website/index.txt in sqld4r-0.0.1 vs website/index.txt in sqld4r-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -7,10 +7,18 @@
The sqld4r is model generator for SQLDesigner(<br />
If you have a xml file of the SQLDesigner, you will be able to generate migration files and model files on a minute.<br />
I recommend that you use it with a rocketstarter gem.<br />
+h2. Features
+* generate migration files and model files from SQLDesigner xml file.<br />
+* generate migration file for your model's PKs and FKs.<br />
+* execute command list before finish.<br />
+(exp., execute 'rake db:create:all' for migrate to your database).<br />
+* save the DBDesigner xml file.<br />
h2. Installing
<pre syntax="ruby">gem install sqld4r</pre>
h2. The basics
@@ -24,9 +32,45 @@
Usage: sqld4r SQLDesigner_xml_path [options]
Usage: sqld4r --init [options]
Usage: sqld4r --check [options]
and more...
Usage: sqld4r --help
+h2. How to use
+1. Set environment valiable if you want to change a config file path.
+<pre syntax="ruby">
+$ export SQLD4R_CONF=~/.sqld4r
+- Default is $HOME/.sqld4r
+2. Create config file.
+<pre syntax="ruby">
+$ sqld4r --init
+3. Modify default values and command list.
+<pre syntax="ruby">
+$ vi ~/.sqld4r
+$ vi ~/sqld4r_execute_commands
+4. Test for setting
+<pre syntax="ruby">
+$ sqld4r --check
+5. Generate migration files and model files from SQLDesigner xml file.
+<pre syntax="ruby">
+$ cd your-rails-root
+$ sqld4r /path/to/SQLDesigner.xml
h2. Forum
" (English)":