Rakefile in squall-1.0.2 vs Rakefile in squall-1.1.0

- old
+ new

@@ -16,46 +16,17 @@ end RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new :spec Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks -desc "Sanitize sensitive info from cassettes" -task :sanitize_cassettes do - yaml = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.squall.yml') - if File.exists?(yaml) - config = YAML::load_file(yaml) - uri = URI.parse(config['base_uri']).host - user = config['username'] - pass = config['password'] - - path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec', 'vcr_cassettes') - files = Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*.yml") - if files.any? - files.each do |file| - old = File.read(file) - # if old.match(/#{uri}|#{user}|#{pass}/) - puts "Sanitizing #{file}" - old.gsub!(user, 'user') - old.gsub!(pass, 'pass') - old.gsub!(uri, 'www.example.com') - old.gsub!(/_onapp_session=(.*?);/, "_onapp_session=WHAT;") - old.gsub!(/- Basic .*/, "- Basic WHAT") - File.open(file, 'w') do |f| - f.write old - end - # end - end - else - puts "Nothing to sanitize" - end - else - puts "I can't sanitize without setting up WHM_HASH and WHM_HOST" - end -end - desc "Run all specs with rcov" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:rcov) do |t| t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = %w{--exclude osx\/objc,gems\/,spec\/,features\/} +end + +desc "Open an irb session preloaded with this library" +task :console do + sh "irb -rubygems -r ./lib/squall.rb -I ./lib" end task :default => [:spec]