_FIXTURES.fetch(:charge)
- should "charges should be refundable" do
- c = Stripe::Charge.construct_from(make_charge)
- @mock.expects(:get).never
- @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_refund(:charge => c)))
- r = c.refunds.create
- assert r.is_a?(Stripe::Refund)
+ should "be listable" do
+ charges = Stripe::Charge.list
+ assert_requested :get, "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges"
+ assert charges.data.kind_of?(Array)
+ assert charges.data[0].kind_of?(Stripe::Charge)
- should "charges should be refundable for old API versions" do
- # "refunds" was a plain array in old API versions but is not a Stripe
- # list (see the implementation of `make_charge` for a current example)
- data = make_charge.merge!(:refunds => [])
- c = Stripe::Charge.construct_from(data)
- @mock.expects(:get).never
- @mock.expects(:post).once.
- with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/#{c.id}/refund", nil, '').
- returns(make_response(data.merge(:refunded => true)))
- c = c.refund
- assert c.is_a?(Stripe::Charge)
- assert c.refunded
+ should "be retrievable" do
+ charge = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(FIXTURE[:id])
+ assert_requested :get, "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/#{FIXTURE[:id]}"
+ assert charge.kind_of?(Stripe::Charge)
- should "charges should not be deletable" do
- assert_raises NoMethodError do
- @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.retrieve("test_charge")
- c.delete
- end
+ should "be creatable" do
+ charge = Stripe::Charge.create(
+ amount: 100,
+ currency: "USD",
+ source: API_FIXTURES.fetch(:source)[:id]
+ )
+ assert_requested :post, "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges"
+ assert charge.kind_of?(Stripe::Charge)
- should "charges should be updateable" do
- @mock.expects(:post).once.
- with('https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges/test_charge', nil, 'metadata[foo]=bar').
- returns(make_response(make_charge(metadata: {'foo' => 'bar'})))
- c = Stripe::Charge.update("test_charge", metadata: {foo: 'bar'})
- assert_equal('bar', c.metadata['foo'])
+ should "be saveable" do
+ charge = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(FIXTURE[:id])
+ charge.metadata['key'] = 'value'
+ charge.save
+ assert_requested :post, "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/#{FIXTURE[:id]}"
- should "charges should be saveable" do
- @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.new("test_charge")
- c.refresh
- c.mnemonic = "New charge description"
- c.save
+ should "be updateable" do
+ charge = Stripe::Charge.update(FIXTURE[:id], metadata: {foo: 'bar'})
+ assert_requested :post, "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/#{FIXTURE[:id]}"
+ assert charge.kind_of?(Stripe::Charge)
- should "charges should be able to be marked as fraudulent" do
- @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.new("test_charge")
- c.refresh
- c.mark_as_fraudulent
+ context "#mark_as_fraudulent" do
+ should "charges should be able to be marked as fraudulent" do
+ charge = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(FIXTURE[:id])
+ charge = charge.mark_as_fraudulent
+ assert charge.kind_of?(Stripe::Charge)
+ end
- should "charges should be able to be marked as safe" do
- @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.new("test_charge")
- c.refresh
- c.mark_as_safe
- end
- should "charges should have Card objects associated with their Card property" do
- @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.retrieve("test_charge")
- assert c.card.kind_of?(Stripe::StripeObject) && c.card.object == 'card'
- end
- should "charges should have Outcome objects associated with their outcome property" do
- @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.retrieve("test_charge")
- assert c.outcome.kind_of?(Stripe::StripeObject) && c.outcome.type == 'authorized'
- end
- should "execute should return a new, fully executed charge when passed correct `card` parameters" do
- @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params|
- url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == {
- 'currency' => ['usd'], 'amount' => ['100'],
- 'card[exp_year]' => ['2012'],
- 'card[number]' => ['4242424242424242'],
- 'card[exp_month]' => ['11']
- }
- end.once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.create({
- :amount => 100,
- :card => {
- :number => "4242424242424242",
- :exp_month => 11,
- :exp_year => 2012,
- },
- :currency => "usd"
- })
- assert c.paid
- end
- should "execute should return a new, fully executed charge when passed correct `source` parameters" do
- @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params|
- url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == {
- 'currency' => ['usd'], 'amount' => ['100'],
- 'source' => ['btcrcv_test_receiver']
- }
- end.once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.create({
- :amount => 100,
- :source => 'btcrcv_test_receiver',
- :currency => "usd"
- })
- assert c.paid
- end
- should "properly handle an array or dictionaries" do
- @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params|
- url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == {
- 'currency' => ['usd'], 'amount' => ['100'],
- 'source' => ['btcrcv_test_receiver'],
- 'level3[][red]' => ['firstred', 'another'],
- 'level3[][one]' => ['fish'],
- }
- end.once.returns(make_response(make_charge))
- c = Stripe::Charge.create({
- :amount => 100,
- :source => 'btcrcv_test_receiver',
- :currency => "usd",
- :level3 => [{:red => 'firstred'}, {:red => 'another', :one => 'fish'}]
- })
- assert c.paid
+ context "#mark_as_safe" do
+ should "charges should be able to be marked as safe" do
+ charge = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(FIXTURE[:id])
+ charge = charge.mark_as_safe
+ assert charge.kind_of?(Stripe::Charge)
+ end