vendor/ruby-signature/stdlib/abbrev/abbrev.rbs in steep-0.14.0 vs vendor/ruby-signature/stdlib/abbrev/abbrev.rbs in steep-0.15.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,3 +1,60 @@
+# Calculates the set of unambiguous abbreviations for a given set of strings.
+# require 'abbrev'
+# require 'pp'
+# pp Abbrev.abbrev(['ruby'])
+# #=> {"ruby"=>"ruby", "rub"=>"ruby", "ru"=>"ruby", "r"=>"ruby"}
+# pp Abbrev.abbrev(%w{ ruby rules })
+# *Generates:*
+# { "ruby" => "ruby",
+# "rub" => "ruby",
+# "rules" => "rules",
+# "rule" => "rules",
+# "rul" => "rules" }
+# It also provides an array core extension, Array#abbrev.
+# pp %w{ summer winter }.abbrev
+# *Generates:*
+# { "summer" => "summer",
+# "summe" => "summer",
+# "summ" => "summer",
+# "sum" => "summer",
+# "su" => "summer",
+# "s" => "summer",
+# "winter" => "winter",
+# "winte" => "winter",
+# "wint" => "winter",
+# "win" => "winter",
+# "wi" => "winter",
+# "w" => "winter" }
module Abbrev
- def self?.abbrev: (Array[String], ?(String | Regexp | nil)) -> Hash[String, String]
+ # Given a set of strings, calculate the set of unambiguous abbreviations for
+ # those strings, and return a hash where the keys are all the possible
+ # abbreviations and the values are the full strings.
+ #
+ # Thus, given `words` is "car" and "cone", the keys pointing to "car" would be
+ # "ca" and "car", while those pointing to "cone" would be "co", "con", and
+ # "cone".
+ #
+ # require 'abbrev'
+ #
+ # Abbrev.abbrev(%w{ car cone })
+ # #=> {"ca"=>"car", "con"=>"cone", "co"=>"cone", "car"=>"car", "cone"=>"cone"}
+ #
+ # The optional `pattern` parameter is a pattern or a string. Only input strings
+ # that match the pattern or start with the string are included in the output
+ # hash.
+ #
+ # Abbrev.abbrev(%w{car box cone crab}, /b/)
+ # #=> {"box"=>"box", "bo"=>"box", "b"=>"box", "crab" => "crab"}
+ #
+ # Abbrev.abbrev(%w{car box cone}, 'ca')
+ # #=> {"car"=>"car", "ca"=>"car"}
+ def self?.abbrev: (Array[String], ?String | Regexp | nil) -> Hash[String, String]