lib/sql_tree/node.rb in sql_tree-0.1.0 vs lib/sql_tree/node.rb in sql_tree-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,35 +1,106 @@
module SQLTree::Node
+ # Auto-loades files for Node subclasses that reside in the
+ # node directory, based on the classname.
def self.const_missing(const)
SQLTree.load_default_class_file(SQLTree::Node, const)
+ # The SQLTree::Node::Base class is the superclass for all node
+ # types that are used to represent SQL queries.
+ #
+ # This class implements some helper methods, and enables the
+ # SQLTree::Node::NodeType['SQL fragment'] construct to parse SQL
+ # queries.
class Base
+ def initialize(attributes = {}) # :nodoc:
+ attributes.each { |key, value| send(:"#{key}=", value) }
+ end
# Pretty prints this instance for inspection
def inspect
# Quotes a variable name so that it can be safely used within
# SQL queries.
+ # <tt>name</tt>:: The name of the variable to quote.
def quote_var(name)
- "\"#{name}\""
+ "#{SQLTree.identifier_quote_char}#{name}#{SQLTree.identifier_quote_char}" # TODO: MySQL style variable quoting
- # Quotes a string so that it can be used within an SQL query.
+ # Quotes a string so that it can be used safey within an SQL query.
+ # <tt>str</tt>:: The string to quote.
def quote_str(str)
- "'#{str.gsub(/\'/, "''")}'"
+ "'#{str.gsub("'", "''")}'"
- # This method should be implemented by a subclass.
+ # Registers the children and leafs attributes in the subclass
+ def self.inherited(subclass)
+ class << subclass; attr_accessor :children, :leafs; end
+ subclass.children = []
+ subclass.leafs = []
+ end
+ # Adds another leaf to this node class.
+ def self.leaf(name)
+ self.leafs << name
+ self.send(:attr_accessor, name)
+ end
+ # Adds another child to this node class.
+ def self.child(name)
+ self.children << name
+ self.send(:attr_accessor, name)
+ end
+ # Compares this node with another node, returns true if the nodes are equal.
+ def ==(other)
+ other.kind_of?(self.class) && equal_children?(other) && equal_leafs?(other)
+ end
+ # Returns true if all children of the current object and the other object are equal.
+ def equal_children?(other)
+ self.class.children.all? { |child| send(child) == other.send(child) }
+ end
+ # Returns true if all leaf values of the current object and the other object are equal.
+ def equal_leafs?(other)
+ self.class.leafs.all? { |leaf| send(leaf) == other.send(leaf) }
+ end
+ # Parses an SQL fragment tree from a stream of tokens.
+ #
+ # This method should be implemented by each subclass.
+ # This method should not be called directly, but the
+ # <tt>SQLTree::Node::Subclass#[]</tt> should be called to
+ # parse an SQL fragment provided as a string.
+ #
+ # <tt>tokens</tt>:: the token stream to use for parsing.
def self.parse(tokens)
raise 'Only implemented in subclasses!'
+ def self.parse_list(tokens, item_class = SQLTree::Node::Expression)
+ items = [item_class.parse(tokens)]
+ while SQLTree::Token::COMMA === tokens.peek
+ tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::COMMA)
+ items << item_class.parse(tokens)
+ end
+ return items
+ end
# Parses a string, expecting it to be parsable to an instance of
# the current class.
+ #
+ # This method will construct a new parser that will tokenize the
+ # string, and will then present the stream of tokens to the
+ # <tt>self.parse</tt> method of the current class.
+ #
+ # <tt>sql</tt>:: The SQL string to parse
+ # <tt>options</tt>:: A Hash of options to send to the parser.
def self.[](sql, options = {})
parser =, options)
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