lib/geokit/geocoders/google_geocoder.rb in steveh-geokit-1.6.0 vs lib/geokit/geocoders/google_geocoder.rb in steveh-geokit-1.6.1
- old
+ new
@@ -2,137 +2,144 @@
module Geocoders
# Google geocoder implementation. Requires the Geokit::Geocoders::GOOGLE variable to
# contain a Google API key. Conforms to the interface set by the Geocoder class.
class GoogleGeocoder < Geocoder
- # Template method which does the reverse-geocode lookup.
- def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng)
- latlng=LatLng.normalize(latlng)
- res = self.call_geocoder_service("{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(latlng.ll)}&output=xml&key=#{Geokit::Geocoders::google}&oe=utf-8")
- # res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse("{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}&output=xml&key=#{Geokit::Geocoders::google}&oe=utf-8"))
- return unless (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) || res.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK))
- xml = res.body
- logger.debug "Google reverse-geocoding. LL: #{latlng}. Result: #{xml}"
- return self.xml2GeoLoc(xml)
- end
+ # Template method which does the reverse-geocode lookup.
+ def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng)
+ latlng = LatLng.normalize(latlng)
+ params = { :ll => latlng.ll, :output => "xml", :key => Geokit::Geocoders::google, :oe => "utf-8" }
+ url = "#{ENDPOINT}?" + params.to_query
+ res = self.call_geocoder_service(url)
+ return unless (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) || res.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK))
+ xml = res.body
+ logger.debug "Google reverse-geocoding. LL: #{latlng}. Result: #{xml}"
+ return self.xml2GeoLoc(xml)
+ end
- # Template method which does the geocode lookup.
- #
- # Supports viewport/country code biasing
- #
- # ==== OPTIONS
- # * :bias - This option makes the Google Geocoder return results biased to a particular
- # country or viewport. Country code biasing is achieved by passing the ccTLD
- # ('uk' for, for example) as a :bias value. For a list of ccTLD's,
- # look here: By default, the geocoder
- # will be biased to results within the US (ccTLD .com).
- #
- # If you'd like the Google Geocoder to prefer results within a given viewport,
- # you can pass a Geokit::Bounds object as the :bias value.
- #
- # ==== EXAMPLES
- # # By default, the geocoder will return Syracuse, NY
- # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse').country_code # => 'US'
- # # With country code biasing, it returns Syracuse in Sicily, Italy
- # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse', :bias => :it).country_code # => 'IT'
- #
- # # By default, the geocoder will return Winnetka, IL
- # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka').state # => 'IL'
- # # When biased to an bounding box around California, it will now return the Winnetka neighbourhood, CA
- # bounds = Geokit::Bounds.normalize([34.074081, -118.694401], [34.321129, -118.399487])
- # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka', :bias => bounds).state # => 'CA'
- def self.do_geocode(address, options = {})
- bias_str = options[:bias] ? construct_bias_string_from_options(options[:bias]) : ''
- address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address
- res = self.call_geocoder_service("{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}&output=xml#{bias_str}&key=#{Geokit::Geocoders::google}&oe=utf-8")
- return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
- xml = res.body
- logger.debug "Google geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{xml}"
- return self.xml2GeoLoc(xml, address)
- end
+ # Template method which does the geocode lookup.
+ #
+ # Supports viewport/country code biasing
+ #
+ # ==== OPTIONS
+ # * :bias - This option makes the Google Geocoder return results biased to a particular
+ # country or viewport. Country code biasing is achieved by passing the ccTLD
+ # ('uk' for, for example) as a :bias value. For a list of ccTLD's,
+ # look here: By default, the geocoder
+ # will be biased to results within the US (ccTLD .com).
+ #
+ # If you'd like the Google Geocoder to prefer results within a given viewport,
+ # you can pass a Geokit::Bounds object as the :bias value.
+ #
+ # ==== EXAMPLES
+ # # By default, the geocoder will return Syracuse, NY
+ # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse').country_code # => 'US'
+ # # With country code biasing, it returns Syracuse in Sicily, Italy
+ # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse', :bias => :it).country_code # => 'IT'
+ #
+ # # By default, the geocoder will return Winnetka, IL
+ # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka').state # => 'IL'
+ # # When biased to an bounding box around California, it will now return the Winnetka neighbourhood, CA
+ # bounds = Geokit::Bounds.normalize([34.074081, -118.694401], [34.321129, -118.399487])
+ # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka', :bias => bounds).state # => 'CA'
+ def self.do_geocode(address, options = {})
+ address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address
+ params = { :q => address_str, :output => "xml", :key => Geokit::Geocoders::google, :oe => "utf-8" }.merge(bias_options(options[:bias]))
+ url = "#{ENDPOINT}?" + params.to_query
+ res = self.call_geocoder_service(url)
+ return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
+ xml = res.body
+ logger.debug "Google geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{xml}"
+ return self.xml2GeoLoc(xml, address)
+ end
- def self.construct_bias_string_from_options(bias)
- if bias.is_a?(String) or bias.is_a?(Symbol)
- # country code biasing
- "&gl=#{bias.to_s.downcase}"
- elsif bias.is_a?(Bounds)
- # viewport biasing
- "&ll=#{}&spn=#{bias.to_span.ll}"
+ def self.bias_options(bias)
+ if bias.is_a?(String) or bias.is_a?(Symbol)
+ # country code biasing
+ { :gl => bias.to_s.downcase }
+ elsif bias.is_a?(Bounds)
+ # viewport biasing
+ { :ll =>, :spn => bias.to_span.ll }
+ else
+ {}
+ end
- end
- def self.xml2GeoLoc(xml, address="")
+ def self.xml2GeoLoc(xml, address="")
- if doc.elements['//kml/Response/Status/code'].text == '200'
- geoloc = nil
- # Google can return multiple results as //Placemark elements.
- # iterate through each and extract each placemark as a geoloc
- doc.each_element('//Placemark') do |e|
- extracted_geoloc = extract_placemark(e) # g is now an instance of GeoLoc
- if geoloc.nil?
- # first time through, geoloc is still nil, so we make it the geoloc we just extracted
- geoloc = extracted_geoloc
- else
- # second (and subsequent) iterations, we push additional
- # geolocs onto "geoloc.all"
- geoloc.all.push(extracted_geoloc)
+ if doc.elements['//kml/Response/Status/code'].text == '200'
+ geoloc = nil
+ # Google can return multiple results as //Placemark elements.
+ # iterate through each and extract each placemark as a geoloc
+ doc.each_element('//Placemark') do |e|
+ extracted_geoloc = extract_placemark(e) # g is now an instance of GeoLoc
+ if geoloc.nil?
+ # first time through, geoloc is still nil, so we make it the geoloc we just extracted
+ geoloc = extracted_geoloc
+ else
+ # second (and subsequent) iterations, we push additional
+ # geolocs onto "geoloc.all"
+ geoloc.all.push(extracted_geoloc)
+ end
+ return geoloc
+ elsif doc.elements['//kml/Response/Status/code'].text == '620'
+ raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError
+ else
+ "Google was unable to geocode address: "+address
+ return
- return geoloc
- elsif doc.elements['//kml/Response/Status/code'].text == '620'
- raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError
- else
- "Google was unable to geocode address: "+address
+ rescue Geokit::TooManyQueriesError
+ # re-raise because of other rescue
+ raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError, "Google returned a 620 status, too many queries. The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period or has submitted too many requests in too short a period of time. If you're sending multiple requests in parallel or in a tight loop, use a timer or pause in your code to make sure you don't send the requests too quickly."
+ rescue
+ logger.error "Caught an error during Google geocoding call: "+$!
- rescue Geokit::TooManyQueriesError
- # re-raise because of other rescue
- raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError, "Google returned a 620 status, too many queries. The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period or has submitted too many requests in too short a period of time. If you're sending multiple requests in parallel or in a tight loop, use a timer or pause in your code to make sure you don't send the requests too quickly."
- rescue
- logger.error "Caught an error during Google geocoding call: "+$!
- return
- end
+ # extracts a single geoloc from a //placemark element in the google results xml
+ def self.extract_placemark(doc)
+ res =
+ coordinates=doc.elements['.//coordinates'].text.to_s.split(',')
- # extracts a single geoloc from a //placemark element in the google results xml
- def self.extract_placemark(doc)
- res =
- coordinates=doc.elements['.//coordinates'].text.to_s.split(',')
+ #basics
+ res.lng=coordinates[0]
+ res.country_code=doc.elements['.//CountryNameCode'].text if doc.elements['.//CountryNameCode']
+ res.provider='google'
- #basics
- res.lng=coordinates[0]
- res.country_code=doc.elements['.//CountryNameCode'].text if doc.elements['.//CountryNameCode']
- res.provider='google'
+ #extended -- false if not not available
+ = doc.elements['.//LocalityName'].text if doc.elements['.//LocalityName']
+ res.state = doc.elements['.//AdministrativeAreaName'].text if doc.elements['.//AdministrativeAreaName']
+ res.province = doc.elements['.//SubAdministrativeAreaName'].text if doc.elements['.//SubAdministrativeAreaName']
+ res.full_address = doc.elements['.//address'].text if doc.elements['.//address'] # google provides it
+ = doc.elements['.//PostalCodeNumber'].text if doc.elements['.//PostalCodeNumber']
+ res.street_address = doc.elements['.//ThoroughfareName'].text if doc.elements['.//ThoroughfareName']
+ = doc.elements['.//CountryName'].text if doc.elements['.//CountryName']
+ res.district = doc.elements['.//DependentLocalityName'].text if doc.elements['.//DependentLocalityName']
+ # Translate accuracy into Yahoo-style token address, street, zip, zip+4, city, state, country
+ # For Google, 1=low accuracy, 8=high accuracy
+ address_details=doc.elements['.//*[local-name() = "AddressDetails"]']
+ res.accuracy = address_details ? address_details.attributes['Accuracy'].to_i : 0
+ res.precision=%w{unknown country state state city zip zip+4 street address building}[res.accuracy]
- #extended -- false if not not available
- = doc.elements['.//LocalityName'].text if doc.elements['.//LocalityName']
- res.state = doc.elements['.//AdministrativeAreaName'].text if doc.elements['.//AdministrativeAreaName']
- res.province = doc.elements['.//SubAdministrativeAreaName'].text if doc.elements['.//SubAdministrativeAreaName']
- res.full_address = doc.elements['.//address'].text if doc.elements['.//address'] # google provides it
- = doc.elements['.//PostalCodeNumber'].text if doc.elements['.//PostalCodeNumber']
- res.street_address = doc.elements['.//ThoroughfareName'].text if doc.elements['.//ThoroughfareName']
- = doc.elements['.//CountryName'].text if doc.elements['.//CountryName']
- res.district = doc.elements['.//DependentLocalityName'].text if doc.elements['.//DependentLocalityName']
- # Translate accuracy into Yahoo-style token address, street, zip, zip+4, city, state, country
- # For Google, 1=low accuracy, 8=high accuracy
- address_details=doc.elements['.//*[local-name() = "AddressDetails"]']
- res.accuracy = address_details ? address_details.attributes['Accuracy'].to_i : 0
- res.precision=%w{unknown country state state city zip zip+4 street address building}[res.accuracy]
+ # google returns a set of suggested boundaries for the geocoded result
+ if suggested_bounds = doc.elements['//LatLonBox']
+ res.suggested_bounds = Bounds.normalize(
+ [suggested_bounds.attributes['south'], suggested_bounds.attributes['west']],
+ [suggested_bounds.attributes['north'], suggested_bounds.attributes['east']])
+ end
- # google returns a set of suggested boundaries for the geocoded result
- if suggested_bounds = doc.elements['//LatLonBox']
- res.suggested_bounds = Bounds.normalize(
- [suggested_bounds.attributes['south'], suggested_bounds.attributes['west']],
- [suggested_bounds.attributes['north'], suggested_bounds.attributes['east']])
+ res.success=true
+ return res
- res.success=true
- return res
- end
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