spec/spec_helper.rb in squealer-2.2.1 vs spec/spec_helper.rb in squealer-2.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -2,91 +2,15 @@
require 'time'
require 'rubygems'
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
require 'squealer'
-require "spec_helper_dbms_#{ENV['EXPORT_DBMS']||'mysql'}"
-Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
- config.before(:suite) do
- $db_name = "test_export_#{object_id}"
- create_export_db($db_name)
- create_import_db($db_name)
- end
+def as_time(date)
+ Time.parse(date.to_s)
- config.after(:suite) do
- Squealer::Database.instance.send(:dispose_all_connections)
- drop_export_test_db($db_name)
- drop_mongo
- end
- config.after(:each) do
- @export_dbc.dispose if @export_dbc
- end
- def create_import_db(name)
- Squealer::Database.instance.import_from('localhost', 27017, name)
- @mongo = Squealer::Database.instance.import.instance_variable_get('@dbc')
- drop_mongo
- seed_import
- end
- def drop_mongo
- @mongo.eval('db.dropDatabase()') if @mongo
- end
- def seed_import
- hashrocket = @mongo.collection('organizations').save({ :name => 'Hashrocket' })
- zorganization = @mongo.collection('organizations').save({ :name => 'Zorganization', :disabled_date => as_time(Date.today) })
- users = [
- { :name => 'Josh Graham', :dob => as_time(Date.parse('01-Jan-1971')), :gender => 'M',
- :organization_id => hashrocket,
- :activities => [
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Develop squealer', :due_date => as_time(Date.today + 1) },
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Organize speakerconf.com', :due_date => as_time(Date.today + 30) },
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Hashrocket party', :due_date => as_time(Date.today + 7) }
- ]
- },
- { :name => 'Bernerd Schaefer', :dob => as_time(Date.parse('31-Dec-1985')), :gender => 'M',
- :organization_id => hashrocket,
- :activities => [
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Retype all of the code Josh wrote in squealer', :due_date => as_time(Date.today + 2) },
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Listen to rare Thelonius Monk EP', :due_date => as_time(Date.today) },
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Practice karaoke', :due_date => as_time(Date.today + 7) }
- ]
- },
- { :name => 'Your momma', :dob => as_time(Date.parse('15-Jun-1955')), :gender => 'F',
- :organization_id => zorganization,
- :activities => [
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Cook me some pie', :due_date => as_time(Date.today) },
- { :_id => id, :name => 'Make me a sammich', :due_date => as_time(Date.today) }
- ]
- }
- ]
- users.each { |user| @mongo.collection('users').save user }
- end
- def truncate_export_tables
- non_query('TRUNCATE TABLE "user"')
- non_query('TRUNCATE TABLE "activity"')
- non_query('TRUNCATE TABLE "organization"')
- end
- def as_time(date)
- Time.parse(date.to_s)
- end
- def non_query(text)
- export_dbc.create_command(text).execute_non_query
- end
- def id
- require 'digest/sha1'
- (Digest::SHA1.hexdigest rand.to_s)[0,24]
- end
+def id
+ require 'digest/sha1'
+ (Digest::SHA1.hexdigest rand.to_s)[0,24]