app/server.rb in sqlui-0.1.19 vs app/server.rb in sqlui-0.1.20
- old
+ new
@@ -2,266 +2,172 @@
require 'erb'
require 'json'
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'uri'
+require_relative 'database_metadata'
require_relative 'environment'
+require_relative 'mysql_types'
require_relative 'sql_parser'
-require_relative 'sqlui_config'
+require_relative 'sqlui'
-if ARGV.include?('-v') || ARGV.include?('--version')
- puts'.version')
- exit
-raise 'you must specify a configuration file' unless ARGV.size == 1
-raise 'configuration file does not exist' unless File.exist?(ARGV[0])
# SQLUI Sinatra server.
class Server < Sinatra::Base
- MAX_ROWS = 1_000
+ def self.init_and_run(config, resources_dir)
+ set :logging, true
+ set :bind, ''
+ set :port, Environment.server_port
+ set :env, Environment.server_env
+ set :raise_errors, false
+ set :show_exceptions, false
- CONFIG =[0])
+ get '/-/health' do
+ status 200
+ body 'OK'
+ end
- def initialize(app = nil, **_kwargs)
- super
- @config = Server::CONFIG
- @resources_dir = File.join(File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'client', 'resources')
- end
+ get "#{config.list_url_path}/?" do
+ erb :databases, locals: { config: config }
+ end
- set :logging, true
- set :bind, ''
- set :port, Environment.server_port
- set :env, Environment.server_env
+ config.database_configs.each do |database|
+ get database.url_path.to_s do
+ redirect "#{database.url_path}/app", 301
+ end
- get '/-/health' do
- status 200
- body 'OK'
- end
+ get "#{database.url_path}/app" do
+ @html ||=, 'sqlui.html'))
+ status 200
+ headers 'Content-Type': 'text/html'
+ body @html
+ end
- get "#{CONFIG.list_url_path}/?" do
- erb :databases, locals: { config: @config }
- end
+ get "#{database.url_path}/sqlui.css" do
+ @css ||=, 'sqlui.css'))
+ status 200
+ headers 'Content-Type': 'text/css'
+ body @css
+ end
- CONFIG.database_configs.each do |database|
- get database.url_path.to_s do
- redirect "#{params[:database]}/app", 301
- end
+ get "#{database.url_path}/sqlui.js" do
+ @js ||=, 'sqlui.js'))
+ status 200
+ headers 'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'
+ body @js
+ end
- get "#{database.url_path}/app" do
- @html ||=, 'sqlui.html'))
- status 200
- headers 'Content-Type': 'text/html'
- body @html
- end
+ get "#{database.url_path}/metadata" do
+ database_config = config.database_config_for(url_path: database.url_path)
+ metadata = database_config.with_client do |client|
+ {
+ server:,
+ schemas: DatabaseMetadata.lookup(client, database_config),
+ saved: Dir.glob("#{database_config.saved_path}/*.sql").map do |path|
+ comment_lines = File.readlines(path).take_while do |l|
+ l.start_with?('--')
+ end
+ description = { |l| l.sub(/^-- */, '') }.join
+ {
+ filename: File.basename(path),
+ description: description
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ status 200
+ headers 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ body metadata.to_json
+ end
- get "#{database.url_path}/sqlui.css" do
- @css ||=, 'sqlui.css'))
- status 200
- headers 'Content-Type': 'text/css'
- body @css
- end
+ get "#{database.url_path}/query_file" do
+ break client_error('missing file param') unless params[:file]
+ break client_error('no such file') unless File.exist?(params[:file])
- get "#{database.url_path}/sqlui.js" do
- @js ||=, 'sqlui.js'))
- status 200
- headers 'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'
- body @js
- end
+ database_config = config.database_config_for(url_path: database.url_path)
+ sql =, params[:file]))
+ result = database_config.with_client do |client|
+ execute_query(client, sql).tap { |r| r[:file] = params[:file] }
+ end
- get "#{database.url_path}/metadata" do
- database_config = @config.database_config_for(url_path: database.url_path)
- metadata = database_config.with_client do |client|
- load_metadata(client, database_config.database, database_config.saved_path)
+ status 200
+ headers 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ body result.to_json
- status 200
- headers 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- body metadata.to_json
- end
- get "#{database.url_path}/query_file" do
- return client_error('missing file param') unless params[:file]
- return client_error('no such file') unless File.exist?(params[:file])
+ post "#{database.url_path}/query" do
+ params.merge!(JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true))
+ break client_error('missing sql') unless params[:sql]
- database_config = @config.database_config_for(url_path: database.url_path)
- sql =, params[:file]))
- result = database_config.with_client do |client|
- execute_query(client, sql).tap { |r| r[:file] = params[:file] }
- end
+ sql = params[:sql]
+ selection = params[:selection]
+ if selection
+ selection = selection.split(':').map { |v| Integer(v) }
- status 200
- headers 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- body result.to_json
- end
+ sql = if selection[0] == selection[1]
+ SqlParser.find_statement_at_cursor(params[:sql], selection[0])
+ else
+ params[:sql][selection[0], selection[1]]
+ end
+ break client_error("can't find query at selection") unless sql
+ end
- post "#{database.url_path}/query" do
- params.merge!(JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true))
- return client_error('missing sql') unless params[:sql]
- return client_error('missing cursor') unless params[:cursor]
+ database_config = config.database_config_for(url_path: database.url_path)
+ result = database_config.with_client do |client|
+ execute_query(client, sql)
+ end
- sql = SqlParser.find_statement_at_cursor(params[:sql], Integer(params[:cursor]))
- raise "can't find query at cursor" unless sql
+ result[:selection] = params[:selection]
- database_config = @config.database_config_for(url_path: database.url_path)
- result = database_config.with_client do |client|
- execute_query(client, sql)
+ status 200
+ headers 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ body result.to_json
+ end
- status 200
+ error do |e|
+ status 500
headers 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ result = {
+ error: e.message,
+ stacktrace: { |b| b }.join("\n")
+ }
body result.to_json
+ run!
def client_error(message, stacktrace: nil)
headers('Content-Type': 'application/json')
- body({ message: message, stacktrace: stacktrace }.compact.to_json)
+ body({ error: message, stacktrace: stacktrace }.compact.to_json)
- def load_metadata(client, database, saved_path)
- result = {
- server:,
- schemas: {},
- saved: Dir.glob("#{saved_path}/*.sql").map do |path|
- {
- filename: File.basename(path),
- description: File.readlines(path).take_while { |l| l.start_with?('--') }.map { |l| l.sub(/^-- */, '') }.join
- }
- end
- }
- where_clause = if database
- "where table_schema = '#{database}'"
- else
- "where table_schema not in('mysql', 'sys', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema')"
- end
- column_result = client.query(
- <<~SQL
- select
- table_schema,
- table_name,
- column_name,
- data_type,
- character_maximum_length,
- is_nullable,
- column_key,
- column_default,
- extra
- from information_schema.columns
- #{where_clause}
- order by table_schema, table_name, column_name, ordinal_position;
- )
- column_result.each do |row|
- row = row.transform_keys(&:downcase).transform_keys(&:to_sym)
- table_schema = row[:table_schema]
- unless result[:schemas][table_schema]
- result[:schemas][table_schema] = {
- tables: {}
- }
- end
- table_name = row[:table_name]
- tables = result[:schemas][table_schema][:tables]
- unless tables[table_name]
- tables[table_name] = {
- indexes: {},
- columns: {}
- }
- end
- columns = result[:schemas][table_schema][:tables][table_name][:columns]
- column_name = row[:column_name]
- columns[column_name] = {} unless columns[column_name]
- column = columns[column_name]
- column[:name] = column_name
- column[:data_type] = row[:data_type]
- column[:length] = row[:character_maximum_length]
- column[:allow_null] = row[:is_nullable]
- column[:key] = row[:column_key]
- column[:default] = row[:column_default]
- column[:extra] = row[:extra]
- end
- where_clause = if database
- "where table_schema = '#{database}'"
- else
- "where table_schema not in('mysql', 'sys', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema')"
- end
- stats_result = client.query(
- <<~SQL
- select
- table_schema,
- table_name,
- index_name,
- seq_in_index,
- non_unique,
- column_name
- from information_schema.statistics
- #{where_clause}
- order by table_schema, table_name, if(index_name = "PRIMARY", 0, index_name), seq_in_index;
- )
- stats_result.each do |row|
- row = row.transform_keys(&:downcase).transform_keys(&:to_sym)
- table_schema = row[:table_schema]
- tables = result[:schemas][table_schema][:tables]
- table_name = row[:table_name]
- indexes = tables[table_name][:indexes]
- index_name = row[:index_name]
- indexes[index_name] = {} unless indexes[index_name]
- index = indexes[index_name]
- column_name = row[:column_name]
- index[column_name] = {}
- column = index[column_name]
- column[:name] = index_name
- column[:seq_in_index] = row[:seq_in_index]
- column[:non_unique] = row[:non_unique]
- column[:column_name] = row[:column_name]
- end
- result
- end
def execute_query(client, sql)
- result = client.query(sql, cast: false)
- rows =
- columns = result.first&.keys || []
- # TODO: use field_types
- column_types = { |_| 'string' }
- unless rows.empty?
- maybe_non_null_column_value_exemplars = do |_, index|
- row = rows.find do |current|
- !current[index].nil?
- end
- row.nil? ? nil : row[index]
- end
- column_types = do |value|
- case value
- when String, NilClass
- 'string'
- when Integer, Float
- 'number'
- when Date
- 'date'
- when Time
- 'datetime'
- when TrueClass, FalseClass
- 'boolean'
- else
- # TODO: report an error
- value.class.to_s
- end
- end
+ if sql.include?(';')
+ results = sql.split(/(?<=;)/).map { |current| client.query(current) }
+ result = results[-1]
+ else
+ result = client.query(sql)
+ # NOTE: the call to result.field_types must go before any other interaction with the result. Otherwise you will
+ # get a seg fault. Seems to be a bug in Mysql2.
+ if result
+ column_types = MysqlTypes.map_to_google_charts_types(result.field_types)
+ rows =
+ columns = result.first&.keys || []
+ else
+ column_types = []
+ rows = []
+ columns = []
+ end
query: sql,
columns: columns,
column_types: column_types,
total_rows: rows.size,
- rows: rows.take(MAX_ROWS)
+ rows: rows.take(Sqlui::MAX_ROWS)
- run!