lib/cucumber/cli/configuration.rb in square-cucumber- vs lib/cucumber/cli/configuration.rb in square-cucumber-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,200 +1,31 @@
+require 'cucumber/cli/options'
module Cucumber
module Cli
class YmlLoadError < StandardError; end
+ class ProfilesNotDefinedError < YmlLoadError; end
+ class ProfileNotFound < StandardError; end
class Configuration
- 'html' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Html',
- 'pretty' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Pretty',
- 'profile' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Profile',
- 'progress' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Progress',
- 'rerun' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Rerun',
- 'usage' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Usage',
- 'junit' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Junit',
- 'tag_cloud' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::TagCloud',
- 'steps' => 'Cucumber::Formatter::Steps'
- }
- DRB_FLAG = '--drb'
- PROFILE_LONG_FLAG = '--profile'
- attr_reader :paths
attr_reader :options
def initialize(out_stream = STDOUT, error_stream = STDERR)
@out_stream = out_stream
@error_stream = error_stream
- @paths = []
- @options = default_options
+ @options =, @error_stream, :default_profile => 'default')
def parse!(args)
- args.concat(%w{--profile default}) if args.empty?
@args = args
- expand_profiles_into_args
- return if parse_drb
+ @options.parse!(args)
+ raise("You can't use both --strict and --wip") if strict? && wip?
- @args.each do |arg|
- if arg =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)$/
- ENV[$1] = $2
- @args.delete(arg)
- end
- end
+ return @args.replace(@options.expanded_args_without_drb) if drb?
- @args.extend(::OptionParser::Arguable)
- @args.options do |opts|
- opts.banner = ["Usage: cucumber [options] [ [FILE|DIR|URL][:LINE[:LINE]*] ]+", "",
- "Examples:",
- "cucumber examples/i18n/en/features",
- "cucumber --language it examples/i18n/it/features/somma.feature:6:98:113",
- "cucumber -s -i", "", "",
- ].join("\n")
- opts.on("-r LIBRARY|DIR", "--require LIBRARY|DIR",
- "Require files before executing the features. If this",
- "option is not specified, all *.rb files that are",
- "siblings or below the features will be loaded auto-",
- "matically. Automatic loading is disabled when this",
- "option is specified, and all loading becomes explicit.",
- "Files under directories named \"support\" are always",
- "loaded first.",
- "This option can be specified multiple times.") do |v|
- @options[:require] ||= []
- @options[:require] << v
- end
- opts.on("-l LANG", "--language LANG",
- "Specify language for features (Default: #{@options[:lang]})",
- %{Run with "--language help" to see all languages},
- %{Run with "--language LANG help" to list keywords for LANG}) do |v|
- if v == 'help'
- list_languages_and_exit
- elsif args==['help']
- list_keywords_and_exit(v)
- else
- @options[:lang] = v
- end
- end
- opts.on("-f FORMAT", "--format FORMAT",
- "How to format features (Default: pretty)",
- "Available formats: #{BUILTIN_FORMATS.keys.sort.join(", ")}",
- "FORMAT can also be the fully qualified class name of",
- "your own custom formatter. If the class isn't loaded,",
- "Cucumber will attempt to require a file with a relative",
- "file name that is the underscore name of the class name.",
- "Example: --format Foo::BarZap -> Cucumber will look for",
- "foo/bar_zap.rb. You can place the file with this relative",
- "path underneath your features/support directory or anywhere",
- "on Ruby's LOAD_PATH, for example in a Ruby gem.") do |v|
- @options[:formats] << [v, @out_stream]
- @active_format = v
- end
- opts.on("-o", "--out [FILE|DIR]",
- "Write output to a file/directory instead of STDOUT. This option",
- "applies to the previously specified --format, or the",
- "default format if no format is specified. Check the specific",
- "formatter's docs to see whether to pass a file or a dir.") do |v|
- @options[:formats] << ['pretty', nil] if @options[:formats].empty?
- @options[:formats][-1][1] = v
- end
- opts.on("-t TAGS", "--tags TAGS",
- "Only execute the features or scenarios with the specified tags.",
- "TAGS must be comma-separated without spaces. Prefix tags with ~ to",
- "exclude features or scenarios having that tag. Tags can be specified",
- "with or without the @ prefix.") do |v|
- @options[:include_tags], @options[:exclude_tags] = *parse_tags(v)
- end
- opts.on("-n NAME", "--name NAME",
- "Only execute the feature elements which match part of the given name.",
- "If this option is given more than once, it will match against all the",
- "given names.") do |v|
- @options[:name_regexps] << /#{v}/
- end
- opts.on("-e", "--exclude PATTERN", "Don't run feature files or require ruby files matching PATTERN") do |v|
- @options[:excludes] <<
- end
- opts.on(PROFILE_SHORT_FLAG, "#{PROFILE_LONG_FLAG} PROFILE", "Pull commandline arguments from cucumber.yml.") do |v|
- # Processing of this is done previsouly so that the DRb flag can be detected within profiles.
- end
- opts.on("-c", "--[no-]color",
- "Whether or not to use ANSI color in the output. Cucumber decides",
- "based on your platform and the output destination if not specified.") do |v|
- Term::ANSIColor.coloring = v
- end
- opts.on("-d", "--dry-run", "Invokes formatters without executing the steps.",
- "This also omits the loading of your support/env.rb file if it exists.",
- "Implies --quiet.") do
- @options[:dry_run] = true
- @quiet = true
- end
- opts.on("-a", "--autoformat DIRECTORY",
- "Reformats (pretty prints) feature files and write them to DIRECTORY.",
- "Be careful if you choose to overwrite the originals.",
- "Implies --dry-run --formatter pretty.") do |directory|
- @options[:autoformat] = directory
- Term::ANSIColor.coloring = false
- @options[:dry_run] = true
- @quiet = true
- end
- opts.on("-m", "--no-multiline",
- "Don't print multiline strings and tables under steps.") do
- @options[:no_multiline] = true
- end
- opts.on("-s", "--no-source",
- "Don't print the file and line of the step definition with the steps.") do
- @options[:source] = false
- end
- opts.on("-i", "--no-snippets", "Don't print snippets for pending steps.") do
- @options[:snippets] = false
- end
- opts.on("-q", "--quiet", "Alias for --no-snippets --no-source.") do
- @quiet = true
- end
- opts.on("-b", "--backtrace", "Show full backtrace for all errors.") do
- Exception.cucumber_full_backtrace = true
- end
- opts.on("-S", "--strict", "Fail if there are any undefined steps.") do
- @options[:strict] = true
- end
- opts.on("-w", "--wip", "Fail if there are any passing scenarios.") do
- @options[:wip] = true
- end
- opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Show the files and features loaded.") do
- @options[:verbose] = true
- end
- opts.on("-g", "--guess", "Guess best match for Ambiguous steps.") do
- @options[:guess] = true
- end
- opts.on("-x", "--expand", "Expand Scenario Outline Tables in output.") do
- @options[:expand] = true
- end
- opts.on("--no-diff", "Disable diff output on failing expectations.") do
- @options[:diff_enabled] = false
- end
- opts.on(DRB_FLAG, "Run features against a DRb server. (i.e. with the spork gem)") do
- # Processing of this is done previsouly in order to short circuit args from being lost.
- end
- opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version.") do
- @out_stream.puts VERSION::STRING
- Kernel.exit
- end
- opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "You're looking at it.") do
- @out_stream.puts
- Kernel.exit
- end
- end.parse!
+ set_environment_variables
- @options[:snippets] = true if !@quiet && @options[:snippets].nil?
- @options[:source] = true if !@quiet && @options[:source].nil?
- raise("You can't use both --strict and --wip") if @options[:strict] && @options[:wip]
- # Whatever is left after option parsing is the FILE arguments
- @paths += @args
def verbose?
@@ -214,22 +45,15 @@
def diff_enabled?
def drb?
- @drb
+ @options[:drb]
- def parse_tags(tag_string)
- tag_names = tag_string.split(",")
- excludes, includes = tag_names.partition{|tag| tag =~ /^~/}
- excludes ={|tag| tag[1..-1]}
- # Strip @
- includes ={|tag| Ast::Tags.strip_prefix(tag)}
- excludes ={|tag| Ast::Tags.strip_prefix(tag)}
- [includes, excludes]
+ def paths
+ @options[:paths]
def build_formatter_broadcaster(step_mother)
return, nil, @options) if @options[:autoformat]
formatters = @options[:formats].map do |format_and_out|
@@ -258,19 +82,19 @@
broadcaster.options = @options
return broadcaster
def formatter_class(format)
- if(builtin = BUILTIN_FORMATS[format])
- constantize(builtin)
+ if(builtin = Options::BUILTIN_FORMATS[format])
+ constantize(builtin[0])
def files_to_require
- requires = @options[:require] || feature_dirs
+ requires = @options[:require].empty? ? require_dirs : @options[:require]
files = do |path|
path = path.gsub(/\\/, '/') # In case we're on windows. Globs don't work with backslashes.
path = path.gsub(/\/$/, '') # Strip trailing slash. ? Dir["#{path}/**/*.rb"] : path
@@ -281,21 +105,27 @@
files.reject! {|f| f =~ %r{/support/env.rb} } if @options[:dry_run]
def feature_files
- potential_feature_files = do |path|
+ potential_feature_files = @options[:paths].map do |path|
path = path.gsub(/\\/, '/') # In case we're on windows. Globs don't work with backslashes.
path = path.chomp('/') ? Dir["#{path}/**/*.feature"] : path
- protected
+ private
+ def set_environment_variables
+ @options[:env_vars].each do |var, value|
+ ENV[var] = value
+ end
+ end
def arrange_formats
@options[:formats] << ['pretty', @out_stream] if @options[:formats].empty?
@options[:formats] = @options[:formats].sort_by{|f| f[1] == @out_stream ? -1 : 1}
if @options[:formats].length > 1 && @options[:formats][1][1] == @out_stream
raise "All but one formatter must use --out, only one can print to STDOUT"
@@ -305,13 +135,17 @@
def remove_excluded_files_from(files)
files.reject! {|path| @options[:excludes].detect {|pattern| path =~ pattern } }
def feature_dirs
- { |f| ? f : File.dirname(f) }.uniq
+ { |f| ? f : File.dirname(f) }.uniq
+ def require_dirs
+ feature_dirs + Dir['vendor/{gems,plugins}/*/cucumber']
+ end
def constantize(camel_cased_word)
names = camel_cased_word.split('::')
names.shift if names.empty? || names.first.empty?
@@ -333,93 +167,9 @@
tr("-", "_").
- def expand_profiles_into_args
- while (profile_index = @args.index(PROFILE_SHORT_FLAG) || @args.index(PROFILE_LONG_FLAG)) do
- @args.delete_at(profile_index)
- @args[profile_index] = args_from_profile(@args[profile_index])
- @args.flatten!
- end
- end
- def args_from_profile(profile)
- unless cucumber_yml.has_key?(profile)
- raise(<<-END_OF_ERROR)
-Could not find profile: '#{profile}'
-Defined profiles in cucumber.yml:
- * #{cucumber_yml.keys.join("\n * ")}
- end
- args_from_yml = cucumber_yml[profile] || ''
- case(args_from_yml)
- when String
- raise "The '#{profile}' profile in cucumber.yml was blank. Please define the command line arguments for the '#{profile}' profile in cucumber.yml.\n" if args_from_yml =~ /^\s*$/
- args_from_yml = args_from_yml.split(' ')
- when Array
- raise "The '#{profile}' profile in cucumber.yml was empty. Please define the command line arguments for the '#{profile}' profile in cucumber.yml.\n" if args_from_yml.empty?
- else
- raise "The '#{profile}' profile in cucumber.yml was a #{args_from_yml.class}. It must be a String or Array"
- end
- args_from_yml
- end
- def cucumber_yml
- return @cucumber_yml if @cucumber_yml
- unless File.exist?('cucumber.yml')
- raise(YmlLoadError,"cucumber.yml was not found. Please refer to cucumber's documentation on defining profiles in cucumber.yml. You must define a 'default' profile to use the cucumber command without any arguments.\nType 'cucumber --help' for usage.\n")
- end
- require 'yaml'
- begin
- @cucumber_yml = YAML::load('cucumber.yml'))
- rescue StandardError => e
- raise(YmlLoadError,"cucumber.yml was found, but could not be parsed. Please refer to cucumber's documentation on correct profile usage.\n")
- end
- if @cucumber_yml.nil? || !@cucumber_yml.is_a?(Hash)
- raise(YmlLoadError,"cucumber.yml was found, but was blank or malformed. Please refer to cucumber's documentation on correct profile usage.\n")
- end
- return @cucumber_yml
- end
- # TODO: Move to Language
- def list_keywords_and_exit(lang)
- unless Cucumber::LANGUAGES[lang]
- raise("No language with key #{lang}")
- end
- LanguageHelpFormatter.list_keywords(@out_stream, lang)
- Kernel.exit
- end
- def list_languages_and_exit
- LanguageHelpFormatter.list_languages(@out_stream)
- Kernel.exit
- end
- def parse_drb
- @drb = @args.delete(DRB_FLAG) ? true : false
- end
- def default_options
- {
- :strict => false,
- :require => nil,
- :lang => nil,
- :dry_run => false,
- :formats => [],
- :excludes => [],
- :include_tags => [],
- :exclude_tags => [],
- :name_regexps => [],
- :diff_enabled => true
- }
- end