in stipe- vs in stipe-
- old
+ new
@@ -10,10 +10,16 @@
To use the Stipe gem, using Bundler `gem 'stipe'`
Stipe is a Compass Extension, so Compass is a dependency. You will need to include `require 'stipe'` in your config.rb file.
# Stipe Changelog
+* Move grid extends to load last in style.scss manifest - when using the extended grid solution, this will move all your media queries to the end of the stylesheet.
+* Removed support for Font-Awesome and Zocial ico-fonts
+* Replaced with new and improved "build your own" ico-font solution
+* General bug fixes
* BUG FIX - Addressed duplicate output for 12 col and 24 col nested placeholder selectors
* ALERT!!!! Deprecated Stipe's gradient support. This code will be deleted in future releases. Please make sure to update all gradients to use Compass' `@include background-image` mixin
@@ -54,23 +60,5 @@
* Added new `extend_color_loop` mixin
* Dynamically looping through list of OOCSS names to create color block classes
* New `extend_color_loop` mixin
* Added to `/stipe/stylesheets/stipe/toadstool/ui_patterns/_color_grid.scss`
* All extends generated in memory from lists of objects
-* Fixed order of `@imports` in `_manifest.scss`
-* Removed Google Font from Toadstool
-* Added new feature for hidpi image management
-* UI adjustments to `color_palettes` view
-* Adding new configutation support for form UI
-* Updated stipe manifest to allow for single import