ss7.gemspec in ss7-1.0.1 vs ss7.gemspec in ss7-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
spec.version = Ss7::VERSION
spec.authors = ["Anand Raja (AR)"] = [""]
spec.summary = %q{ This gem is to manipulate SS7 point code into different bases }
- spec.description = %q{ Kindly read readme for further understanding }
+ spec.description = %q{ This gem is to manipulate SS7 point (7-7 Std) code into different bases like Decimal, Octal, Binary and Hexa}
spec.homepage = ""
spec.license = "MIT"
# Prevent pushing this gem to To allow pushes either set the 'allowed_push_host'
# to allow pushing to a single host or delete this section to allow pushing to any host.