lib/squib/graphics/save_sprue.rb in squib-0.15.0 vs lib/squib/graphics/save_sprue.rb in squib-0.15.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-module Squib
- module Graphics
- # Helper class to generate templated sheet.
- class SaveSprue
- def initialize(deck, tmpl, sheet_args)
- @deck = deck
- @tmpl = tmpl
- @page_number = 1
- @sheet_args = sheet_args # might be Args::Sheet or Args::SaveBatch
- @overlay_lines = do |line|
- line['overlay_on_cards']
- end
- end
- def render_sheet(range)
- cc = init_cc
- cc.set_source_color(:white) # white backdrop TODO make option
- cc.paint
- slots =
- per_sheet = slots.size
- check_oversized_card
- draw_overlay_below_cards cc if range.size
- track_progress(range) do |bar|
- range.each do |i|
- cc = next_page_if_needed(cc, i, per_sheet)
- card =[i]
- slot = slots[i % per_sheet]
- draw_card cc, card,
- slot['x'] - @sheet_args.trim,
- slot['y'] - @sheet_args.trim,
- slot['rotate'],
- slot['flip_vertical'], slot['flip_horizontal'],
- @sheet_args.trim, @sheet_args.trim_radius
- bar.increment
- end
- draw_overlay_above_cards cc
- end
- end
- protected
- # Initialize the Cairo Context
- def init_cc
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- def draw_page(cc)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- def full_filename
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- private
- def next_page_if_needed(cc, i, per_sheet)
- return cc unless (i != 0) && (i % per_sheet) == 0
- draw_overlay_above_cards cc
- cc = draw_page cc
- draw_overlay_below_cards cc
- @page_number += 1
- cc
- end
- def track_progress(range)
- msg = "Saving templated sheet to #{full_filename}"
- @deck.progress_bar.start(msg, range.size) { |bar| yield(bar) }
- end
- def draw_overlay_below_cards(cc)
- if @tmpl.crop_line_overlay == :on_margin
- add_margin_overlay_clip_mask cc
- cc.clip
- draw_crop_line cc, @tmpl.crop_lines
- cc.reset_clip
- elsif @tmpl.crop_line_overlay == :beneath_cards
- draw_crop_line cc, @tmpl.crop_lines
- end
- end
- def draw_overlay_above_cards(cc)
- if @tmpl.crop_line_overlay == :overlay_on_cards
- draw_crop_line cc, @tmpl.crop_lines
- else
- draw_crop_line cc, @overlay_lines
- end
- end
- def add_margin_overlay_clip_mask(cc)
- margin = @tmpl.margin
- cc.new_path
- cc.rectangle(
- margin[:left], margin[:top],
- margin[:right] - margin[:left],
- margin[:bottom] - margin[:top]
- )
- cc.new_sub_path
- cc.move_to @tmpl.sheet_width, 0
- cc.line_to 0, 0
- cc.line_to 0, @tmpl.sheet_height
- cc.line_to @tmpl.sheet_width, @tmpl.sheet_height
- cc.close_path
- end
- def draw_crop_line(cc, crop_lines)
- crop_lines.each do |line|
- cc.move_to line['line'].x1, line['line'].y1
- cc.line_to line['line'].x2, line['line'].y2
- cc.set_source_color line['color']
- cc.set_line_width line['width']
- cc.set_dash(line['style'].pattern) if line['style'].pattern
- cc.stroke
- end
- end
- def check_oversized_card
- Squib.logger.warn {
- "Card size is larger than sprue's expected card size "\
- "of #{@tmpl.card_width}x#{@tmpl.card_height}. Cards may overlap."
- } if (@deck.width - 2.0 * @sheet_args.trim) > @tmpl.card_width ||
- (@deck.height - 2.0 * @sheet_args.trim) > @tmpl.card_height
- end
- def draw_card(cc, card, x, y, angle, flip_v, flip_h, trim, trim_radius)
- # Compute the true size of the card after trimming
- w = @deck.width - 2.0 * trim
- h = @deck.height - 2.0 * trim
- # Normalize the angles first
- # TODO do this in the args class
- angle = angle % (2 * Math::PI)
- angle = 2 * Math::PI - angle if angle < 0
- # Perform the actual rotation and drawing
- mat = cc.matrix # Save the transformation matrix to revert later
- cc.translate x, y
- cc.translate @deck.width / 2.0, @deck.height / 2.0
- cc.flip(flip_v, flip_h, 0, 0)
- cc.rotate angle
- cc.translate -@deck.width / 2.0, -@deck.height / 2.0
- cc.rounded_rectangle(trim, trim, w, h, trim_radius, trim_radius) # clip
- cc.clip
- cc.set_source card.cairo_surface, 0, 0
- cc.matrix = mat
- cc.paint
- cc.reset_clip
- end
- end
- # Templated sheet renderer in PDF format.
- class SaveSpruePDF < SaveSprue
- def init_cc
- ratio = 72.0 / @deck.dpi
- slots =
- per_sheet = slots.size
- surface = if per_sheet == 1
- full_filename,
- (@tmpl.sheet_width - 2 * @sheet_args.trim) * ratio,
- (@tmpl.sheet_height - 2 *@sheet_args.trim) * ratio
- )
- else
- full_filename,
- @tmpl.sheet_width * ratio,
- @tmpl.sheet_height * ratio
- )
- end
- cc =
- # cc =
- cc.scale(72.0 / @deck.dpi, 72.0 / @deck.dpi) # make it like pixels
- cc
- end
- def draw_page(cc)
- cc.show_page
- cc.set_source_color(:white) # white backdrop TODO make option
- cc.paint
- cc
- end
- def full_filename
- @sheet_args.full_filename
- end
- end
- # Templated sheet renderer in PNG format.
- class SaveSpruePNG < SaveSprue
- def init_cc
- surface = @tmpl.sheet_width, @tmpl.sheet_height
- #
- end
- def draw_page(cc)
- init_cc
- cc.set_source_color(:white) # white backdrop TODO make option
- cc.paint
- cc
- end
- def full_filename
- @sheet_args.full_filename @page_number
- end
- end
- end
+module Squib
+ module Graphics
+ # Helper class to generate templated sheet.
+ class SaveSprue
+ def initialize(deck, tmpl, sheet_args)
+ @deck = deck
+ @tmpl = tmpl
+ @page_number = 1
+ @sheet_args = sheet_args # might be Args::Sheet or Args::SaveBatch
+ @overlay_lines = do |line|
+ line['overlay_on_cards']
+ end
+ end
+ def render_sheet(range)
+ cc = init_cc
+ cc.set_source_color(:white) # white backdrop TODO make option
+ cc.paint
+ slots =
+ per_sheet = slots.size
+ check_oversized_card
+ draw_overlay_below_cards cc if range.size
+ track_progress(range) do |bar|
+ range.each do |i|
+ cc = next_page_if_needed(cc, i, per_sheet)
+ card =[i]
+ slot = slots[i % per_sheet]
+ draw_card cc, card,
+ slot['x'] - @sheet_args.trim,
+ slot['y'] - @sheet_args.trim,
+ slot['rotate'],
+ slot['flip_vertical'], slot['flip_horizontal'],
+ @sheet_args.trim, @sheet_args.trim_radius
+ bar.increment
+ end
+ draw_overlay_above_cards cc
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ # Initialize the Cairo Context
+ def init_cc
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ def draw_page(cc)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ def full_filename
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ private
+ def next_page_if_needed(cc, i, per_sheet)
+ return cc unless (i != 0) && (i % per_sheet) == 0
+ draw_overlay_above_cards cc
+ cc = draw_page cc
+ draw_overlay_below_cards cc
+ @page_number += 1
+ cc
+ end
+ def track_progress(range)
+ msg = "Saving templated sheet to #{full_filename}"
+ @deck.progress_bar.start(msg, range.size) { |bar| yield(bar) }
+ end
+ def draw_overlay_below_cards(cc)
+ if @tmpl.crop_line_overlay == :on_margin
+ add_margin_overlay_clip_mask cc
+ cc.clip
+ draw_crop_line cc, @tmpl.crop_lines
+ cc.reset_clip
+ elsif @tmpl.crop_line_overlay == :beneath_cards
+ draw_crop_line cc, @tmpl.crop_lines
+ end
+ end
+ def draw_overlay_above_cards(cc)
+ if @tmpl.crop_line_overlay == :overlay_on_cards
+ draw_crop_line cc, @tmpl.crop_lines
+ else
+ draw_crop_line cc, @overlay_lines
+ end
+ end
+ def add_margin_overlay_clip_mask(cc)
+ margin = @tmpl.margin
+ cc.new_path
+ cc.rectangle(
+ margin[:left], margin[:top],
+ margin[:right] - margin[:left],
+ margin[:bottom] - margin[:top]
+ )
+ cc.new_sub_path
+ cc.move_to @tmpl.sheet_width, 0
+ cc.line_to 0, 0
+ cc.line_to 0, @tmpl.sheet_height
+ cc.line_to @tmpl.sheet_width, @tmpl.sheet_height
+ cc.close_path
+ end
+ def draw_crop_line(cc, crop_lines)
+ crop_lines.each do |line|
+ cc.move_to line['line'].x1, line['line'].y1
+ cc.line_to line['line'].x2, line['line'].y2
+ cc.set_source_color line['color']
+ cc.set_line_width line['width']
+ cc.set_dash(line['style'].pattern) if line['style'].pattern
+ cc.stroke
+ end
+ end
+ def check_oversized_card
+ Squib.logger.warn {
+ "Card size is larger than sprue's expected card size "\
+ "of #{@tmpl.card_width}x#{@tmpl.card_height}. Cards may overlap."
+ } if (@deck.width - 2.0 * @sheet_args.trim) > @tmpl.card_width ||
+ (@deck.height - 2.0 * @sheet_args.trim) > @tmpl.card_height
+ end
+ def draw_card(cc, card, x, y, angle, flip_v, flip_h, trim, trim_radius)
+ # Compute the true size of the card after trimming
+ w = @deck.width - 2.0 * trim
+ h = @deck.height - 2.0 * trim
+ # Normalize the angles first
+ # TODO do this in the args class
+ angle = angle % (2 * Math::PI)
+ angle = 2 * Math::PI - angle if angle < 0
+ # Perform the actual rotation and drawing
+ mat = cc.matrix # Save the transformation matrix to revert later
+ cc.translate x, y
+ cc.translate @deck.width / 2.0, @deck.height / 2.0
+ cc.flip(flip_v, flip_h, 0, 0)
+ cc.rotate angle
+ cc.translate -@deck.width / 2.0, -@deck.height / 2.0
+ cc.rounded_rectangle(trim, trim, w, h, trim_radius, trim_radius) # clip
+ cc.clip
+ cc.set_source card.cairo_surface, 0, 0
+ cc.matrix = mat
+ cc.paint
+ cc.reset_clip
+ end
+ end
+ # Templated sheet renderer in PDF format.
+ class SaveSpruePDF < SaveSprue
+ def init_cc
+ ratio = 72.0 / @deck.dpi
+ slots =
+ per_sheet = slots.size
+ surface = if per_sheet == 1
+ full_filename,
+ (@tmpl.sheet_width - 2 * @sheet_args.trim) * ratio,
+ (@tmpl.sheet_height - 2 *@sheet_args.trim) * ratio
+ )
+ else
+ full_filename,
+ @tmpl.sheet_width * ratio,
+ @tmpl.sheet_height * ratio
+ )
+ end
+ cc =
+ # cc =
+ cc.scale(72.0 / @deck.dpi, 72.0 / @deck.dpi) # make it like pixels
+ cc
+ end
+ def draw_page(cc)
+ cc.show_page
+ cc.set_source_color(:white) # white backdrop TODO make option
+ cc.paint
+ cc
+ end
+ def full_filename
+ @sheet_args.full_filename
+ end
+ end
+ # Templated sheet renderer in PNG format.
+ class SaveSpruePNG < SaveSprue
+ def init_cc
+ surface = @tmpl.sheet_width, @tmpl.sheet_height
+ #
+ end
+ def draw_page(cc)
+ init_cc
+ cc.set_source_color(:white) # white backdrop TODO make option
+ cc.paint
+ cc
+ end
+ def full_filename
+ @sheet_args.full_filename @page_number
+ end
+ end
+ end