spec/graphics/graphics_images_spec.rb in squib-0.6.0 vs spec/graphics/graphics_images_spec.rb in squib-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,85 +1,94 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'squib'
-describe Squib::Card do
- let(:deck) { double(Squib::Deck) }
- let(:context) { double(Cairo::Context) }
- let(:svg) { double(RSVG::Handle) }
- let(:png) { double(Cairo::ImageSurface) }
- before(:each) do
- allow(Cairo::Context).to receive(:new).and_return(context)
- allow(Cairo::ImageSurface).to receive(:from_png).and_return(png)
- allow(Cairo::ImageSurface).to receive(:new).and_return(png)
- allow(RSVG::Handle).to receive(:new_from_data).and_return(svg)
- allow(deck).to receive(:dir).and_return('_output')
- allow(deck).to receive(:count_format).and_return('%02d')
- allow(deck).to receive(:prefix).and_return('card_')
- allow(deck).to receive(:antialias).and_return('subpixel')
- allow(deck).to receive(:backend).and_return('memory')
- end
- context '#png' do
- it 'makes all the expected calls on a smoke test' do
- expect(context).to receive(:antialias=).with('subpixel')
- expect(context).to receive(:save).once
- expect(context).to receive(:translate).with(-37, -38).once
- expect(context).to receive(:rotate).with(0.0).once
- expect(context).to receive(:translate).with(37, 38).once
- expect(context).to receive(:set_source).with(png, 37, 38).once
- expect(context).to receive(:paint).with(0.9).once
- expect(context).to receive(:restore).once
- card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
- # png(file, x, y, alpha, blend, angle)
- card.png('foo.png', 37, 38, :native, :native, 0.9, :none, 0.0, nil)
- end
- it 'sets blend when needed' do
- context.as_null_object
- expect(context).to receive(:operator=).with(:overlay).once
- card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
- card.png('foo.png', 37, 38, :native, :native, 0.9, :overlay, 0.0, nil)
- end
- end
- context '#svg' do
- it 'makes all the expected calls on a smoke test' do
- expect(svg).to receive(:width).and_return(100).twice
- expect(svg).to receive(:height).and_return(100).twice
- expect(context).to receive(:antialias=).with('subpixel').once
- expect(context).to receive(:save).once
- expect(context).to receive(:rotate).with(0.0).once
- expect(context).to receive(:translate).with(37, 38).once
- expect(context).to receive(:scale).with(1.0, 1.0).once
- expect(context).to receive(:render_rsvg_handle).with(svg, 'id').once
- expect(context).to receive(:restore).once
- card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
- # svg(file, data, id, x, y, width, height, alpha, blend, angle)
- card.svg(nil, '<svg></svg>', 'id', 37, 38, :native, :native, 0.9, :none, 0.0, nil)
- end
- it 'sets blend when needed' do
- context.as_null_object
- svg.as_null_object
- expect(context).to receive(:operator=).with(:overlay).once
- card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
- card.svg(nil, '<svg></svg>', nil, 37, 38, :native, :native, 0.9, :overlay, 0.0, nil)
- end
- it 'sets width & height when needed' do
- context.as_null_object
- expect(svg).to receive(:width).and_return(100).once
- expect(svg).to receive(:height).and_return(100).once
- expect(context).to receive(:scale).with(2.0, 3.0).once
- card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
- card.svg(nil, '<svg></svg>', nil, 37, 38, 200, 300, 0.9, :none, 0.0, nil)
- end
- end
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'squib'
+require 'ostruct'
+describe Squib::Card do
+ let(:deck) { double(Squib::Deck) }
+ let(:context) { double(Cairo::Context) }
+ let(:svg) { double(RSVG::Handle) }
+ let(:png) { double(Cairo::ImageSurface) }
+ let(:box) { OpenStruct.new({x: 37, y: 38, width: :native, height: :native})}
+ let(:paint) { OpenStruct.new({alpha: 0.9, blend: :none, mask: '' })}
+ let(:trans) { OpenStruct.new({angle: 0.0})}
+ before(:each) do
+ allow(Cairo::Context).to receive(:new).and_return(context)
+ allow(Cairo::ImageSurface).to receive(:from_png).and_return(png)
+ allow(Cairo::ImageSurface).to receive(:new).and_return(png)
+ allow(RSVG::Handle).to receive(:new_from_data).and_return(svg)
+ allow(deck).to receive(:dir).and_return('_output')
+ allow(deck).to receive(:count_format).and_return('%02d')
+ allow(deck).to receive(:prefix).and_return('card_')
+ allow(deck).to receive(:antialias).and_return('subpixel')
+ allow(deck).to receive(:backend).and_return('memory')
+ end
+ context '#png' do
+ it 'makes all the expected calls on a smoke test' do
+ expect(context).to receive(:antialias=).with('subpixel')
+ expect(context).to receive(:save).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:translate).with(-37, -38).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:rotate).with(0.0).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:translate).with(37, 38).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:set_source).with(png, 37, 38).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:paint).with(0.9).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:restore).once
+ card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
+ # png(file, x, y, alpha, blend, angle)
+ card.png('foo.png', box, paint, trans)
+ end
+ it 'sets blend when needed' do
+ context.as_null_object
+ expect(context).to receive(:operator=).with(:overlay).once
+ card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
+ paint.blend = :overlay
+ card.png('foo.png', box, paint, trans)
+ end
+ end
+ context '#svg' do
+ let(:svg_args) { OpenStruct.new({data: '<svg></svg>', id: 'id'}) }
+ it 'makes all the expected calls on a smoke test' do
+ expect(svg).to receive(:width).and_return(100).twice
+ expect(svg).to receive(:height).and_return(100).twice
+ expect(context).to receive(:antialias=).with('subpixel').once
+ expect(context).to receive(:save).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:rotate).with(0.0).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:translate).with(37, 38).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:scale).with(1.0, 1.0).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:render_rsvg_handle).with(svg, 'id').once
+ expect(context).to receive(:restore).once
+ card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
+ card.svg(nil, svg_args, box, paint, trans)
+ end
+ it 'sets blend when needed' do
+ context.as_null_object
+ svg.as_null_object
+ expect(context).to receive(:operator=).with(:overlay).once
+ card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
+ paint.blend = :overlay
+ card.svg(nil, svg_args, box, paint, trans)
+ end
+ it 'sets width & height when needed' do
+ context.as_null_object
+ expect(svg).to receive(:width).and_return(100).once
+ expect(svg).to receive(:height).and_return(100).once
+ expect(context).to receive(:scale).with(2.0, 3.0).once
+ card = Squib::Card.new(deck, 100, 150)
+ box.width = 200
+ box.height = 300
+ card.svg(nil, svg_args, box, paint, trans)
+ end
+ end