lib/spreewald/web_steps.rb in spreewald-2.1.3 vs lib/spreewald/web_steps.rb in spreewald-2.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -193,11 +193,128 @@
regexp =
expect(page).to have_no_xpath('.//descendant-or-self::*', :text => regexp)
+# Checks for the existance of an input field (given its id or label)
+Then /^I should( not)? see a field "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, name|
+ expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
+ patiently do
+ begin
+ # In old Capybaras find_field returns nil, so we assign it to `field`
+ field = find_field(name)
+ rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound
+ # In Capybara 0.4+ #find_field raises an error instead of returning nil
+ # We must explicitely reset the field variable from a previous patiently iteration
+ field = nil
+ end
+ expect(field).send(expectation, be_present)
+ end
+# Use this step to test for a number or money amount instead of a simple `Then I should see`
+# Checks for an unexpected minus sign, correct decimal places etc.
+# See [here]( for details
+Then /^I should( not)? see the (?:number|amount) ([\-\d,\.]+)(?: (.*?))?$/ do |negate, amount, unit|
+ no_minus = amount.starts_with?('-') ? '' : '[^\\-]'
+ nbsp = " "
+ regexp = + "\\b" + Regexp.quote(amount) + (unit ? "( |#{nbsp}| )(#{unit}|#{Regexp.quote(, :named))})" :"\\b"))
+ expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
+ patiently do
+ expect(page.body).send(expectation, match(regexp))
+ end
+# Like `Then I should see`, but with single instead of double quotes. In case
+# the expected string contains quotes as well.
+Then /^(?:|I )should see '([^']*)'$/ do |text|
+ patiently do
+ expect(page).to have_content(text)
+ end
+# Check that the raw HTML contains a string
+Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)" in the HTML$/ do |text|
+ patiently do
+ expect(page.body).to include(text)
+ end
+Then /^I should not see "([^\"]*)" in the HTML$/ do |text|
+ patiently do
+ expect(page.body).not_to include(text)
+ end
+# Checks that status code is 400..599
+Then /^I should see an error$/ do
+ expect((400 .. 599)).to include(page.status_code)
+# Check that an element with the given selector is present on the page.
+# Example:
+# Then I should see an element ".panel"
+# Then I should see the element ".panel"
+# Then I should not see an element ".sidebar"
+# Then I should not see the element ".sidebar"
+Then /^I should (not )?see (?:an|the) element "([^"]+)"$/ do |negate, selector|
+ expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
+ patiently do
+ expect(page).send(expectation, have_css(selector))
+ end
+# Check that an element with the given [selector alias]( is present on the page.
+# Example:
+# Then I should see an element for the panel
+# Then I should see the element for the panel
+# Then I should not see an element for the sidebar
+# Then I should not see the element for the sidebar
+Then /^I should (not )?see (?:an|the) element for (.*?)$/ do |negate, locator|
+ expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
+ selector = _selector_for(locator)
+ patiently do
+ expect(page).send(expectation, have_selector(*selector))
+ end
+end.overridable(:priority => -5) # priority must be lower than the "within" step
+# Checks that these strings are rendered in the given order in a single line or in multiple lines
+# Example:
+# Then I should see in this order:
+# | Alpha Group |
+# | Augsburg |
+# | Berlin |
+# | Beta Group |
+Then /^I should see in this order:?$/ do |text|
+ if text.is_a?(String)
+ lines = text.split(/\n/)
+ else
+ lines = text.raw.flatten
+ end
+ lines = lines.collect { |line| line.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')}.collect(&:strip).reject(&:blank?)
+ pattern = lines.collect(&Regexp.method(:quote)).join('.*?')
+ pattern = Regexp.compile(pattern)
+ patiently do
+ expect(page.text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')).to match(pattern)
+ end
+# Checks that the page contains a link with a given text or title attribute.
+Then /^I should( not)? see a link labeled "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, label|
+ expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
+ link = page.first('a', :text => label, minimum: 0) || page.first(%(a[title="#{label}"]), minimum: 0)
+ expect(link).send(expectation, be_present)
# Checks that an input field contains some value (allowing * as wildcard character)
Then /^the "([^"]*)" field should (not )?contain "([^"]*)"$/ do |label, negate, expected_string|
patiently do
field = find_field(label)
field_value = case field.tag_name
@@ -324,42 +441,10 @@
raise 'Neither launchy nor capybara_screenshot gem is installed. You have to add at least one of them to your Gemfile to use this step'
-# Checks for the existance of an input field (given its id or label)
-Then /^I should( not)? see a field "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, name|
- expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
- patiently do
- begin
- # In old Capybaras find_field returns nil, so we assign it to `field`
- field = find_field(name)
- rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound
- # In Capybara 0.4+ #find_field raises an error instead of returning nil
- # We must explicitely reset the field variable from a previous patiently iteration
- field = nil
- end
- expect(field).send(expectation, be_present)
- end
-# Use this step to test for a number or money amount instead of a simple `Then I should see`
-# Checks for an unexpected minus sign, correct decimal places etc.
-# See [here]( for details
-Then /^I should( not)? see the (?:number|amount) ([\-\d,\.]+)(?: (.*?))?$/ do |negate, amount, unit|
- no_minus = amount.starts_with?('-') ? '' : '[^\\-]'
- nbsp = " "
- regexp = + "\\b" + Regexp.quote(amount) + (unit ? "( |#{nbsp}| )(#{unit}|#{Regexp.quote(, :named))})" :"\\b"))
- expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
- patiently do
- expect(page.body).send(expectation, match(regexp))
- end
# Checks `Content-Type` HTTP header
Then /^I should get a response with content-type "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_content_type|
expect(page.response_headers['Content-Type']).to match /\A#{Regexp.quote(expected_content_type)}($|;)/
@@ -404,36 +489,10 @@
expect(find_field(field)).to have_css(*finder_arguments)
-# Like `Then I should see`, but with single instead of double quotes. In case
-# the expected string contains quotes as well.
-Then /^(?:|I )should see '([^']*)'$/ do |text|
- patiently do
- expect(page).to have_content(text)
- end
-# Check that the raw HTML contains a string
-Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)" in the HTML$/ do |text|
- patiently do
- expect(page.body).to include(text)
- end
-Then /^I should not see "([^\"]*)" in the HTML$/ do |text|
- patiently do
- expect(page.body).not_to include(text)
- end
-# Checks that status code is 400..599
-Then /^I should see an error$/ do
- expect((400 .. 599)).to include(page.status_code)
Then /^the window should be titled "([^"]*)"$/ do |title|
patiently do
expect(pag).to have_css('title', :text => title)
@@ -529,42 +588,10 @@
link = find_link(link_label)
expect(link[:href]).to match(/#{Regexp.escape target}(\?[^\/]*)?$/) # ignore trailing timestamps
-# Check that an element with the given selector is present on the page.
-# Example:
-# Then I should see an element ".panel"
-# Then I should see the element ".panel"
-# Then I should not see an element ".sidebar"
-# Then I should not see the element ".sidebar"
-Then /^I should (not )?see (?:an|the) element "([^"]+)"$/ do |negate, selector|
- expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
- patiently do
- expect(page).send(expectation, have_css(selector))
- end
-# Check that an element with the given [selector alias]( is present on the page.
-# Example:
-# Then I should see an element for the panel
-# Then I should see the element for the panel
-# Then I should not see an element for the sidebar
-# Then I should not see the element for the sidebar
-Then /^I should (not )?see (?:an|the) element for (.*?)$/ do |negate, locator|
- expectation = negate ? :not_to : :to
- selector = _selector_for(locator)
- patiently do
- expect(page).send(expectation, have_selector(*selector))
- end
-end.overridable(:priority => -5) # priority must be lower than the "within" step
# Checks that the result has content type `text/plain`
Then /^I should get a text response$/ do
step 'I should get a response with content-type "text/plain"'
@@ -620,32 +647,9 @@
When /^I switch to the new tab$/ do
if javascript_capable?
raise("This step works only with selenium")
- end
-# Checks that these strings are rendered in the given order in a single line or in multiple lines
-# Example:
-# Then I should see in this order:
-# | Alpha Group |
-# | Augsburg |
-# | Berlin |
-# | Beta Group |
-Then /^I should see in this order:?$/ do |text|
- if text.is_a?(String)
- lines = text.split(/\n/)
- else
- lines = text.raw.flatten
- end
- lines = lines.collect { |line| line.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')}.collect(&:strip).reject(&:blank?)
- pattern = lines.collect(&Regexp.method(:quote)).join('.*?')
- pattern = Regexp.compile(pattern)
- patiently do
- expect(page.text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')).to match(pattern)
# Tests that an input or button with the given label is disabled.
Then /^the "([^\"]*)" (field|button|checkbox) should( not)? be disabled$/ do |label, kind, negate|