test/test_factor.rb in statsample-1.4.1 vs test/test_factor.rb in statsample-1.4.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,222 +1,219 @@
-#require 'rserve'
-#require 'statsample/rserve_extension'
+require(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helpers_tests.rb'))
+# require 'rserve'
+# require 'statsample/rserve_extension'
-class StatsampleFactorTestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+class StatsampleFactorTestCase < Minitest::Test
include Statsample::Fixtures
# Based on Hardle and Simar
def setup
- @fixtures_dir=File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/fixtures")
+ @fixtures_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures')
# Based on Hurdle example
def test_covariance_matrix
- ds=Statsample::PlainText.read(@fixtures_dir+"/bank2.dat", %w{v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6})
+ ds = Statsample::PlainText.read(@fixtures_dir + '/bank2.dat', %w(v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6))
ds.fields.each {|f|
- ds[f]=ds[f].centered
+ ds[f] = ds[f].centered
- cm=ds.covariance_matrix
- pca =Statsample::Factor::PCA.new( cm, :m=>6)
- #puts pca.summary
- #puts pca.feature_matrix
- exp_eig=[2.985, 0.931,0.242, 0.194, 0.085, 0.035].to_scale
+ cm = ds.covariance_matrix
+ pca = Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cm, m: 6)
+ # puts pca.summary
+ # puts pca.feature_matrix
+ exp_eig = [2.985, 0.931, 0.242, 0.194, 0.085, 0.035].to_scale
assert_similar_vector(exp_eig, pca.eigenvalues.to_scale, 0.1)
- pcs=pca.principal_components(ds)
- k=6
- comp_matrix=pca.component_matrix()
+ pcs = pca.principal_components(ds)
+ k = 6
+ comp_matrix = pca.component_matrix
k.times {|i|
- pc_id="PC_#{i+1}"
+ pc_id = "PC_#{i + 1}"
k.times {|j| # variable
- ds_id="v#{j+1}"
- r= Statsample::Bivariate.correlation(ds[ds_id], pcs[pc_id])
- assert_in_delta( r, comp_matrix[j,i])
- }
+ ds_id = "v#{j + 1}"
+ r = Statsample::Bivariate.correlation(ds[ds_id], pcs[pc_id])
+ assert_in_delta(r, comp_matrix[j, i])
+ }
def test_principalcomponents_ruby_gsl
- ran=Distribution::Normal.rng
-# @r=::Rserve::Connection.new
+ ran = Distribution::Normal.rng
- samples=20
- [3,5,7].each {|k|
- v={}
- v["x0"]=samples.times.map { ran.call()}.to_scale.centered
+ # @r=::Rserve::Connection.new
+ samples = 20
+ [3, 5, 7].each {|k|
+ v = {}
+ v['x0'] = samples.times.map { ran.call }.to_scale.centered
(1...k).each {|i|
- v["x#{i}"]=samples.times.map {|ii| ran.call()*0.5+v["x#{i-1}"][ii]*0.5}.to_scale.centered
+ v["x#{i}"] = samples.times.map { |ii| ran.call * 0.5 + v["x#{i - 1}"][ii] * 0.5 }.to_scale.centered
- ds=v.to_dataset
- cm=ds.covariance_matrix
-# @r.assign('ds',ds)
-# @r.eval('cm<-cor(ds);sm<-eigen(cm, sym=TRUE);v<-sm$vectors')
-# puts "eigenvalues"
-# puts @r.eval('v').to_ruby.to_s
- pca_ruby=Statsample::Factor::PCA.new( cm, :m=>k, :use_gsl=>false )
- pca_gsl =Statsample::Factor::PCA.new( cm, :m=>k, :use_gsl=>true )
+ ds = v.to_dataset
+ cm = ds.covariance_matrix
+ # @r.assign('ds',ds)
+ # @r.eval('cm<-cor(ds);sm<-eigen(cm, sym=TRUE);v<-sm$vectors')
+ # puts "eigenvalues"
+ # puts @r.eval('v').to_ruby.to_s
+ pca_ruby = Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cm, m: k, use_gsl: false)
+ pca_gsl = Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cm, m: k, use_gsl: true)
pc_ruby = pca_ruby.principal_components(ds)
pc_gsl = pca_gsl.principal_components(ds)
# Test component matrix correlation!
- cm_ruby=pca_ruby.component_matrix
- #puts cm_ruby.summary
+ cm_ruby = pca_ruby.component_matrix
+ # puts cm_ruby.summary
k.times {|i|
- pc_id="PC_#{i+1}"
- assert_in_delta(pca_ruby.eigenvalues[i], pca_gsl.eigenvalues[i],1e-10)
+ pc_id = "PC_#{i + 1}"
+ assert_in_delta(pca_ruby.eigenvalues[i], pca_gsl.eigenvalues[i], 1e-10)
# Revert gsl component values
- pc_gsl_data= (pc_gsl[pc_id][0]-pc_ruby[pc_id][0]).abs>1e-6 ? pc_gsl[pc_id].recode {|v| -v} : pc_gsl[pc_id]
- assert_similar_vector(pc_gsl_data, pc_ruby[pc_id], 1e-6,"PC for #{k} variables")
+ pc_gsl_data = (pc_gsl[pc_id][0] - pc_ruby[pc_id][0]).abs > 1e-6 ? pc_gsl[pc_id].recode(&:-@) : pc_gsl[pc_id]
+ assert_similar_vector(pc_gsl_data, pc_ruby[pc_id], 1e-6, "PC for #{k} variables")
if false
- k.times {|j| # variable
- ds_id="x#{j}"
- r= Statsample::Bivariate.correlation(ds[ds_id],pc_ruby[pc_id])
- puts "#{pc_id}-#{ds_id}:#{r}"
- }
+ k.times {|j| # variable
+ ds_id = "x#{j}"
+ r = Statsample::Bivariate.correlation(ds[ds_id], pc_ruby[pc_id])
+ puts "#{pc_id}-#{ds_id}:#{r}"
+ }
- #@r.close
+ # @r.close
- def test_principalcomponents()
- principalcomponents(true)
- principalcomponents(false)
- end
+ def test_principalcomponents
+ principalcomponents(true)
+ principalcomponents(false)
+ end
def principalcomponents(gsl)
- ran=Distribution::Normal.rng
- samples=50
- x1=samples.times.map { ran.call()}.to_scale
- x2=samples.times.map {|i| ran.call()*0.5+x1[i]*0.5}.to_scale
- ds={'x1'=>x1,'x2'=>x2}.to_dataset
- cm=ds.correlation_matrix
- r=cm[0,1]
- pca=Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cm,:m=>2,:use_gsl=>gsl)
- assert_in_delta(1+r,pca.eigenvalues[0],1e-10)
- assert_in_delta(1-r,pca.eigenvalues[1],1e-10)
- hs=1.0 / Math.sqrt(2)
- assert_equal_vector(Vector[1, 1]*hs, pca.eigenvectors[0])
- m_1=gsl ? Vector[-1,1] : Vector[1,-1]
- assert_equal_vector(hs*m_1, pca.eigenvectors[1])
- pcs=pca.principal_components(ds)
- exp_pc_1=ds.collect_with_index {|row,i|
- hs*(row['x1']+row['x2'])
- }
- exp_pc_2=ds.collect_with_index {|row,i|
- gsl ? hs*(row['x2']-row['x1']) : hs*(row['x1']-row['x2'])
+ ran = Distribution::Normal.rng
+ samples = 50
+ x1 = samples.times.map { ran.call }.to_scale
+ x2 = samples.times.map { |i| ran.call * 0.5 + x1[i] * 0.5 }.to_scale
+ ds = { 'x1' => x1, 'x2' => x2 }.to_dataset
+ cm = ds.correlation_matrix
+ r = cm[0, 1]
+ pca = Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cm, m: 2, use_gsl: gsl)
+ assert_in_delta(1 + r, pca.eigenvalues[0], 1e-10)
+ assert_in_delta(1 - r, pca.eigenvalues[1], 1e-10)
+ hs = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2)
+ assert_equal_vector(Vector[1, 1] * hs, pca.eigenvectors[0])
+ m_1 = gsl ? Vector[-1, 1] : Vector[1, -1]
+ assert_equal_vector(hs * m_1, pca.eigenvectors[1])
+ pcs = pca.principal_components(ds)
+ exp_pc_1 = ds.collect_with_index {|row, _i|
+ hs * (row['x1'] + row['x2'])
- assert_similar_vector(exp_pc_1, pcs["PC_1"])
- assert_similar_vector(exp_pc_2, pcs["PC_2"])
+ exp_pc_2 = ds.collect_with_index {|row, _i|
+ gsl ? hs * (row['x2'] - row['x1']) : hs * (row['x1'] - row['x2'])
+ }
+ assert_similar_vector(exp_pc_1, pcs['PC_1'])
+ assert_similar_vector(exp_pc_2, pcs['PC_2'])
def test_antiimage
- cor=Matrix[[1,0.964, 0.312],[0.964,1,0.411],[0.312,0.411,1]]
- expected=Matrix[[0.062,-0.057, 0.074],[-0.057, 0.057, -0.089], [0.074, -0.089, 0.729]]
- ai=Statsample::Factor.anti_image_covariance_matrix(cor)
- assert(Matrix.equal_in_delta?(expected, ai, 0.01), "#{expected.to_s} not equal to #{ai.to_s}")
+ cor = Matrix[[1, 0.964, 0.312], [0.964, 1, 0.411], [0.312, 0.411, 1]]
+ expected = Matrix[[0.062, -0.057, 0.074], [-0.057, 0.057, -0.089], [0.074, -0.089, 0.729]]
+ ai = Statsample::Factor.anti_image_covariance_matrix(cor)
+ assert(Matrix.equal_in_delta?(expected, ai, 0.01), "#{expected} not equal to #{ai}")
def test_kmo
- @v1=[1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10,14,15,20,50,60,70].to_scale
- @v2=[5 ,6 ,11,12,13,16,17,18,19,20,30,0,0,0].to_scale
- @v3=[10,3 ,20,30,40,50,80,10,20,30,40,2,3,4].to_scale
- # KMO: 0.490
- ds={'v1'=>@v1,'v2'=>@v2,'v3'=>@v3}.to_dataset
- cor=Statsample::Bivariate.correlation_matrix(ds)
- kmo=Statsample::Factor.kmo(cor)
- assert_in_delta(0.667, kmo,0.001)
- assert_in_delta(0.81, Statsample::Factor.kmo(harman_817),0.01)
+ @v1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20, 50, 60, 70].to_scale
+ @v2 = [5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 0, 0, 0].to_scale
+ @v3 = [10, 3, 20, 30, 40, 50, 80, 10, 20, 30, 40, 2, 3, 4].to_scale
+ # KMO: 0.490
+ ds = { 'v1' => @v1, 'v2' => @v2, 'v3' => @v3 }.to_dataset
+ cor = Statsample::Bivariate.correlation_matrix(ds)
+ kmo = Statsample::Factor.kmo(cor)
+ assert_in_delta(0.667, kmo, 0.001)
+ assert_in_delta(0.81, Statsample::Factor.kmo(harman_817), 0.01)
def test_kmo_univariate
- m=harman_817
- expected=[0.73,0.76,0.84,0.87,0.53,0.93,0.78,0.86]
+ m = harman_817
+ expected = [0.73, 0.76, 0.84, 0.87, 0.53, 0.93, 0.78, 0.86]
m.row_size.times.map {|i|
- assert_in_delta(expected[i], Statsample::Factor.kmo_univariate(m,i),0.01)
+ assert_in_delta(expected[i], Statsample::Factor.kmo_univariate(m, i), 0.01)
# Tested with SPSS and R
def test_pca
- a=[2.5, 0.5, 2.2, 1.9, 3.1, 2.3, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.1].to_scale
- b=[2.4, 0.7, 2.9, 2.2, 3.0, 2.7, 1.6, 1.1, 1.6, 0.9].to_scale
- a.recode! {|c| c-a.mean}
- b.recode! {|c| c-b.mean}
- ds={'a'=>a,'b'=>b}.to_dataset
- cov_matrix=Statsample::Bivariate.covariance_matrix(ds)
- if Statsample.has_gsl?
- pca=Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cov_matrix,:use_gsl=>true)
- pca_set(pca,"gsl")
- else
- skip("Eigenvalues could be calculated with GSL (requires gsl)")
- end
- pca=Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cov_matrix,:use_gsl=>false)
- pca_set(pca,"ruby")
+ a = [2.5, 0.5, 2.2, 1.9, 3.1, 2.3, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.1].to_scale
+ b = [2.4, 0.7, 2.9, 2.2, 3.0, 2.7, 1.6, 1.1, 1.6, 0.9].to_scale
+ a.recode! { |c| c - a.mean }
+ b.recode! { |c| c - b.mean }
+ ds = { 'a' => a, 'b' => b }.to_dataset
+ cov_matrix = Statsample::Bivariate.covariance_matrix(ds)
+ if Statsample.has_gsl?
+ pca = Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cov_matrix, use_gsl: true)
+ pca_set(pca, 'gsl')
+ else
+ skip('Eigenvalues could be calculated with GSL (requires gsl)')
+ end
+ pca = Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cov_matrix, use_gsl: false)
+ pca_set(pca, 'ruby')
- def pca_set(pca,type)
- expected_eigenvalues=[1.284, 0.0490]
- expected_eigenvalues.each_with_index{|ev,i|
- assert_in_delta(ev,pca.eigenvalues[i],0.001)
- }
- expected_communality=[0.590, 0.694]
- expected_communality.each_with_index{|ev,i|
- assert_in_delta(ev,pca.communalities[i],0.001)
- }
- expected_cm=[0.768, 0.833]
- obs=pca.component_matrix_correlation(1).column(0).to_a
- expected_cm.each_with_index{|ev,i|
- assert_in_delta(ev,obs[i],0.001)
- }
- assert(pca.summary)
+ def pca_set(pca, _type)
+ expected_eigenvalues = [1.284, 0.0490]
+ expected_eigenvalues.each_with_index{|ev, i|
+ assert_in_delta(ev, pca.eigenvalues[i], 0.001)
+ }
+ expected_communality = [0.590, 0.694]
+ expected_communality.each_with_index{|ev, i|
+ assert_in_delta(ev, pca.communalities[i], 0.001)
+ }
+ expected_cm = [0.768, 0.833]
+ obs = pca.component_matrix_correlation(1).column(0).to_a
+ expected_cm.each_with_index{|ev, i|
+ assert_in_delta(ev, obs[i], 0.001)
+ }
+ assert(pca.summary)
# Tested with R
def test_principalaxis
- matrix=::Matrix[
- [1.0, 0.709501601093587, 0.877596585880047, 0.272219316266807], [0.709501601093587, 1.0, 0.291633797330304, 0.871141831433844], [0.877596585880047, 0.291633797330304, 1.0, -0.213373722977167], [0.272219316266807, 0.871141831433844, -0.213373722977167, 1.0]]
- fa=Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis.new(matrix,:m=>1, :max_iterations=>50)
+ matrix = ::Matrix[
+ [1.0, 0.709501601093587, 0.877596585880047, 0.272219316266807], [0.709501601093587, 1.0, 0.291633797330304, 0.871141831433844], [0.877596585880047, 0.291633797330304, 1.0, -0.213373722977167], [0.272219316266807, 0.871141831433844, -0.213373722977167, 1.0]]
- cm=::Matrix[[0.923],[0.912],[0.507],[0.483]]
- assert_equal_matrix(cm,fa.component_matrix,0.001)
- h2=[0.852,0.832,0.257,0.233]
- h2.each_with_index{|ev,i|
- assert_in_delta(ev,fa.communalities[i],0.001)
- }
- eigen1=2.175
- assert_in_delta(eigen1, fa.eigenvalues[0],0.001)
- assert(fa.summary.size>0)
- fa=Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis.new(matrix,:smc=>false)
- assert_raise RuntimeError do
- fa.iterate
- end
+ fa = Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis.new(matrix, m: 1, max_iterations: 50)
- end
+ cm = ::Matrix[[0.923], [0.912], [0.507], [0.483]]
+ assert_equal_matrix(cm, fa.component_matrix, 0.001)
+ h2 = [0.852, 0.832, 0.257, 0.233]
+ h2.each_with_index{|ev, i|
+ assert_in_delta(ev, fa.communalities[i], 0.001)
+ }
+ eigen1 = 2.175
+ assert_in_delta(eigen1, fa.eigenvalues[0], 0.001)
+ assert(fa.summary.size > 0)
+ fa = Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis.new(matrix, smc: false)
+ assert_raise RuntimeError do
+ fa.iterate
+ end
+ end
def test_rotation_varimax
- a = Matrix[ [ 0.4320, 0.8129, 0.3872] ,
- [0.7950, -0.5416, 0.2565] ,
- [0.5944, 0.7234, -0.3441],
- [0.8945, -0.3921, -0.1863] ]
+ a = Matrix[[0.4320, 0.8129, 0.3872],
+ [0.7950, -0.5416, 0.2565],
+ [0.5944, 0.7234, -0.3441],
+ [0.8945, -0.3921, -0.1863]]
- expected= Matrix[[-0.0204423, 0.938674, -0.340334],
- [0.983662, 0.0730206, 0.134997],
- [0.0826106, 0.435975, -0.893379],
- [0.939901, -0.0965213, -0.309596]]
- varimax=Statsample::Factor::Varimax.new(a)
+ expected = Matrix[[-0.0204423, 0.938674, -0.340334],
+ [0.983662, 0.0730206, 0.134997],
+ [0.0826106, 0.435975, -0.893379],
+ [0.939901, -0.0965213, -0.309596]]
+ varimax = Statsample::Factor::Varimax.new(a)
assert(!varimax.rotated.nil?, "Rotated shouldn't be empty")
assert(!varimax.component_transformation_matrix.nil?, "Component matrix shouldn't be empty")
assert(!varimax.h2.nil?, "H2 shouldn't be empty")
- assert_equal_matrix(expected,varimax.rotated,1e-6)
- assert(varimax.summary.size>0)
- end
+ assert_equal_matrix(expected, varimax.rotated, 1e-6)
+ assert(varimax.summary.size > 0)
+ end