History.txt in statsample-1.0.1 vs History.txt in statsample-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,18 @@
+=== 1.1.0 / 2011-06-02
+* New Statsample::Anova::Contrast
+* Jacknife and bootstrap for Vector. Thanks to John Firebaugh for the idea
+* Improved Statsample::Analysis API
+* Updated CSV.read. Third argument is a Hash with options to CSV class
+* Added restriction on Statsample::Excel.read
+* Updated spanish po
+* Better summary for Vector
+* Improving summary of t related test (confidence interval and estimate output)
+* Replaced c for vector on Statsample::Analysis examples
+* Added Vector#median_absolute_deviation
+* First implementation of Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Returns correct D value, but without Kolmogorov distribution isn't very useful.
=== 1.0.1 / 2011-01-28
* Updated spanish po.
* Update distribution gem dependence. On Ruby 1.8.7, distribution 0.2.0 raises an error.