in statsample-1.5.0 vs in statsample-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -30,22 +30,60 @@
If you need to work on Structural Equation Modeling, you could see +statsample-sem+. You need R with +sem+ or +OpenMx+ [] libraries installed
$ [sudo] gem install statsample-sem
+# Testing
+See CONTRIBUTING for information on testing and contributing to statsample.
# Documentation
You can see the latest documentation in [](
+# Usage
+## Notebooks
+You can see some iruby notebooks here:
+### Statistics
+* [Correlation Matrix with daru and statsample](
+* [Dominance Analysis with statsample](
+* [Reliability ICC](
+* [Levene Test](
+* [Multiple Regression](
+* [Parallel Analysis on PCA](
+* [Polychoric Analysis](
+* [Reliability Scale and Multiscale Analysis](
+* [Velicer MAP Test](
+### Visualizations
+* [Creating Boxplots with daru and statsample](
+* [Creating A Histogram](
+* [Creating a Scatterplot](
+### Working with DataFrame and Vector
+* [Creating Vectors and DataFrames with daru](
+* [Detailed Usage of Daru::Vector](
+* [Detailed Usage of Daru::DataFrame](
+* [Visualizing Data with Daru::DataFrame](
+## Examples
+See the /examples directory for some use cases. The notebooks listed above have mostly
+the same examples, and they look better so you might want to see that first.
# Description
A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1.1. See `.travis.yml` for more information.
- Descriptive statistics: frequencies, median, mean, standard error, skew, kurtosis (and many others).
-- Imports and exports datasets from and to Excel, CSV and plain text files.
- Correlations: Pearson's r, Spearman's rank correlation (rho), point biserial, tau a, tau b and gamma. Tetrachoric and Polychoric correlation provides by +statsample-bivariate-extension+ gem.
- Intra-class correlation
- Anova: generic and vector-based One-way ANOVA and Two-way ANOVA, with contrasts for One-way ANOVA.
- Tests: F, T, Levene, U-Mannwhitney.
- Regression: Simple, Multiple (OLS), Probit and Logit
@@ -73,12 +111,11 @@
- (When possible) All references for methods are documented, providing sensible information on documentation
# Features
- Classes for manipulation and storage of data:
- - Statsample::Vector: An extension of an array, with statistical methods like sum, mean and standard deviation
- - Statsample::Dataset: a group of Statsample::Vector, analog to a excel spreadsheet or a dataframe on R. The base of almost all operations on statsample.
+ - Uses [daru]( for storing data and basic statistics.
- Statsample::Multiset: multiple datasets with same fields and type of vectors
- Anova module provides generic Statsample::Anova::OneWay and vector based Statsample::Anova::OneWayWithVectors. Also you can create contrast using Statsample::Anova::Contrast
- Module Statsample::Bivariate provides covariance and pearson, spearman, point biserial, tau a, tau b, gamma, tetrachoric (see Bivariate::Tetrachoric) and polychoric (see Bivariate::Polychoric) correlations. Include methods to create correlation and covariance matrices
- Multiple types of regression.
- Simple Regression : Statsample::Regression::Simple
@@ -98,14 +135,11 @@
- Statsample::Factor::MAP performs Velicer's Minimum Average Partial (MAP) test, which retain components as long as the variance in the correlation matrix represents systematic variance.
- Dominance Analysis. Based on Budescu and Azen papers, dominance analysis is a method to analyze the relative importance of one predictor relative to another on multiple regression
- Statsample::DominanceAnalysis class can report dominance analysis for a sample, using uni or multivariate dependent variables
- Statsample::DominanceAnalysis::Bootstrap can execute bootstrap analysis to determine dominance stability, as recomended by Azen & Budescu (2003) link[].
- Module Statsample::Codification, to help to codify open questions
-- Converters to import and export data:
- - Statsample::Database : Can create sql to create tables, read and insert data
- - Statsample::CSV : Read and write CSV files
- - Statsample::Excel : Read and write Excel files
+- Converters to export data:
- Statsample::Mx : Write Mx Files
- Statsample::GGobi : Write Ggobi files
- Module Statsample::Crosstab provides function to create crosstab for categorical data
- Module Statsample::Reliability provides functions to analyze scales with psychometric methods.
- Class Statsample::Reliability::ScaleAnalysis provides statistics like mean, standard deviation for a scale, Cronbach's alpha and standarized Cronbach's alpha, and for each item: mean, correlation with total scale, mean if deleted, Cronbach's alpha is deleted.
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- Statsample::Graph::Scatterplot
- Gem <tt>bio-statsample-timeseries</tt> provides module Statsample::TimeSeries with support for time series, including ARIMA estimation using Kalman-Filter.
- Gem <tt>statsample-sem</tt> provides a DSL to R libraries +sem+ and +OpenMx+
- Gem <tt>statsample-glm</tt> provides you with GML method, to work with Logistic, Poisson and Gaussian regression ,using ML or IRWLS.
- Close integration with gem <tt>reportbuilder</tt>, to easily create reports on text, html and rtf formats.
-# Usage
-See the [examples folder]( too.
-## Boxplot
-require 'statsample'
-ss_analysis(Statsample::Graph::Boxplot) do
- n = 30
- a = rnorm(n-1, 50, 10)
- b = rnorm(n, 30, 5)
- c = rnorm(n, 5, 1)
- a.push(2)
- boxplot(vectors: [a, b, c],
- width: 300,
- height: 300,
- groups: %w{first first second},
- minimum: 0)
- # Open svg file on *nix application defined
-## Correlation matrix
-require 'statsample'
-# Note R like generation of random gaussian variable
-# and correlation matrix
-ss_analysis("Statsample::Bivariate.correlation_matrix") do
- samples = 1000
- ds = data_frame(
- 'a' => rnorm(samples),
- 'b' => rnorm(samples),
- 'c' => rnorm(samples),
- 'd' => rnorm(samples))
- cm = cor(ds)
- summary(cm)
-Statsample::Analysis.run_batch # Echo output to console
# Resources
- Source code on github ::
- Bug report and feature request ::