samples/text/_text_options.rb in squib-0.14.2 vs samples/text/_text_options.rb in squib-0.14.3.pre1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
-# encoding: UTF-8
-require 'squib'
-data = { 'name' => ['Thief', 'Grifter', 'Mastermind'],
- 'level' => [1, 2, 3] }
-longtext = "This is left-justified text, with newlines.\nWhat do you know about tweetle beetles? well... When tweetle beetles fight, it's called a tweetle beetle battle. And when they battle in a puddle, it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle. AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle, they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle. AND... When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle... ..they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle."
- 825, height: 1125, cards: 3) do
- background color: :white
- rect x: 15, y: 15, width: 795, height: 1095, x_radius: 50, y_radius: 50
- rect x: 30, y: 30, width: 128, height: 128, x_radius: 25, y_radius: 25
- # Arrays are rendered over each card
- text str: data['name'], x: 250, y: 55, font: 'Arial weight=900 18'
- text str: data['level'], x: 65, y: 40, font: 'Arial 24', color: :burnt_orange
- text str: 'Font strings are expressive!', x:65, y: 200,
- font: 'Impact bold italic 12'
- text str: 'Font strings are expressive!', x:65, y: 300,
- font: 'Arial,Verdana weight=900 style=oblique 12'
- text str: 'Font string sizes can be overridden per card.', x: 65, y: 350,
- font: 'Impact 12', font_size: [5, 7, 8]
- text str: 'This text has fixed width, fixed height, center-aligned, middle-valigned, and has a red hint',
- hint: :red,
- x: 65, y: 400,
- width: 300, height: 125,
- align: :center, valign: 'MIDDLE', # these can be specified with case-insenstive strings too
- font: 'Serif 5'
- extents = text str: 'Ink extent return value',
- x: 65, y: 550,
- font: 'Sans Bold', font_size: [5, 7, 8]
- margin = 10
- # Extents come back as an array of hashes, which can get split out like this
- ws = extents.inject([]) { |arr, ext| arr << ext[:width] + 10; arr }
- hs = extents.inject([]) { |arr, ext| arr << ext[:height] + 10; arr }
- rect x: 65 - margin / 2, y: 550 - margin / 2,
- width: ws, height: hs,
- radius: 10, stroke_color: :black
- # If width & height are defined and the text will overflow the box, we can ellipsize.
- text str: "Ellipsization!\nThe ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything to life and everything is 42",
- hint: :green, font: 'Arial 7',
- x: 450, y: 400,
- width: 280, height: 180,
- ellipsize: true
- # Text hints are guides for showing you how your text boxes are laid out exactly
- hint text: :cyan
- set font: 'Serif 7' # Impacts all future text calls (unless they specify differently)
- text str: 'Text hints & fonts are globally togglable!', x: 65, y: 625
- set font: :default # back to Squib-wide default
- hint text: :off
- text str: 'See? No hint here.',
- x: 565, y: 625,
- font: 'Arial 7'
- # Text can be rotated, in radians, about the upper-left corner of the text box.
- text str: 'Rotated',
- x: 565, y: 675, angle: 0.2,
- font: 'Arial 6', hint: :red
- # Text can be justified, and have newlines
- text str: longtext, font: 'Arial 5',
- x: 65, y: 700,
- width: '1.5in', height: inches(1),
- justify: true, spacing: -6
- # Here's how you embed images into text.
- # Pass a block to the method call and use the given context
- embed_text = 'Embedded icons! Take 1 :tool: and gain 2:health:. If Level 2, take 2 :tool:'
- text(str: embed_text, font: 'Sans 6',
- x: '1.8in', y: '2.5in', width: '0.85in',
- align: :left, ellipsize: false) do |embed|
- embed.svg key: ':tool:', width: 28, height: 28, file: 'spanner.svg'
- embed.svg key: ':health:', width: 28, height: 28, file: 'glass-heart.svg'
- end
- text str: 'Fill n <span fgcolor="#ff0000">stroke</span>',
- color: :green, stroke_width: 2.0, stroke_color: :blue,
- x: '1.8in', y: '2.9in', width: '0.85in', font: 'Sans Bold 9', markup: true
- text str: 'Stroke n <span fgcolor="#ff0000">fill</span>',
- color: :green, stroke_width: 2.0, stroke_color: :blue, stroke_strategy: :stroke_first,
- x: '1.8in', y: '3.0in', width: '0.85in', font: 'Sans Bold 9', markup: true
- text str: 'Dotted',
- color: :white, stroke_width: 2.0, dash: '4 2', stroke_color: :black,
- x: '1.8in', y: '3.1in', width: '0.85in', font: 'Sans Bold 9', markup: true
- #
- text str: "<b>Markup</b> is <i>quite</i> <s>'easy'</s> <span fgcolor=\"\#ff0000\">awesome</span>. Can't beat those \"smart\" 'quotes', now with 10--20% more en-dashes --- and em-dashes --- with explicit ellipses too...",
- markup: true,
- x: 50, y: 1000,
- width: 750, height: 100,
- valign: :bottom,
- font: 'Serif 6', hint: :cyan
- save prefix: 'text_options_', format: :png
+# encoding: UTF-8
+require 'squib'
+data = { 'name' => ['Thief', 'Grifter', 'Mastermind'],
+ 'level' => [1, 2, 3] }
+longtext = "This is left-justified text, with newlines.\nWhat do you know about tweetle beetles? well... When tweetle beetles fight, it's called a tweetle beetle battle. And when they battle in a puddle, it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle. AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle, they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle. AND... When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle... ..they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle."
+ 825, height: 1125, cards: 3) do
+ background color: :white
+ rect x: 15, y: 15, width: 795, height: 1095, x_radius: 50, y_radius: 50
+ rect x: 30, y: 30, width: 128, height: 128, x_radius: 25, y_radius: 25
+ # Arrays are rendered over each card
+ text str: data['name'], x: 250, y: 55, font: 'Arial weight=900 18'
+ text str: data['level'], x: 65, y: 40, font: 'Arial 24', color: :burnt_orange
+ text str: 'Font strings are expressive!', x:65, y: 200,
+ font: 'Impact bold italic 12'
+ text str: 'Font strings are expressive!', x:65, y: 300,
+ font: 'Arial,Verdana weight=900 style=oblique 12'
+ text str: 'Font string sizes can be overridden per card.', x: 65, y: 350,
+ font: 'Impact 12', font_size: [5, 7, 8]
+ text str: 'This text has fixed width, fixed height, center-aligned, middle-valigned, and has a red hint',
+ hint: :red,
+ x: 65, y: 400,
+ width: 300, height: 125,
+ align: :center, valign: 'MIDDLE', # these can be specified with case-insenstive strings too
+ font: 'Serif 5'
+ extents = text str: 'Ink extent return value',
+ x: 65, y: 550,
+ font: 'Sans Bold', font_size: [5, 7, 8]
+ margin = 10
+ # Extents come back as an array of hashes, which can get split out like this
+ ws = extents.inject([]) { |arr, ext| arr << ext[:width] + 10; arr }
+ hs = extents.inject([]) { |arr, ext| arr << ext[:height] + 10; arr }
+ rect x: 65 - margin / 2, y: 550 - margin / 2,
+ width: ws, height: hs,
+ radius: 10, stroke_color: :black
+ # If width & height are defined and the text will overflow the box, we can ellipsize.
+ text str: "Ellipsization!\nThe ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything to life and everything is 42",
+ hint: :green, font: 'Arial 7',
+ x: 450, y: 400,
+ width: 280, height: 180,
+ ellipsize: true
+ # Text hints are guides for showing you how your text boxes are laid out exactly
+ hint text: :cyan
+ set font: 'Serif 7' # Impacts all future text calls (unless they specify differently)
+ text str: 'Text hints & fonts are globally togglable!', x: 65, y: 625
+ set font: :default # back to Squib-wide default
+ hint text: :off
+ text str: 'See? No hint here.',
+ x: 565, y: 625,
+ font: 'Arial 7'
+ # Text can be rotated, in radians, about the upper-left corner of the text box.
+ text str: 'Rotated',
+ x: 565, y: 675, angle: 0.2,
+ font: 'Arial 6', hint: :red
+ # Text can be justified, and have newlines
+ text str: longtext, font: 'Arial 5',
+ x: 65, y: 700,
+ width: '1.5in', height: inches(1),
+ justify: true, spacing: -6
+ # Here's how you embed images into text.
+ # Pass a block to the method call and use the given context
+ embed_text = 'Embedded icons! Take 1 :tool: and gain 2:health:. If Level 2, take 2 :tool:'
+ text(str: embed_text, font: 'Sans 6',
+ x: '1.8in', y: '2.5in', width: '0.85in',
+ align: :left, ellipsize: false) do |embed|
+ embed.svg key: ':tool:', width: 28, height: 28, file: 'spanner.svg'
+ embed.svg key: ':health:', width: 28, height: 28, file: 'glass-heart.svg'
+ end
+ text str: 'Fill n <span fgcolor="#ff0000">stroke</span>',
+ color: :green, stroke_width: 2.0, stroke_color: :blue,
+ x: '1.8in', y: '2.9in', width: '0.85in', font: 'Sans Bold 9', markup: true
+ text str: 'Stroke n <span fgcolor="#ff0000">fill</span>',
+ color: :green, stroke_width: 2.0, stroke_color: :blue, stroke_strategy: :stroke_first,
+ x: '1.8in', y: '3.0in', width: '0.85in', font: 'Sans Bold 9', markup: true
+ text str: 'Dotted',
+ color: :white, stroke_width: 2.0, dash: '4 2', stroke_color: :black,
+ x: '1.8in', y: '3.1in', width: '0.85in', font: 'Sans Bold 9', markup: true
+ #
+ text str: "<b>Markup</b> is <i>quite</i> <s>'easy'</s> <span fgcolor=\"\#ff0000\">awesome</span>. Can't beat those \"smart\" 'quotes', now with 10--20% more en-dashes --- and em-dashes --- with explicit ellipses too...",
+ markup: true,
+ x: 50, y: 1000,
+ width: 750, height: 100,
+ valign: :bottom,
+ font: 'Serif 6', hint: :cyan
+ save prefix: 'text_options_', format: :png