in state_inspector-0.8.2 vs in state_inspector-1.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
# StateInspector
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-The original purpose of this project is to log state change on target objects. This will expand
-further into additional introspection as new versions are made available.
+The original purpose of this project is to log state change on target objects. This now can fully
+inform on method calls with parameters as well as instance variables.
-**Currently this project depends on attr hooks.**
This project uses a variation of the observer pattern. There is a hash of Reporters where you can
mark the key as a class instance or the class itself and point it to an Observer object. Three
observers are included for you to use under StateInspector::Observers which are NullObserver (default),
InternalObserver, and SessionLoggerObserver. When you toggle on an "informant" on a class instance or
class then each time a setter method is called it will pass that information on to the relevant observer
@@ -45,11 +44,18 @@
StateInspector::Reporter[MyClass] = SessionLoggerObserver
+m =
+m.thing = :a
+# => [["#<MyClass:0x005571fde5e498>", "@thing", nil, :a]]
+SessionLoggerObserver will by default log reports to `log/state_inspector/`.
Now everytime the setter method is used for `thing` a new line will be entered into a log file
of the object, method, old value, and new value. So you will see what is changed from where in
the order that the changed occurred. This session logger will grab as many objects state changes
as you want and give you a nice ordered history of what has occurred.
@@ -57,10 +63,48 @@
If you don't want to inform on all instances of a class then instead of running `toggle_informant`
on the class itself then simply execute that method on the instances you want to observe.
If you want to see the expected results of the current observer/reporters then see [test/reporter_test.rb](
+If you want to only toggle an informant for a small area you may use a helper method to toggle the
+observer on and off for you.
+require 'state_inspector/helper'
+include Helper
+# instead of doing MyClass.toggle_informant as above, do this.
+m =
+toggle_snoop(m) do
+ # put your own code here
+When writing tests for code and using StateInspector it's very important to ensure the informant is
+untoggled. Otherwise you will have sporatic behavior in your tests. You may use the helpers provided
+here for your tests to ensure you won't have glitchy tests as a result of using informants.
+To include it in Minitest you would do:
+# test/test_helper.rb or test/minitest_helper.rb
+require 'state_inspector/helper'
+class Minitest::Test
+ include StateInspector::Helper
+The default behavior for toggling on an informant for the first time is to inject code to observe all
+setter methods. This is true for both the Object method `toggle_informant` and the helper method
+`toggle_snoop`. If you would like to avoid injecting all setter methods for reporting you may either
+use `state_inspector.skip_setter_snoops` (before any toggling) or the helper `toggle_snoop_clean` which
+will cleanly remove its anti-setter hook once done (meaning the next `toggle_informant` will inject the
+informant code into all setters).
## Observers
To include all Observers into scope you can do:
@@ -110,18 +154,67 @@
StateInspector::Reporter[MyTargetClass] = ExampleObserver
+## Manually Create Informers
-## Road Map
+To manually create informant methods use `state_inspector.snoop_setters :a=, :b=` and
+`state_inspector.snoop_methods :a, :b`.
-* 0.8.0 State inspection of all flagged objects on setter methods.
-Includes logger observer, internal observer, and null observer.
+require 'state_inspector'
+require 'state_inspector/observers/internal_observer'
+include StateInspector::Observers
-* 0.9.0 Sweep for missed setter methods and prepend inspection behavior.
+class MyClass
+ attr_writer :a, :b, :c
+ def x *args; end
-* 1.0.0 Optional reporting on all/target method calls
+# InternalObserver (it can be used with many classes and hold all of the data)
+# (will hold data for only the specific reporter object pointing to it)
+StateInspector::Reporter[MyClass] = InternalObserver
+# This will allow us to manually define which setter methods to inform on
+m =
+m.state_inspector.snoop_setters :b=, :c=
+m.state_inspector.snoop_methods :x
+m.a= 1
+m.b= 2
+m.c= 3
+m.x 4, 5, 6
+# => [
+# [#<MyClass:0x005608eb9aead0 @informant=true, @a=1, @b=2, @c=3>, "@b", nil, 2],
+# [#<MyClass:0x005608eb9aead0 @informant=true, @a=1, @b=2, @c=3>, "@c", nil, 3],
+# [#<MyClass:0x005608eb9aead0 @informant=true, @a=1, @b=2, @c=3>, :x, 4, 5, 6]
+# ]
+The nils in the values above represent the previous value the instance variable returned.
+## Reporter Legend
+The format of a report sent will always start with the object that sent it; aka `self`. Next you will
+have either a string representing and instance variable of a symbol representing a method call. If it's
+an instance variable then the next value will be the old value for that instance variable, and the next
+value is the value given to the method to be set as the value for that instance variable. If the second
+item is a symbol then every item after that is the parameters sent to that method.
+`self` | `@instance_variable` | `:old_value` | `:new_value_given`
+`self` | `:method_name` | `:arguments`
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.