lib/stars/client.rb in stars-0.4.0 vs lib/stars/client.rb in stars-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,81 +1,98 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
+# Client is our interface between user and terminal prompt. This does all of
+# the heavy-lifting for formatting.
module Stars
class Client
- def self.load!(new_username=nil)
- remember_username(new_username) if new_username
- @recent =
- display
- end
- def self.display
- system 'clear'
- puts "\n ★ by @#{username}"
- puts
- select_star
- end
+ attr_reader :posts
+ attr_writer :posts
+ # Initializes a new Client.
+ #
+ # Returns nothing.
+ def initialize(cmd)
+ Stars.config.prompt_for_username(cmd[1]) if cmd[0] == 'add'
- def self.input
- STDIN.gets
+ system "clear"
+ puts "★ stars"
+ display(cmd[0])
+ star_loop
- def self.username
- File.exists?(config_path) ? : prompt_for_username
- end
- def self.prompt_for_username
- puts ""
- puts ""
- puts " ★ stars"
- puts ""
- puts "Type your Twitter username:"
- remember_username(self.input.chomp)
- end
- def self.remember_username(username)
-, 'w') {|f| f.write(username) }
- username
- end
- def self.config_path
- File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.stars')
- end
- def self.select_star
+ # Run a loop FOREVER until we kill it or we make a selection.
+ #
+ # Returns nothing.
+ def star_loop
selection = ''
while true
- puts "Type the number of the toot that you want to learn about"
+ puts "Type the number of the post that you want to learn about"
print " (or hit return to view all again, you ego-maniac) >> "
- selection = self.input.chomp
+ selection = $stdin.gets.chomp
break if ['','q','quit','exit','fuckthis'].include?(selection.downcase)
- show_selection(selection)
+ show(selection)
display if selection == ''
- def self.show_selection(id)
- id = id.to_i - 1
- if @recent[id]
- puts ''
- puts wrap_text(' ' + @recent[id]['title'], 60)
- puts parse_who(@recent[id]['guid'])
- puts ''
+ # Displays all of the star tables and information we have.
+ #
+ # Returns nothing.
+ def display(service=nil)
+ Stars.config.prompt_for_service if Stars.installed_services.empty?
+ if service
+ posts = service.constantize.posts
- puts ''
- puts 'Oops, no such toot.'
- puts ''
+ posts = Stars.installed_services.collect{ |service|
+ service.constantize.posts }.flatten
+ @posts = Post.filter(posts)
+ puts print_posts(@posts)
- def self.parse_who(url)
+ # Show more information about a particular post.
+ #
+ # id - the Integer id entered by the user, which we map to a Post
+ #
+ # Returns nothing (although does delegate to the Post to show #more).
+ def show(id)
+ post = @posts[id.to_i-1]
+ return puts("\nMake a valid selection. Pretty please?\n") unless post
+ puts post.more
+ display
- def self.wrap_text(txt, col = 80)
- txt.gsub(/(.{1,#{col}})( +|$\n?)|(.{1,#{col}})/,
- "\\1\\3\n ")
+ # This does the actual printing of posts.
+ #
+ # posts - an Array of Post objects
+ #
+ # It loops through the Array of posts and sends them to `terminal-table`.
+ def print_posts(posts)
+ table do |t|
+ t.headings = headings
+ posts.each_with_index do |post,i|
+ t << [
+ { :value => i+1, :alignment => :right },
+ post.service.capitalize,
+ { :value => post.stars_count, :alignment => :center },
+ post.short_name
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ # The headings used in the resulting printed table.
+ #
+ # This returns an Array of headings.
+ def headings
+ [
+ '',
+ 'Service',
+ 'Stars',
+ {:value => 'The Hotness', :alignment => :center }
+ ]
+ end