lib/squib/sprues/sprue.rb in squib-0.18.0 vs lib/squib/sprues/sprue.rb in squib-0.19.0a
- old
+ new
@@ -1,208 +1,208 @@
-require 'yaml'
-require 'classy_hash'
-require_relative '../args/color_validator'
-require_relative '../args/unit_conversion'
-require_relative 'crop_line'
-require_relative 'crop_line_dash'
-require_relative 'invalid_sprue_definition'
-require_relative 'sprue_schema'
-module Squib
- class Sprue
- include Args::ColorValidator
- # Defaults are set for poker sized deck on a A4 sheet, with no cards
- 'sheet_width' => nil,
- 'sheet_height' => nil,
- 'card_width' => nil,
- 'card_height' => nil,
- 'dpi' => 300,
- 'cell_px' => 37.5,
- 'position_reference' => :topleft,
- 'rotate' => 0.0,
- 'crop_line' => {
- 'style' => :solid,
- 'width' => '0.02mm',
- 'color' => :black,
- 'overlay' => :on_margin,
- 'lines' => []
- },
- 'cards' => []
- }.freeze
- attr_reader :dpi
- def initialize(template_hash, dpi, cell_px)
- @template_hash = template_hash
- @dpi = dpi
- @cell_px = cell_px
- @crop_line_default = @template_hash['crop_line'].select do |k, _|
- %w[style width color].include? k
- end
- end
- # Load the template definition file
- def self.load(file, dpi, cell_px)
- yaml = {}
- thefile = file if File.exist?(file) # use custom first
- thefile = builtin(file) if File.exist?(builtin(file)) # then builtin
- unless File.exist?(thefile)
- Squib::logger.error("Sprue not found: #{file}. Falling back to defaults.")
- end
- yaml = YAML.load_file(thefile) || {} if File.exist? thefile
- # Bake the default values into our sprue
- new_hash = DEFAULTS.merge(yaml)
- new_hash['crop_line'] = DEFAULTS['crop_line'].
- merge(new_hash['crop_line'])
- warn_unrecognized(yaml)
- # Validate
- begin
- require 'benchmark'
- ClassyHash.validate(new_hash, Sprues::SCHEMA)
- rescue ClassyHash::SchemaViolationError => e
- raise, e)
- end
- new_hash, dpi, cell_px
- end
- def sheet_width
- Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['sheet_width'], @dpi, @cell_px
- end
- def sheet_height
- Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['sheet_height'], @dpi, @cell_px
- end
- def card_width
- Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['card_width'], @dpi, @cell_px
- end
- def card_height
- Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['card_height'], @dpi, @cell_px
- end
- def card_default_rotation
- parse_rotate_param @template_hash['rotate']
- end
- def crop_line_overlay
- @template_hash['crop_line']['overlay']
- end
- def crop_lines
- lines = @template_hash['crop_line']['lines'].map(
- &method(:parse_crop_line)
- )
- if block_given?
- lines.each { |v| yield v }
- else
- lines
- end
- end
- def cards
- parsed_cards = @template_hash['cards'].map(&method(:parse_card))
- if block_given?
- parsed_cards.each { |v| yield v }
- else
- parsed_cards
- end
- end
- def margin
- # NOTE: There's a baseline of 0.25mm that we can 100% make sure that we
- # can overlap really thin lines on the PDF
- crop_line_width = [
- Args::UnitConversion.parse(@template_hash['crop_line']['width'], @dpi, @cell_px),
- Args::UnitConversion.parse('0.25mm', @dpi, @cell_px)
- ].max
- parsed_cards = cards
- left, right = parsed_cards.minmax { |a, b| a['x'] <=> b['x'] }
- top, bottom = parsed_cards.minmax { |a, b| a['y'] <=> b['y'] }
- {
- left: left['x'] - crop_line_width,
- right: right['x'] + card_width + crop_line_width,
- top: top['y'] - crop_line_width,
- bottom: bottom['y'] + card_height + crop_line_width
- }
- end
- # Warn unrecognized options in the template sheet
- def self.warn_unrecognized(yaml)
- unrec = yaml.keys - DEFAULTS.keys
- return unless unrec.any?
- Squib.logger.warn(
- "Unrecognized configuration option(s): #{unrec.join(',')}"
- )
- end
- private
- # Return path for built-in sheet templates
- def self.builtin(file)
- "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../builtin/sprues/#{file}"
- end
- # Parse crop line definitions from template.
- def parse_crop_line(line)
- new_line = @crop_line_default.merge line
- new_line['width'] = Args::UnitConversion.parse(new_line['width'], @dpi, @cell_px)
- new_line['color'] = colorify new_line['color']
- new_line['style_desc'] = new_line['style']
- new_line['style'] =['style'], @dpi, @cell_px)
- new_line['line'] =
- new_line['type'], new_line['position'], sheet_width, sheet_height, @dpi, @cell_px
- )
- new_line
- end
- # Parse card definitions from template.
- def parse_card(card)
- new_card = card.clone
- x = Args::UnitConversion.parse(card['x'], @dpi, @cell_px)
- y = Args::UnitConversion.parse(card['y'], @dpi, @cell_px)
- if @template_hash['position_reference'] == :center
- # Normalize it to a top-left positional reference
- x -= card_width / 2
- y -= card_height / 2
- end
- new_card['x'] = x
- new_card['y'] = y
- new_card['rotate'] = parse_rotate_param(
- card['rotate'] ? card['rotate'] : @template_hash['rotate'])
- new_card['flip_vertical'] = card['flip_vertical'] == true
- new_card['flip_horizontal'] = card['flip_horizontal'] == true
- new_card
- end
- def parse_rotate_param(val)
- if val == :clockwise
- 0.5 * Math::PI
- elsif val == :counterclockwise
- 1.5 * Math::PI
- elsif val == :turnaround
- Math::PI
- elsif val.is_a? String
- if val.end_with? 'deg'
- val.gsub(/deg$/, '').to_f / 180 * Math::PI
- elsif val.end_with? 'rad'
- val.gsub(/rad$/, '').to_f
- else
- val.to_f
- end
- elsif val.nil?
- 0.0
- else
- val.to_f
- end
- end
- end
+require 'yaml'
+require 'classy_hash'
+require_relative '../args/color_validator'
+require_relative '../args/unit_conversion'
+require_relative 'crop_line'
+require_relative 'crop_line_dash'
+require_relative 'invalid_sprue_definition'
+require_relative 'sprue_schema'
+module Squib
+ class Sprue
+ include Args::ColorValidator
+ # Defaults are set for poker sized deck on a A4 sheet, with no cards
+ 'sheet_width' => nil,
+ 'sheet_height' => nil,
+ 'card_width' => nil,
+ 'card_height' => nil,
+ 'dpi' => 300,
+ 'cell_px' => 37.5,
+ 'position_reference' => :topleft,
+ 'rotate' => 0.0,
+ 'crop_line' => {
+ 'style' => :solid,
+ 'width' => '0.02mm',
+ 'color' => :black,
+ 'overlay' => :on_margin,
+ 'lines' => []
+ },
+ 'cards' => []
+ }.freeze
+ attr_reader :dpi
+ def initialize(template_hash, dpi, cell_px)
+ @template_hash = template_hash
+ @dpi = dpi
+ @cell_px = cell_px
+ @crop_line_default = @template_hash['crop_line'].select do |k, _|
+ %w[style width color].include? k
+ end
+ end
+ # Load the template definition file
+ def self.load(file, dpi, cell_px)
+ yaml = {}
+ thefile = file if File.exist?(file) # use custom first
+ thefile = builtin(file) if File.exist?(builtin(file)) # then builtin
+ unless File.exist?(thefile)
+ Squib::logger.error("Sprue not found: #{file}. Falling back to defaults.")
+ end
+ yaml = YAML.load_file(thefile) || {} if File.exist? thefile
+ # Bake the default values into our sprue
+ new_hash = DEFAULTS.merge(yaml)
+ new_hash['crop_line'] = DEFAULTS['crop_line'].
+ merge(new_hash['crop_line'])
+ warn_unrecognized(yaml)
+ # Validate
+ begin
+ require 'benchmark'
+ ClassyHash.validate(new_hash, Sprues::SCHEMA)
+ rescue ClassyHash::SchemaViolationError => e
+ raise, e)
+ end
+ new_hash, dpi, cell_px
+ end
+ def sheet_width
+ Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['sheet_width'], @dpi, @cell_px
+ end
+ def sheet_height
+ Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['sheet_height'], @dpi, @cell_px
+ end
+ def card_width
+ Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['card_width'], @dpi, @cell_px
+ end
+ def card_height
+ Args::UnitConversion.parse @template_hash['card_height'], @dpi, @cell_px
+ end
+ def card_default_rotation
+ parse_rotate_param @template_hash['rotate']
+ end
+ def crop_line_overlay
+ @template_hash['crop_line']['overlay']
+ end
+ def crop_lines
+ lines = @template_hash['crop_line']['lines'].map(
+ &method(:parse_crop_line)
+ )
+ if block_given?
+ lines.each { |v| yield v }
+ else
+ lines
+ end
+ end
+ def cards
+ parsed_cards = @template_hash['cards'].map(&method(:parse_card))
+ if block_given?
+ parsed_cards.each { |v| yield v }
+ else
+ parsed_cards
+ end
+ end
+ def margin
+ # NOTE: There's a baseline of 0.25mm that we can 100% make sure that we
+ # can overlap really thin lines on the PDF
+ crop_line_width = [
+ Args::UnitConversion.parse(@template_hash['crop_line']['width'], @dpi, @cell_px),
+ Args::UnitConversion.parse('0.25mm', @dpi, @cell_px)
+ ].max
+ parsed_cards = cards
+ left, right = parsed_cards.minmax { |a, b| a['x'] <=> b['x'] }
+ top, bottom = parsed_cards.minmax { |a, b| a['y'] <=> b['y'] }
+ {
+ left: left['x'] - crop_line_width,
+ right: right['x'] + card_width + crop_line_width,
+ top: top['y'] - crop_line_width,
+ bottom: bottom['y'] + card_height + crop_line_width
+ }
+ end
+ # Warn unrecognized options in the template sheet
+ def self.warn_unrecognized(yaml)
+ unrec = yaml.keys - DEFAULTS.keys
+ return unless unrec.any?
+ Squib.logger.warn(
+ "Unrecognized configuration option(s): #{unrec.join(',')}"
+ )
+ end
+ private
+ # Return path for built-in sheet templates
+ def self.builtin(file)
+ "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../builtin/sprues/#{file}"
+ end
+ # Parse crop line definitions from template.
+ def parse_crop_line(line)
+ new_line = @crop_line_default.merge line
+ new_line['width'] = Args::UnitConversion.parse(new_line['width'], @dpi, @cell_px)
+ new_line['color'] = colorify new_line['color']
+ new_line['style_desc'] = new_line['style']
+ new_line['style'] =['style'], @dpi, @cell_px)
+ new_line['line'] =
+ new_line['type'], new_line['position'], sheet_width, sheet_height, @dpi, @cell_px
+ )
+ new_line
+ end
+ # Parse card definitions from template.
+ def parse_card(card)
+ new_card = card.clone
+ x = Args::UnitConversion.parse(card['x'], @dpi, @cell_px)
+ y = Args::UnitConversion.parse(card['y'], @dpi, @cell_px)
+ if @template_hash['position_reference'] == :center
+ # Normalize it to a top-left positional reference
+ x -= card_width / 2
+ y -= card_height / 2
+ end
+ new_card['x'] = x
+ new_card['y'] = y
+ new_card['rotate'] = parse_rotate_param(
+ card['rotate'] ? card['rotate'] : @template_hash['rotate'])
+ new_card['flip_vertical'] = card['flip_vertical'] == true
+ new_card['flip_horizontal'] = card['flip_horizontal'] == true
+ new_card
+ end
+ def parse_rotate_param(val)
+ if val == :clockwise
+ 0.5 * Math::PI
+ elsif val == :counterclockwise
+ 1.5 * Math::PI
+ elsif val == :turnaround
+ Math::PI
+ elsif val.is_a? String
+ if val.end_with? 'deg'
+ val.gsub(/deg$/, '').to_f / 180 * Math::PI
+ elsif val.end_with? 'rad'
+ val.gsub(/rad$/, '').to_f
+ else
+ val.to_f
+ end
+ elsif val.nil?
+ 0.0
+ else
+ val.to_f
+ end
+ end
+ end