lib/status-manager.rb in status-manager-0.8.5 vs lib/status-manager.rb in status-manager-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,125 +2,130 @@
require 'status-manager/status_update_callback'
require 'status-manager/status_validation'
require 'status-manager/status_store'
require 'active_support/inflector'
+# Base Module
module StatusManager
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend ClassMethods
+ base.extend StatusManager::StatusGroupManager
+ base.extend StatusManager::StatusUpdateCallback
+ base.extend StatusManager::StatusValidation
+ end
- def self.included(base)
- base.extend ClassMethods
- base.extend StatusManager::StatusGroupManager
- base.extend StatusManager::StatusUpdateCallback
- base.extend StatusManager::StatusValidation
- end
+ # Class Methods
+ module ClassMethods
+ # assign attributes as status
+ def attr_as_status(status_attribute, status_sets, options = {})
+ register_status_sets(status_attribute, status_sets)
+ status_group(status_attribute, options[:group]) if options.key?(:group)
+ set_default_status(status_attribute, options[:default]) if options.key?(:default)
+ end
- module ClassMethods
- def attr_as_status(status_attribute, status_sets, options={})
- register_status_sets(status_attribute, status_sets)
- status_group(status_attribute, options[:group]) if options.key?(:group)
- set_default_status(status_attribute, options[:default]) if options.key?(:default)
- end
+ def register_status_sets(status_attribute, status_sets)
+ # if status_sets parameter is array.
+ # ex) register_status_sets(status, [:onsale, :soldout, :reject])
+ fail 'Not defined statuses' if status_sets.empty?
- def register_status_sets(status_attribute, status_sets, default_status=nil)
- # if status_sets parameter is array.
- # ex) register_status_sets(status, [:onsale, :soldout, :reject])
- raise "Not defined statuses" if status_sets.empty?
- if status_sets.instance_of?(Array)
- raise Exception, "#{status_attribute} column type must be :string or :text in this case, if you want to specify column value use Hash class" unless [:string, :text].include?(self.columns_hash[status_attribute.to_s].type)
- _status_sets = {}
- status_sets.each { |status_set| _status_sets[status_set] = status_set.to_s }
- status_sets = _status_sets
- end
+ if status_sets.instance_of?(Array)
+ status_hash = {}
+ status_sets.each do |status_set|
+ status_hash[status_set] = status_set.to_s
+ end
+ status_sets = status_hash
+ end
- status_store =, status_sets)
- status_store_list.add(status_store)
+ status_store =, status_sets)
+ status_store_list.add(status_store)
- scope "#{status_store.attribute_name}", lambda{ | statuses | where("#{self.table_name}.#{status_store.attribute_name.to_s}" => status_store.values(statuses)) }
+ scope("#{status_store.attribute_name}",
+ -> (statuses) { where("#{table_name}.#{status_store.attribute_name}" => status_store.values(statuses)) })
- status_store.status_sets.each do |key, value|
- #active_record scope setting
- scope "#{status_store.attribute_name}_#{key}", where("#{self.table_name}.#{status_store.attribute_name}" => value)
+ status_store.status_sets.each do |key, value|
+ # active_record scope setting
+ scope("#{status_store.attribute_name}_#{key}",
+ -> { where("#{table_name}.#{status_store.attribute_name}" => value) })
- #status check method
- define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_#{key}?" do
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}") == value
- end
+ # status check method
+ define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_#{key}?" do
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}") == value
+ end
- define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_was_#{key}?" do
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was") == value
- end
+ define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_was_#{key}?" do
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was") == value
+ end
- #update status
- define_method "update_#{status_store.attribute_name}_to_#{key}" do
- self.update_attributes("#{status_store.attribute_name}" => "#{value}")
- end
+ # update status
+ define_method "update_#{status_store.attribute_name}_to_#{key}" do
+ update_attributes("#{status_store.attribute_name}" => "#{value}")
+ end
- define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_to_#{key}" do
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}=", value)
- end
- end
+ define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_to_#{key}" do
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}=", value)
+ end
+ end
- #status check method
- define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}?" do |status|
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_#{status}?")
- end
+ # status check method
+ define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}?" do |status|
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_#{status}?")
+ end
- define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_was?" do |status|
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was_#{status}?")
- end
+ define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_was?" do |status|
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was_#{status}?")
+ end
- #status setter (do not override attr_accessible)
- define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_to" do |status|
- raise "#{status} is undefined status or it is group status" unless status_store.status?(status)
- status_value = self.class.status_store_list.get(status_store.attribute_name).value(status)
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}=", status_value)
- end
+ # status setter (do not override attr_accessible)
+ define_method "#{status_store.attribute_name}_to" do |status|
+ fail "#{status} is undefined status or it is group status" unless status_store.status?(status)
+ status_value = self.class.status_store_list.get(status_store.attribute_name).value(status)
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}=", status_value)
+ end
- # update status
- define_method "update_#{status_store.attribute_name}_to" do |status|
- raise "#{status} is undefined status or it is group status" unless status_store.status?(status)
- self.update_attributes(status_attribute.to_sym => self.class.status_store_list.get(status_store.attribute_name).value(status))
- end
+ # update status
+ define_method "update_#{status_store.attribute_name}_to" do |status|
+ fail "#{status} is undefined status or it is group status" unless status_store.status?(status)
+ update_attributes(status_attribute.to_sym => self.class.status_store_list.get(status_store.attribute_name).value(status))
+ end
- define_method("#{status_store.attribute_name}_changed?") do |options={}|
- statuses = self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_change")
- if statuses
- if statuses[0] == statuses[1]
- return false
- elsif options[:from] && options[:to]
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was?", options[:from]) && self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}?", options[:to])
- elsif options[:to]
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}?", options[:to])
- elsif options[:from]
- self.send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was?", options[:from])
- else
- return true
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
+ define_method("#{status_store.attribute_name}_changed?") do |options = {}|
+ statuses = send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_change")
+ if statuses
+ if statuses[0] == statuses[1]
+ return false
+ elsif options[:from] && options[:to]
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was?", options[:from]) && send("#{status_store.attribute_name}?", options[:to])
+ elsif options[:to]
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}?", options[:to])
+ elsif options[:from]
+ send("#{status_store.attribute_name}_was?", options[:from])
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
- #get status list
- define_singleton_method "#{status_store.attribute_name.to_s.pluralize}" do
- self.status_store_list.get(status_store.attribute_name).status_sets
- end
- end
+ # get status list
+ define_singleton_method "#{status_store.attribute_name.to_s.pluralize}" do
+ status_store_list.get(status_store.attribute_name).status_sets
+ end
+ end
- def set_default_status(status_attribute, status)
- before_create do |obj|
- obj.send("#{status_attribute.to_s}=", obj.class.send(status_attribute.to_s.pluralize)[status]) unless obj.send(status_attribute.to_s)
- end
- end
+ def set_default_status(status_attribute, status)
+ before_create do |obj|
+ obj.send("#{status_attribute}=", obj.class.send(status_attribute.to_s.pluralize)[status]) unless obj.send(status_attribute.to_s)
+ end
+ end
- def status_store_list
- if self.class_variable_defined?(:@@status_store_list)
- self.class_variable_get(:@@status_store_list)
- else
- self.class_variable_set(:@@status_store_list,
- end
- end
- end
+ def status_store_list
+ if self.class_variable_defined?(:@@status_store_list)
+ class_variable_get(:@@status_store_list)
+ else
+ class_variable_set(:@@status_store_list,
+ end
+ end
+ end
-ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, StatusManager) if defined? ActiveRecord
\ No newline at end of file
+ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, StatusManager) if defined? ActiveRecord