lib/stanford-mods/searchworks.rb in stanford-mods-2.5.1 vs lib/stanford-mods/searchworks.rb in stanford-mods-2.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -137,28 +137,28 @@
# @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node] the first titleInfo node if present, else nil
def first_title_info_node
present_title_info_nodes ? present_title_info_nodes.first : nil
- # @return [String] the nonSort text portion of the titleInfo node as a string (if non-empty, else nil)
+ # @return [String] the nonSort text portion of the titleInfo node as a string (if non-empty, else nil)
def nonSort_title
return unless first_title_info_node && first_title_info_node.nonSort
first_title_info_node.nonSort.text.strip.empty? ? nil : first_title_info_node.nonSort.text.strip
# @return [String] the text of the titleInfo node as a string (if non-empty, else nil)
def title
return unless first_title_info_node && first_title_info_node.title
first_title_info_node.title.text.strip.empty? ? nil : first_title_info_node.title.text.strip
# @return [String] value for title_245_search, title_full_display
def sw_full_title
- return nil unless first_title_info_node
+ return nil unless first_title_info_node
preSubTitle = nonSort_title ? [nonSort_title, title].compact.join(" ") : title
preSubTitle.sub!(/:$/, '') if preSubTitle # remove trailing colon
subTitle = first_title_info_node.subTitle.text.strip
preParts = subTitle.empty? ? preSubTitle : preSubTitle + " : " + subTitle
@@ -225,71 +225,17 @@
# ---- PUBLICATION (place, year) ----
# see origin_info.rb (as all this information comes from top level originInfo element)
# ---- end PUBLICATION (place, year) ----
- # select one or more format values from the controlled vocabulary here:
- #
- # @return <Array[String]> value in the SearchWorks controlled vocabulary
- # @deprecated - kept for backwards compatibility but not part of SW UI redesign work Summer 2014
- # @deprecated: this is no longer used in SW, Revs or Spotlight Jan 2016
- def format
- types = term_values(:typeOfResource)
- return [] unless types
- genres = term_values(:genre)
- issuance = term_values([:origin_info, :issuance])
- val = []
- types.each do |type|
- case type
- when 'cartographic'
- val << 'Map/Globe'
- when 'mixed material'
- val << 'Manuscript/Archive'
- when 'moving image'
- val << 'Video'
- when 'notated music'
- val << 'Music - Score'
- when 'software, multimedia'
- val << 'Computer File'
- when 'sound recording-musical'
- val << 'Music - Recording'
- when 'sound recording-nonmusical', 'sound recording'
- val << 'Sound Recording'
- when 'still image'
- val << 'Image'
- when 'text'
- val << 'Book' if issuance && issuance.include?('monographic')
- book_genres = ['book chapter', 'Book chapter', 'Book Chapter',
- 'issue brief', 'Issue brief', 'Issue Brief',
- 'librettos', 'Librettos',
- 'project report', 'Project report', 'Project Report',
- 'technical report', 'Technical report', 'Technical Report',
- 'working paper', 'Working paper', 'Working Paper']
- val << 'Book' if genres && !(genres & book_genres).empty?
- conf_pub = ['conference publication', 'Conference publication', 'Conference Publication']
- val << 'Conference Proceedings' if genres && !(genres & conf_pub).empty?
- val << 'Journal/Periodical' if issuance && issuance.include?('continuing')
- article = ['article', 'Article']
- val << 'Journal/Periodical' if genres && !(genres & article).empty?
- stu_proj_rpt = ['student project report', 'Student project report', 'Student Project report', 'Student Project Report']
- val << 'Other' if genres && !(genres & stu_proj_rpt).empty?
- thesis = ['thesis', 'Thesis']
- val << 'Thesis' if genres && !(genres & thesis).empty?
- when 'three dimensional object'
- val << 'Other'
- end
- end
- val.uniq
- end
# select one or more format values from the controlled vocabulary per JVine Summer 2014
# - For geodata, the
# resource type should be only Map and not include Software, multimedia.
# @return <Array[String]> value in the SearchWorks controlled vocabulary
def format_main
- types = term_values(:typeOfResource)
+ types = typeOfResource
return [] unless types
article_genres = ['article', 'Article',
'book chapter', 'Book chapter', 'Book Chapter',
'issue brief', 'Issue brief', 'Issue Brief',
'project report', 'Project report', 'Project Report',
@@ -301,65 +247,67 @@
'instruction', 'Instruction',
'librettos', 'Librettos',
'thesis', 'Thesis'
val = []
- genres = term_values(:genre)
- issuance = term_values([:origin_info, :issuance])
+ genres = term_values(:genre) || []
+ issuance = term_values([:origin_info, :issuance]) || []
+ frequency = term_values([:origin_info, :frequency]) || []
+ val << 'Dataset' if genres.include?('dataset') || genres.include?('Dataset')
types.each do |type|
- case type
+ val << 'Archive/Manuscript' if type.manuscript == 'yes'
+ case type.text
when 'cartographic'
val << 'Map'
- val.delete 'Software/Multimedia'
when 'mixed material'
val << 'Archive/Manuscript'
when 'moving image'
val << 'Video'
when 'notated music'
val << 'Music score'
when 'software, multimedia'
- if genres && (genres.include?('dataset') || genres.include?('Dataset'))
- val << 'Dataset'
- elsif !val.include?('Map')
- val << 'Software/Multimedia'
- end
+ val << 'Software/Multimedia' unless'cartographic') || (genres.include?('dataset') || genres.include?('Dataset'))
when 'sound recording-musical'
val << 'Music recording'
when 'sound recording-nonmusical', 'sound recording'
val << 'Sound recording'
when 'still image'
val << 'Image'
when 'text'
- val << 'Book' if genres && !(genres & article_genres).empty?
- val << 'Book' if issuance && issuance.include?('monographic')
- val << 'Book' if genres && !(genres & book_genres).empty?
- val << 'Journal/Periodical' if issuance && issuance.include?('continuing')
- val << 'Archived website' if genres && genres.include?('archived website')
+ is_explicitly_a_book = type.manuscript != 'yes' && (issuance.include?('monographic') || !(genres & article_genres).empty? || !(genres & book_genres).empty?)
+ is_periodical = issuance.include?('continuing') || issuance.include?('serial') || frequency.any? { |x| !x.empty? }
+ is_archived_website = genres.any? { |x| x.casecmp('archived website') == 0 }
+ val << 'Book' if is_explicitly_a_book
+ val << 'Journal/Periodical' if is_periodical
+ val << 'Archived website' if is_archived_website
+ val << 'Book' unless is_explicitly_a_book || is_periodical || is_archived_website
when 'three dimensional object'
val << 'Object'
- #
- # Limit genre values to Government document, Conference proceedings,
- # Technical report and Thesis/Dissertation
# @return <Array[String]> values for the genre facet in SearchWorks
def sw_genre
genres = term_values(:genre)
return [] unless genres
- types = term_values(:typeOfResource)
- val = []
- val << 'Thesis/Dissertation' if genres.include?('thesis') || genres.include?('Thesis')
- if genres && types && types.include?('text')
- conf_pub = ['conference publication', 'Conference publication', 'Conference Publication']
- gov_pub = ['government publication', 'Government publication', 'Government Publication']
- tech_rpt = ['technical report', 'Technical report', 'Technical Report']
- val << 'Conference proceedings' unless (genres & conf_pub).empty?
- val << 'Government document' unless (genres & gov_pub).empty?
- val << 'Technical report' unless (genres & tech_rpt).empty?
- end
+ val =
+ thesis_pub = ['thesis', 'Thesis']
+ val << 'Thesis/Dissertation' if (genres & thesis_pub).any?
+ conf_pub = ['conference publication', 'Conference publication', 'Conference Publication']
+ gov_pub = ['government publication', 'Government publication', 'Government Publication']
+ tech_rpt = ['technical report', 'Technical report', 'Technical Report']
+ val << 'Conference proceedings' if (genres & conf_pub).any?
+ val << 'Government document' if (genres & gov_pub).any?
+ val << 'Technical report' if (genres & tech_rpt).any?
# @return [String] value with the numeric catkey in it, or nil if none exists
def catkey