spec/lib/stew/community/steam_id_spec.rb in stew-0.5.3 vs spec/lib/stew/community/steam_id_spec.rb in stew-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,115 +1,54 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Stew::Community::SteamId" do
- let(:community_client){double('community_client')}
+ let(:steam_id){12345}
+ let(:client){double('client')}
+ let(:resolver){double}
- subject{Stew::Community::SteamId.new(id,{:client => community_client})}
+ subject{Stew::Community::SteamId.new(id, client: client)}
- describe "#create" do
- context "when the parameter is an integer" do
- it "creates a steam_id with the given integer as id" do
- Stew::Community::SteamId.create(id).id.should eq id
- end
- end
- context "when the parameter is a steamcommunity url" do
- let(:url){"http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/#{id}"}
- it "creates a steam_id with the id in the given string as id" do
- Stew::Community::SteamId.create(url).id.should eq id
- end
- end
- context "when the parameter is a vanity url" do
- let(:name){"somename"}
- let(:url){"http://steamcommunity.com/id/#{name}"}
- it "creates a steamid with the vanity name as first parameter" do
- Stew::Community::SteamId.should_receive(:new).with(name)
- Stew::Community::SteamId.create(url)
- end
- end
- context "when the parameter is a vanity name" do
- let(:name){"somename"}
- it "creates a steamid with the vanity name as first parameter" do
- Stew::Community::SteamId.should_receive(:new).with(name)
- Stew::Community::SteamId.create(name)
- end
- end
- context "when the parameter is a url that cannot be matched" do
- it "raises a SteamIdNotFound error" do
- expect{Stew::Community::SteamId.create('sdfsdf/dsfsdf/com')}.to raise_error(Stew::Community::SteamIdNotFoundError)
- end
- end
+ before :each do
+ Stew::Community::SteamIdResolver.stub(:new).and_return(resolver)
+ resolver.stub(:steam_id) {id}
describe ".initialize" do
- context "when the id is a number" do
- it "sets the id" do
- subject.id.should eq id
- end
- it "should create a community client with no options" do
- Stew::Community::CommunityClient.should_receive(:new).with()
- Stew::Community::SteamId.new(id)
- end
+ it "uses an instance of SteamIdResolver to get the id" do
+ resolver.should_receive(:steam_id).with(id).and_return(id)
+ subject.id.should eq id
- context "when the id is a vanity name" do
- let(:id){"foobar20"}
- it "sets the id" do
- subject.id.should eq id
- end
- it "should create a community client with the base_path option set to 'id'" do
- Stew::Community::CommunityClient.should_receive(:new).with({:base_path => 'id'})
- Stew::Community::SteamId.new(id)
- end
- end
describe ".profile" do
- it "calls profile on the community_client" do
- community_client.should_receive(:profile).with(id)
- subject.profile
- end
+ let(:data){double}
- it "only calls profile on the community_client once" do
- community_client.should_receive(:profile).with(id).once.and_return(double('profile'))
+ it "returns a steam profile from the data received from the community client" do
+ client.should_receive(:profile).with(id).once.and_return(data)
+ Stew::Community::Profile.should_receive(:new).with(data).once.and_return(double)
describe ".games" do
- it "calls profile_games on the community_client" do
- community_client.should_receive(:profile_games).with(id)
- subject.games
- end
+ let(:data){double}
- it "only calls games on the community_client once" do
- community_client.should_receive(:profile_games).with(id).once.and_return(double('profile_games'))
+ it "returns the games from the data received from the community client" do
+ client.should_receive(:profile_games).with(id).once.and_return(data)
+ Stew::Community::ProfileGames.should_receive(:new).with(data).once.and_return(double)
describe ".friends" do
- it "calls profile_friends on the community_client" do
- community_client.should_receive(:profile_friends).with(id)
- subject.friends
- end
+ let(:data){double}
- it "only calls friends on the community_client once" do
- community_client.should_receive(:profile_friends).with(id).once.and_return(double('profile_friends'))
+ it "returns the friends from the data received from the community client" do
+ client.should_receive(:profile_friends).with(id).once.and_return(data)
+ Stew::Community::ProfileFriends.should_receive(:new).with(data).once.and_return(double)
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